Tag: Primary 3

Ways To Reduce Unemployment

  Subject : Social Studies   Topic : Employment   Content   Meaning Of Employment and unemployment   Employment means having a job and earning income   Unemployment means the state or condition of being unemployed or not having a job.   Consequences of unemployment 1. It brings about bad habits e.g robbery, prostitution  

Question Tags in Past Tense (Continuation)primary 2

Subject :English Grammar   Topic : Question Tags in Past Tense (Continuation)   Content Question tags are groups of words that are used at the end of sentences to ask questions   Today we shall look at question tags in past tense     Examples   Example 1. Olu was happy, wasn’t he?    

Akole:onka ni ede Yoruba lati ori ookan de ogbon

Date: Friday, 1st May, 2020. Class: Pry three Subject: Yoruba Studies Akole:onka ni ede Yoruba lati ori ookan de ogbon 1-Ookan 2-Eeji 3-Eeta 4-Eerin 5-Aarun 6-Eefa 7-Eeje 8-Eejo 9-Eesan 10-Ewaa 11-Okanla 12-Ejila 13-Etala 14-Erinla 15-Aarundinlogun 16-Eerindinlogun 17-Eetadinlogun 18-Ejidinlogun 19-Okandinlogun 20-ogun-un 21-Okanlelogun 22-Ejilelogun 23-Etalelogun 24-Erinlelogun 25-Arundinlogbon 26-Erindinlogbon 27-Etadinlogbon 28-Ejidinlogbon 29-Okandinlogbon 30-Ogbon. Review work: Kinni oruko awon


Subject : Moral Education Topic : Obedience   Content :Obedience is doing exactly what you are told to do at the right time. You must obey your parents, teachers or any elderly people that is giving you good instructions and you must obey and abide with those good instructions that they are giving you. Examples

The Use of Punctuation Mark. Capital letter

DATE: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: English Language. TOPIC: Punctuation(Capital Letters) Punctuation are the marks placed between sentences to give it meaning. It consist of capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark, colon, semi colon, quotation mark, parenthesis, etc. Capital letter is used to begin the name of a particular person, place,

Meaning, Importance, Benefits and Composition of Balanced Adequate Diet.

CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Meaning, Importance and Composition of a Balanced Diet. CONTENT: A balanced diet is a food eating man and animals which contains all the classes of food in their right proportion. A balanced diet should contain various nutrients which perform different functions in the body. Importance of balance diet

Primary 3 Computer Review Questions

 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY TOPIC: REVIEW QUESTIONS A system unit is ___________  (a) an engine of the computer (b) an input device (c) an output device   1. Which of the following is a component of a system unit? (a) Abacus (b) Mouse (c) Motherboard   2. Which of the following is a

Road Accident And Road Safety Rules

    CLASS: Basic 3   SUBJECT: Social Studies   TOPIC: Road Accident   CONTENT: Road accident is an unexpected event on the road which causes great damage or loss of lives. Accidents can hurt or injure us for a long time. Different accidents can lead to scrapes and scratches or broken bones but a

Adjectives and Conjunctions

Date : Wednesday 15th April 2020 Class: Primary 3 Subject: English-Language. Topic : Adjectives and Conjunction Underline the correct Conjunction in each of the following sentence. (1) They have to leave early (because, until) they had another meeting to attend. (2) Wash your hand (before, both) you touch your baby . (3) Give me back