Tag: Third Term

Reading Various or different print, newspaper, magazines e.t.c

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: Third Term  / 3rd Term    Week: Week 2   Reading different print, newspaper, magazines e.t.c Topic: Vocabulary building – New words and meaning. Oral and written comprehension. Grammar Reading about concept of print. Recognize different print. Reading different print,

English Grammar Primary 2 Second Term Revision

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 2 / Primary 2 / Year 2   Term: Third Term  / 3rd Term    Week: Week 1 English Grammar Primary 2 Second Term Revision Topic: 1 i. Revision of second term work.  ii. Reading Oral and written comprehension. ii i. Grammar Revision on the knowledge of antonyms and

Primary 2 Third Term English language Lesson Notes

PRIMARY TWO THIRD TERM WEEKS TOPICS  PRIMARY TWO THIRD TERM WEEK 1 i. Revision of second term work. Reading – Oral and written comprehension, ii i . Grammar Revision on the knowledge of antonyms and synonyms . iv. Revision on making sentences on antonyms and synonyms v. Writing – Writing oral composition on how I

Using ‘This’ ‘These’ and ‘Those’

Building Rhyming Words Family   Subject  :  Phonological Awareness / Phonics /Diction   Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Third Term   Week: Week 11   Topic:   Speech work: Counting 1- 10 and indicating plurals.   Vocabulary: New words   Reading: Story “Tortoise and Ajayi”   Structure: Using ‘This’

Use of Article A or An

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 10   Topic: Speech work: What i can eat and I cannot eat. Vocabulary – New words  Reading – Label reading  Grammar – Singular and plural  Writing – Writing of Numeral 11to

Writing of Numeral 11 to 20

Subject:  English Studies    Class: Basic 1 / Primary 1 / Year 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 9   Topic: Speech work: What i can eat and I cannot eat. Vocabulary – New words  Reading – Label reading  Grammar – Singular and plural  Writing – Writing of Numeral 11to