Consequences of citizens falling to perform their Duties and Obligations

Subject :

Civic Education Primary 5/ Basic 5

Topic :

(A) Duties and obligations of citizens to government

(B) Consequences of citizens failing to perform their Duties and Obligations

Class :

Primary 5 / Primary 5

Term :

Third Term

Week :

Week 3

Instructional Materials :

Newspaper showing tax defaulters, magazines showing the consequences or not doing our Civic duties and responsibilities

Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have been taught the basic duties and obligations of every member of the family, school and the society at large

Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to mention the various consequences or adverse effects of citizens failing to perform their basic duties and obligations.


Content :

Consequences of citizens falling to perform their Duties and Obligations

  1. There will be general lawlessness and break down of law
  2. Government will not have enough money to pay salary of policemen if citizens refuse to pay tax
  3. Government will not be able to provide social amenities like good road networks and bridges if citizens fail in their Civic duties and responsibility
  4. If citizens are failing to perform their Duties and Obligations, them government will not be able to provide cheap and affordable health care services and facilities for the members of the public
  5. It will be difficult for government to provide free education for all if citizens are failing to perform their Civic duties and responsibility




The topic is presented step by step


Step 1: The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2. He introduces the new topic


Step 3: The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise


Evaluation :


Mention four consequences that may come up if Nigerian citizens are failing Nigerian government in meeting up with their Civic duties and responsibilities

Conclusion :

The class teacher gives a brief note on the topic and he gives round to mark



Assignment :

Read about democracy for next lesson

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