KG Examination Read and write sounds SECOND TERM EXAMINATION



SUBJECT: Phonics . CLASS: K.G.

DATE: _______________________________. TIME: 1 HOUR.

NAME: _______________________________________________

  1. Read and write sounds a – z
  1. Match together the same letter sounds

P t

Z s

W p

t v

S z

V u

U w

  1. How many vowel sounds do we have ——————.
  2. Write out the vowel sounds —————, —————, —————, —————, —————

Blend these words

  1. a m = ———————————————–


  1. a t = ———————————————-
  2. I f = ———————————————-


  1. I n = —————————————————-


Read these words

  1. on of or ox

Fill in the missing sounds

  1. a b c —– —– f —– h —– j —– l

Complete the two letter words

  1. am ————— as —————
  2. if ————— ————— it
  3. of ————— ————— 0x

Write the first sound of these objects.

    1. 16


Dictation of two letter words.

    1. 20.


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