Primary 3 Civic Education Second Term Examinations

Examination: Basic 3 Civics Education

General Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  • For Teachers:
    • Ensure that all students understand the instructions clearly before beginning.
    • Encourage students to work independently and avoid any form of cheating or malpractice.
    • Remind students that this is an opportunity to show what they have learned and to do their best.
  • For Students:
    • Read each question carefully before answering.
    • Answer all questions honestly and independently.
    • If you don’t know an answer, move on to the next one and return to it later.
    • Do your best, and remember that integrity is very important in every examination.
    • Ensure you write your answers in the space provided.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Questions)

Fill in the blank with the correct answer by choosing one of the options (a, b, c, or d).

  1. The Nigerian National Flag has _______ and white colors.
    a) Blue
    b) Green
    c) Red
    d) Yellow
  2. The _______ represents Nigeria’s identity and values.
    a) National Anthem
    b) Mace
    c) Coat of Arms
    d) Constitution
  3. National symbols are used to show _______ for the country.
    a) Disrespect
    b) Love
    c) Anger
    d) Fear
  4. The _______ is a symbol of authority used in the National Assembly.
    a) Flag
    b) Coat of Arms
    c) Mace
    d) Eagle
  5. The _______ Anthem expresses the love and loyalty of Nigerians to their country.
    a) National
    b) School
    c) Religious
    d) Local
  6. The _______ of Arms is a symbol that includes a shield and two horses.
    a) Coat
    b) Flag
    c) Mace
    d) Eagle
  7. _______ help keep the environment clean for everyone.
    a) Teachers
    b) Students
    c) Waste Collectors
    d) Drivers
  8. The _______ is a set of laws that guides how the government should work.
    a) National Anthem
    b) Constitution
    c) Flag
    d) Mace
  9. _______ is an example of government property.
    a) Private house
    b) School
    c) Private car
    d) Farm
  10. The _______ includes an eagle, a black shield, and two horses.
    a) Coat of Arms
    b) Mace
    c) National Flag
    d) Anthem
  11. The _______ provides essential services like health and education.
    a) Family
    b) Government
    c) Teacher
    d) Police
  12. _______ is important because it guides how we live and work together.
    a) Flag
    b) Constitution
    c) Anthem
    d) Mace
  13. The Nigerian National Anthem is a sign of _______ for the country.
    a) Disrespect
    b) Loyalty
    c) Anger
    d) Fear
  14. The _______ helps to guide how the government is run in Nigeria.
    a) Flag
    b) Constitution
    c) Anthem
    d) Mace
  15. _______ is used in the National Assembly to signify that the meeting is official.
    a) Flag
    b) Coat of Arms
    c) Mace
    d) Constitution
  16. _______ should be protected from destruction to help our country.
    a) Government property
    b) Private property
    c) Animals
    d) Parks
  17. We respect _______ to show love for our country.
    a) Animals
    b) Personal property
    c) National symbols
    d) Trees
  18. The _______ symbolizes the unity of Nigeria.
    a) National Anthem
    b) National Flag
    c) Coat of Arms
    d) Constitution
  19. The _______ is a symbol that includes green and white colors.
    a) Mace
    b) Flag
    c) National Anthem
    d) Eagle
  20. The _______ protects public property and makes sure it is used correctly.
    a) Government
    b) Teacher
    c) Student
    d) Police
  21. National symbols show our _______ for Nigeria.
    a) Hatred
    b) Love
    c) Anger
    d) Fear
  22. The _______ is used to represent the people and government of Nigeria.
    a) Mace
    b) Flag
    c) Coat of Arms
    d) Constitution
  23. We must not _______ government property because it belongs to everyone.
    a) Protect
    b) Destroy
    c) Clean
    d) Build
  24. The _______ represents the eagle as a symbol of strength in Nigeria.
    a) Coat of Arms
    b) Flag
    c) Mace
    d) Constitution
  25. Elders help the younger generation by offering _______.
    a) Anger
    b) Disrespect
    c) Wisdom
    d) Fear
  26. We respect _______ to preserve Nigeria’s values and identity.
    a) Friends
    b) Elders
    c) National symbols
    d) Teachers
  27. The _______ is a powerful tool used in the National Assembly to show authority.
    a) Constitution
    b) Mace
    c) Flag
    d) Eagle
  28. Elders should be shown _______ by younger people.
    a) Anger
    b) Disrespect
    c) Fear
    d) Respect
  29. The _______ teaches us how to respect laws and rules in Nigeria.
    a) Anthem
    b) Flag
    c) Constitution
    d) Mace
  30. _______ represent the country’s values, like unity and peace.
    a) Personal properties
    b) National symbols
    c) Private symbols
    d) Public properties

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Questions)

Write short answers to the following questions.

