Tag: Basic Science.


    THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 4                               SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all questions A person who looks for minerals is _____________ (a) miners (b) minerals (c) minners Which of these is a product of technology (a) computer (b) gas (c) stove When a water is turned into gas it is called ___________

GRADE   4 Basic Science First Term Exams What is matter?

CHRISTMAS TERM EXAMINATION    SESSION SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE                                                                      TIME: 1 HOUR CLASS: GRADE   4 NAME OF PUPIL____________________________________ DATE __________       OBJECTIVES Reproduction is the ability of ………………… to produce young ones of their kind. (a) living things  (b) Non living things  (c) Plants …………….. and ……………… are planted from cutting of the parent

Primary 6 Basic Sciance Examination First Term

EDU DELIGHT TUTORS FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives 1.) The earth is one of the planets in the _____________ system (a) sound (b) solar (c) super 2.) The _______________ system consists of the sun and all the heavenly bodies (a) sound (b) solar (c) super

Basic 2 Subject: Basic Science Test

  Class: Basic 2 Subject: Basic Science Test     Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank spaces from the option A-C   Answer all questions   1.___________is a field event in which the contestants jump for distance.(a)High jump(b)long jump(c)75 metres Dash   2.___________is a ball game played on a rectangular court between

Subject Basic science Topic:( Assessment test)

  Class:Pry 4 Subject:Basic science Topic:( Assessment test) Instructions: Answer all the questions correctly. 1.Computer hardware are the part of computer system we can_____and____(see and touch,not see and not touch,not feel and not see) 2._______is an input unit.(keyboard, printer,mouse). 3.Monitor is a ______ unit.(input,display, output). 4.The following are storage devices EXCEPT______(hard disc,Memory cards,microphone) 5._______is a

Simple machine makes work easier

  SUBJECT:: Basic Science Questions. 1. Simple machine makes work easier A. May be B. True C. False 2. Example of animal that live in water is A. Chicken B. Fish C. Ram 3.——– is a domestic animals A. Tiger B. Snake C. Cat 4. ——— is an example of a living things A. Table

I see with my eyes

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Science     Answer the following questions correctly.   I _______ with my eyes?   a) clap b) see   2 . I touch with my _____ ?   a) mouth b) hands   3 . Fish is a living thing ?   a) Yes b) No   4 .

Safety Education

    Class:Basic 2       Subject:Basic Science   Topic:Safety Education   Contents:Meaning of Safety Education   Safety Rules Which Should be Observed     Safety is the freedom from danger or accident or injuries capable of being brought about by an accident.Safety is an attempt to minimize or reduce the risk of injury,illness