Tag: Third Term

Computer Studies Primary 5 Third Term Test The full meaning of www is

WWW stands for World Wide Web, which is a global system of interconnected computer networks that allows users to access and share information, resources, and services through web pages using the Internet.     The World Wide Web is a fundamental part of the modern internet infrastructure and is commonly used to refer to the

Basic 5 Mathematics Third Term Test

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions. Show all workings. Convert 40°C to Fahrenheit. Find the volume of an interlocking block which is 20 cm long, 9 cm wide, and 6 cm high. Convert 52800 cm³ to liters. What is the supplementary angle of 61°? The four cardinal

Sick animals should be separated from healthy ones

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Agricultural Science   Topic: Tests   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. Sick animals should be separated from healthy ones. ( True / False)   2. ___________ is the growing of crops and rearing of animals both for consumption and for sale.   3. Which

The headquarters of ECOWAS is in

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: Social— Studies TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct answer:::: Questions. (1)The Economic community of West Africa state was founded on______. (a) May 29th 1975. (b)May 18th 1975. (c)May 28th 2975. (2)The headquarters of ECOWAS is in _____ (a)Oyo(b)Abuja (c)Lagos. (3)Africa is divided into______regions . (a)ten (b) eight (c)five .

Plants are living things.

  SUBJECT: Basic Science   CLASS: Basic 1   TOPIC:Evaluation – Questions   1. Plants are living things.   a. True b. False c. May be   2. We use …… to cut out clothes.   a. fork b. hammer c. Scissors.   3. ……… normally grow well in soil.   a. plants b. radio

List two objects in the classroom

  SUBJECT:: Social – Studies   CLASS: Basic 1   TOPIC:: Evaluation-   Questions. 1. List two objects in the classroom …………. …………. 2. ……. Cooks for the family a. father b. mother C. I don’t know 3. List 2 rules in a Community …………. …………. 4. List two objects in the Kitchen ………… …………