Causes of tooth decay

  Class: Basic 1 Subject: Home – Economics   Topic: Causes of tooth decay   Tooth decay is the destruction of the teeth by bacteria because of lack of care. Tooth decay is caused by the following:   1. Eating too much sweets   2. Chocolates and other sweet foods.   3. Poor cleaning of

Home Economics Third term Revision

Revision Test SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Part A: Objectives Fill the gap with the right option from the given alternatives 1.) At puberty girls _______________ (a) grow rapidly (b) begin menstruation (c) begin to have develop breast (d) all of the above 2.) It is important to maintain cleanliness during menstruation (a) true (b) false

Production of income yielding crafts in Nigeria

Subject : Home Economics Topic : Production of income yielding crafts Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials :     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of     Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the

Introduction to income yielding crafts 

Subject : Home Economics Topic : Introduction to income yielding crafts Class : Primary  6/ Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 5   Instructional Materials : Charts showing different income yielding crafts     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of how to make apron and different types

Income Yielding Cookery

Subject : Home Economics Topic : Income Yielding Cookery Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 8   Instructional Materials : Cooking utensils Cooking ingredients Apron Gas cooker     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of income yielding crafts     Behavioural Objectives

Income Yielding Crafts and Skills

Subject : Home Economics Topic : Income Yielding Crafts and Skills Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Pictures of skilled professionals Pictures of items created by skilled craftmen Napkin Purse Handkerchief     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous

Marketing of Agricultural produce

  Agricultural Science Marketing for Agricultural produce Content Market is a contact between buyers and sellers for the purpose of trading or commerce. Market involves exchange of goods and services for money There are different types of markets for agricultural produce Examples of such markets are 1. Village level market 2. Assembly market 3. Wholesale