Prevention of tooth decay

    Class: Basic 1   Subject: Home – Economics   Topic: Prevention of tooth decay   Tooth decay could be prevented by doing the following:   Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits and vegetables.   Eating hard foods such as carrot, soft bones, coconut, etc.   Cleaning the

Farming tools 

  Class: Basic 1 Subject:Agricultural Science Topic: Farming tools   A farmers is a person who is involved in the art of farming, therefore a farmer is a person who grows crops and or rears animals for human consumption.   Farming takes place On a farmland. The Farmer make use of tools in order to

Complete each with either “A” or “a”.

  Class: Basic 1 Subject: Verbal Reasoning Topic: Complete each with either “A” or “a”.   Examples   ——- pple (A, a) Apple   B —-t. ( A, a) Bat   ——–llow (A, a) Allow   Class work   ——-dmit (A, a)   D—–nger (A, a}   F—– n. (A, a)   Go——t. (A, a)

Types of footwear

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT::: Home Economic TOPIC:: Types of footwear.     Content Types of footwear.   Footwear is a covering for a person’s feet. There are different kinds of footwear that people use. Sandals/trekkers are good for pupils or those who engage in a lot of walking. Shoes are dressy occasions or for

Agricultural Technology

Subject: Social Studies Topic: Agricultural Technology Content Agricultural Technology is the application of techniques to control the goods and harvesting of plants produce and animals. Traditional Ways of Land Cultivation  In the olden days, land was cultivated with the use of simple farm implements like matchetes, hoes , etc. Traditional Ways of fish farming  In

Common diseases (Contagious and non-contagious diseases.) 

    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Basic Science and Technology   Topic: Common diseases (Contagious and non-contagious diseases.)   Some of the common diseases include cough, kwashiorkor, ring worm, measles, chicken pox, meningitis, scabies, diarrhea and dysentery, etc   Some of these diseases are contracted through : I. Air borne; II. Water borne; III.

Qualities that are capable of earning us Respect.

  Class: Basic 1 Subject Civic – Education Topic:Qualities that are capable of earning us Respect. For us to gain the respect of other people, we must be: Honest and well behaved at all times. Trustworthy and sincere. Innocent of crime and fight against it. Confident, bold and fearless Hardworking 6.Helpful to people in need