  1. What is the Nigerian National Flag and what does it represent?
  2. Explain the meaning of the Nigerian National Anthem.
  3. What does the Nigerian Coat of Arms represent?
  4. Why should we respect the Nigerian National Flag?
  5. What role does the constitution play in Nigeria?
  6. Explain the importance of respecting government property.
  7. What is the function of the mace in the National Assembly?
  8. How can you show respect for the national anthem?
  9. What is the role of elders in society?
  10. How does the Nigerian National Anthem unite Nigerians?
  11. Explain what the National Flag stands for.
  12. Why do we need to protect government property?
  13. What does the National Anthem remind us about our duties as Nigerians?
  14. What is the importance of the National Coat of Arms?
  15. Why is it important to respect the rules in Nigeria?
  16. How does the Nigerian Constitution help guide the country?
  17. What is the meaning of “respect for constituted authority”?
  18. Why should we care for government buildings like schools?
  19. What should you do if you see someone destroying government property?
  20. Why is it important to show respect for elders in society?
  21. What does the Nigerian Constitution say about respecting laws?
  22. How does the Nigerian Flag symbolize peace?
  23. What does the National Anthem teach Nigerians about patriotism?
  24. Why do we say “respect for national symbols” in school?
  25. What does the Nigerian National Anthem call on Nigerians to do?
  26. How does the Mace represent authority in the National Assembly?
  27. What are the consequences of not respecting national symbols?
  28. What are government properties and why should we care for them?
  29. What is the role of the Nigerian government in managing public resources?
  30. Why is it important for students to learn about national symbols?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)

Answer “True” or “False” for each statement.

  1. The Nigerian National Flag is blue and white. (True/False)
  2. National symbols represent the country’s unity. (True/False)
  3. The Mace is a decoration used in the National Assembly. (True/False)
  4. Elders do not need to be respected. (True/False)
  5. The Nigerian National Anthem calls for unity and peace. (True/False)
  6. Government properties belong to the people. (True/False)
  7. The Constitution guides the government in Nigeria. (True/False)
  8. We should destroy government property to show our anger. (True/False)
  9. The Coat of Arms is part of the national symbols. (True/False)
  10. The National Flag represents Nigeria’s strength. (True/False)
  11. The Mace is a symbol of leadership in the National Assembly. (True/False)
  12. Respecting the Constitution is important in maintaining order. (True/False)
  13. The National Anthem is only sung in schools. (True/False)
  14. Elders should be listened to because of their wisdom. (True/False)
  15. The Nigerian National Flag is green and red. (True/False)
  16. National symbols must be respected at all times. (True/False)
  17. The Constitution is only important for politicians. (True/False)
  18. Destroying government property can lead to punishments. (True/False)
  19. The Nigerian National Anthem should be sung at national events. (True/False)
  20. The Mace is only used in the Nigerian National Assembly. (True/False)
  21. National symbols represent the country’s history. (True/False)
  22. Elders should not be disrespected under any condition. (True/False)
  23. Government properties are for the benefit of everyone. (True/False)
  24. The Nigerian Constitution protects the rights of citizens. (True/False)
  25. The National Anthem encourages unity and love for the country. (True/False)
  26. The National Flag is used to represent the government alone. (True/False)
  27. Elders in society are respected for their age and experience. (True/False)
  28. Government properties should be used carefully. (True/False)
  29. The Nigerian Coat of Arms represents the unity of Nigeria. (True/False)
  30. The Mace is used to signal the end of meetings. (True/False)

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 Questions)

Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

  1. The Nigerian National Flag has _______ and white colors.
  2. The _______ is a symbol of authority in the National Assembly.
  3. The Nigerian _______ represents the country’s identity.
  4. We must respect national symbols to show _______ for our country.
  5. The _______ protects the laws in Nigeria.
  6. Elders should be treated with _______.
  7. Government properties include _______ and schools.
  8. The Nigerian _______ Anthem is a sign of unity.
  9. We should protect _______ because they belong to everyone.
  10. The _______ is a set of laws that guide Nigeria.
  11. The _______ is a national symbol of authority in the National Assembly.
  12. Respect for national symbols shows _______ for our country.
  13. Nigeria’s _______ symbolizes its strength.
  14. The _______ is used to protect the country’s laws.
  15. Elders in Nigeria are valued for their _______.
  16. The _______ reminds Nigerians of their duties to the nation.
  17. The Nigerian _______ is green and white.
  18. The _______ helps guide how government works.
  19. It is important to respect the _______ to avoid punishment.
  20. The _______ symbolizes the unity of Nigeria.
  21. The Nigerian _______ Anthem speaks of loyalty to the nation.
  22. It is wrong to destroy _______ because they belong to the government.
  23. The _______ is a national symbol of authority.
  24. We must respect government _______ to show patriotism.
  25. The Nigerian _______ Anthem calls for peace and unity.
  26. The _______ is a representation of Nigeria’s authority.
  27. The Nigerian _______ is used to represent national pride.
  28. The Mace is a symbol of _______ in the National Assembly.
  29. Nigeria’s _______ is green and white to represent the country’s unity.
  30. Elders give _______ to the younger generation.

End of Examination

This exam comprehensively evaluates students’ understanding of the subject, with clear instructions for both teachers and students, encouraging integrity and fairness.