Controlling Religious Intolerance In Nigeria

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Traditional Marriage Class : Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5   Term : 1st Term First Term   Week : Week 11 Reference Materials :  . Online materials Scheme of work Textbooks   Instructional Materials Holy Bible Holy Quran Pictures of Religious riot scenes     Previous

Religion and Religious Practice In Nigeria

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Traditional Marriage Class : Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5   Term : 1st Term First Term   Week : Week 10 Reference Materials :  . Online materials Scheme of work Textbooks   Instructional Materials Holy Bible Holy Quran Cowries, Snail shell,     Previous Knowledge :

Modern Marriage In Nigeria

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Traditional Marriage Class : Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5   Term : 1st Term First Term   Week : Week 9 Reference Materials :  . Online materials Scheme of work Textbooks   Instructional Materials :.. Pictures showing people in a  marriage function or ceremony    

Traditional Marriage

Subject : Social Studies Topic : Traditional Marriage Class : Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5   Term : 1st Term First Term   Week : Week 8 Reference Materials :  . Online materials Scheme of work Textbooks   Instructional Materials :.. Pictures showing people in a traditional marriage function or ceremony  

Roles Played By Family Members In Marriage

Subject : Social Studies Class : Primary 4 / Basic 4 / Year 4 Term : First Term Week : Week 5 Topic : Roles played by Families Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of Marriage Customs and Practices  that was treated as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural Objectives : At

Social Studies Exam Questions 1st Term Primary 4

SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS: PRIMARY 4   1________ is when work is divided into smaller units. (a) division of income (b) wages (c) division of labour   2.A community leader is also known as ___   (a) traditional leader (b) president (c) governor   3_____ is a situation whereby someone has work to do. (a)
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