Category: Primary 6

Second Term CRS Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: C.R.S CLASS: GRADE 6 Second Term CRS Primary 6 Exams Edu Delight Tutors 1. A ________ is what a person hopes to achieve . (a) keeper (b) goal (c) engineer (d) setting 2. To achieve anything , there must be a (a) person (b) plan (c) number (d) king 3. _______ refers to what

Second Term Civic education Primary 6 Exams

SUBJECT: Civic Education  Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: GRADE 6 SECTION A 1. A _______ is an individual who has the legal right to live permanently in a particular country, enjoying the full right (a) Nigeria (b) citizen (c) president (d) senator 2. Foreigners acquire or obtain the citizenship of a particular country by the process


Edu Delight Tutors SUBJECT: AGRIC.SCI. CLASS: PRIMARY 6 1. Air in motion is known as _________(a) wind (b) air pressure (c) harmattan (d) season 2. The instrument used for determining the direction of wind is called ________(a) anemometer (b) barometer (c) wind vane (d) speedometer 3. In Nigeria, the south-west wind brings _________ (a) dry


SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART CLASS: PRIMARY 6   Edu Delight Tutors Underline the correct answer 1. ____ may be defined as composition presentation and performance of play. (a) theatre (b) drama (c) story 2. _____ always have more longer appearance on stage with longer speeches. (a) major characters (b) minor characters (c) flowing characters 3. ___

Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Three Terms .

Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Three Terms . First Term , Second Term and Third Term  Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work  First Term           Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work For Second Term     Primary 6 Mathematics Scheme of Work    Week 1  Revision   Week 2

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme

Primary 6 Social Studies First Term Second Term and Third Term Scheme   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term       Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 1 External influences on Nigerian family   Primary 6 Social Studies First Term  Week 2 The influence of working parent on the Nigerian life    Primary 6