Tag: Examination

List 5 simple clothing article

WEEK1 Topic: Clothing Subtitle: simple clothing artocle Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: 1.Define clothing 2. list the simple clothing articles 3. mention the materials needed for making simple clothing article INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: clothing like apron and cap The teacher will teach the lesson with the aid of:

Corruption in Nigeria and the way forward

EDU DELIGHT TUTORS    MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS.     FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2   CLASS: PRIMARY 6                                                SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE     NAME:…………………………………………………………………………….     Instruction: Answer all questions.   Part A:   Comprehension Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the appropriate of the options lettered

Civic Education Revision First Term Work

Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term Week: Week 1 Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of various topics that have been taught in first term Topic : Revision of First Term Work Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils

Go is to green as stop is to

    Subject : Verbal Reasoning Busy is to bee as sharp is to razor Dawn is to morning as dusk is to evening Wings are made to fly as legs are made to walk Go is to green as stop is to red Month is to twelve as week is to seven Lion is

The act of removing sick animals from the healthy ones is called

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Agricultural Science   Topic: Revision     Instructions: Answer the following questions.   1. What are farm records? _______________________________________________________________________________________   2. The items sold on the farm can be known through farm records. ( True / False)   3. Cotton is used in the ___________ industry. (Rubber /

Mention two examples of people that use apron.

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Home Economics Topic: Revision Instructions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. 1. Soap for washing can be in ____________, _____________ and ______________ forms. 2. Can we use bleach to wash coloured cloth? ( Yes / No) 3. Why do we wear apron? 4. Mention two examples of people that

Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions that follow.

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: English Studies   Topic: Revision   Instruction: Read the passage carefully, and answer the questions that follow.     We had paddled along the banks of the Niger for about thirty kilometers, every centimeter of which we had carefully looked at, but could not discover any bit of

What is Respiration?

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Revision (Respiration and Excretion)   Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly.   1. What is Respiration? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   2. The air we breathe in is called ________________, while the air we breathe out is called ______________________.   3. List three

Class: Basic 5 Subject: Mathematics Topic: Revision

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Mathematics   Topic: Revision     Instruction: Answer the following questions by showing all workings.    1. Express 37 base 10 in binary.   2. The chance of selecting letter ‘P’ from the word ‘PENCIL’ is ____________.   3. What is the mean of the given set of