English Grammar


          First Term Scheme Of Work For Primary 6 / Basic 6 English Studies     First Term Scheme Of Work For Primary 6 / Basic 6 English Studies   Weeks and Topics   Week 1 Revision of Previous  Term’s work on English Grammar   Week 2 Grammar – Further practice


    Class: Basic 1   Subject English Language ( Grammar)   Topic : Noun   Noun are names of people, places, animals and things.   For example   Names of people eg Popoola, Akande, Fidelis, Bode,, James etc   Names of  Animals eg lion, goat, cat, lizard, fish, etc         Names

4 Conditions That Require First Aid Treatment

    Class: Basic 2       Subject:Basic Science   Topic:First Aid   Contents: Meaning of first aid   CONDITIONS THAT REQUIRE FIRST AID TREATMENT      First aid is the first immediate assistance or treatment given to an injured or sick person before arrival of a medical doctor.   The purpose of first

Our New Teacher

. CLASS: PRIMARY 1   SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:……………………………………   Reading Comprehension Our New Teacher This morning, the Head-teacher entered my class with a woman. “Hello children”, said the head-teacher. “This is Mrs Adekunle your new teacher”. “ Hello children”, said Mrs. Adekunle. Amin said, “my name is Amina. I am from Sokoto State.

The TIVs are part of Benue State in Nigeria.

  CLASS: PRIMARY 2                    SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE     NAME:……………………………………………… ENGLISH COMPREHENSION The TIVs are part of Benue State Nigeria. A long long time ago, when the TIVs were a small tribe. They lived on a land which was rich and fertile. They were contented and lived in peace. The people in the neighbouring

English  Evaluation Questions.

  SUBJECT:: English Language. TOPIC:: Evaluation- Questions.   Primary 3 Questions Replace the bold words with a suitable adverb. (1)The dancer danced with grace _______   (2)My sisters go to south East Asia once a year   (3)The waiter carried the glass with care on the tray.   One of the four words in each

Fill in the blanks with the Contractions of words in the brackets

  Class: Basic 4 Subject: English Studies   Test   Fill in the blanks with the Contractions of words in the brackets   (1)It ___________ (is not) going to rain today (2) You __________ (are not) going there without my permission. (3)Jane __________(is not) sure of herself. Fill in the blanks with the suitable Adjectives.

Mastering Personal Pronouns: Fun Quizzes for Primary 2

What is a personal pronoun? Answer: A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, representing a person, animal, thing, or concept. How many types of personal pronouns are there? Answer: There are three main types of personal pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns. What are subject pronouns used


  SUBJECT:: English  Language. TOPIC Questions.   Comprehension    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions    PIG AND LION   There was famine in the forest. Animals could not find food to eat. They were hungry. Lion went to pig to borrow some money to buy food. Lion could not pay back on

Using “A” or “AN” Before Nouns

    Class: Basic 1   Subject English Language ( Grammar)   Topic : Using “A” or “AN” Before Nouns   We know all words are formed from the letters of the alphabets a- z.   We write an before nouns that begin with vowels and “a” before nouns starting with consonants.   Examples “A”