write figure 3 Class:KG 1 Subject: Number ReadinessTopic: Identification and writing of figure 3 -(1) write figure 3 Spread the Word, Share This!FacebookWhatsAppTelegramMoreLinkedInTwitterTumblr More Useful LinksThird Term SS 2 English language ExaminationCREATIVITY ACTIVITY TERM ONE3rd Term Pry 1 Exams All subjectsTHIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCETHIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: LITERATURERecommend Posts :Number Readiness. Writing of small letters a, b and cNumber Work Nursery 1 Age 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10Circle the biggest numberJohnny Johnny ,yes papaReading of letter a to z and writing of letter a to oCounting Figures From 1 to 50Reasons we need to obey traffic RegulationsCivic Education Primary 5 Revision of Second Term workImportance of Agricultural Science Week 1 RevisionThe Sun Benefits To Man Tags:KG 1, number Readiness, Third Term