Employment and Unemployment

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Employment and Unemployment   Content Employment is when one is occupied with a job to earn a living. While Unemployment is when one is not having any work to earn a living.   Consequences of Unemployment (1) When people are not employed, it leads to bad habits


  Subject : Social Studies    Term : First Term    Week : Week 3   Class :Primary 6    Topic : INTER MARRIAGE    Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught The influence of working parent on the Nigerian life  in their previous lesson   Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the

Class : Basic Two  Subject : Social Studies 

Class : Basic Two  Subject : Social Studies    1. A place where we buy and sell goods is _________ (a) Church (b) Office (c) Market    2. The act of keeping money in the bank is called ________ (a) Services (b) Road Save (c) Saving    3. The head of primary school is ______

Domestic Animals and Wild Animals

  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Social -Studies Topic : Mention five(5) domestic Animal and Wild animals Domestic  Animals 1.———————– 2.———————— 3.————————– 4.————————– 5.————————– Wild  Animals 1. ————————- 2. ————————— 3.————————– 4.————————– 5.————————–    

The Effects of working parents in Nigerian Family life 

Subject : Social Studies   Class : Primary 6   Term : First Term   Week : Week 2   Subject : Social Studies   Topic : The Effects of working parents in Nigerian Family life   Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught The external influences on Nigerian family life    Content :

Places in my Community

  Class: Basic 1 Subject Social – Studies Topic :Places in my Community. The hospital The post office The Police Station The Fire Station The Zoo The Library Market Schools Banks Cinemas etc Class work Mention 5 places in your community. 1 2 3 4 5

Road Accident Social Studies Basic 3

  CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Social Studies TOPIC: Road Accident CONTENT: Road accident is an unexpected event on the road which causes great damage or loss of lives. Accidents can hurt or injure us for a long time. Different accidents can lead to scrapes and scratches or broken bones but a fatal accident leads to

Agricultural Technology

Subject: Social Studies Topic: Agricultural Technology Content Agricultural Technology is the application of techniques to control the goods and harvesting of plants produce and animals. Traditional Ways of Land Cultivation  In the olden days, land was cultivated with the use of simple farm implements like matchetes, hoes , etc. Traditional Ways of fish farming  In


  Class : Basic 2 Subject : Social/Studies. Topic : Adornments Content: Adornments are cultural items used by people to beautify themselves.   Popular items of adornment in Nigeria include: beads, Chains, cosmetics, rings, jewellery, earring, tattooing and ring.   Sometimes adornments are worn not only for their beauty. Traditional practices and religion often play

My Community Leaders In Nigeria

  Class: Basic 1 Subject Social – Studies   Topic: My Community Leaders   All communities have leaders.   Community leaders are men and women in authority within our communities. A leader makes sure everything in the community works well. A leader helps people solve their problems. A leader makes sure that people obey the