JSS 2 Mid Term Holiday Assignment Solution



  1. What is pathology? Name 4 nutritional diseases.
    • Pathology is the study of diseases, their causes, processes, development, and consequences. Four nutritional diseases are:
      1. Kwashiorkor
      2. Scurvy
      3. Rickets
      4. Beriberi
  2. Mention the components of a school health programme.
    • Health education
    • Health services
    • Healthy school environment
    • Physical education
    • Nutritional services
    • Counseling, psychological, and social services
  3. Explain 4 importance of preserving food.
    • Extends shelf life: Prevents spoilage and waste by keeping food safe for longer periods.
    • Maintains nutritional value: Preserves essential vitamins and minerals.
    • Enhances flavor: Maintains the taste and texture of food.
    • Ensures food safety: Reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses by inhibiting the growth of pathogens.
  4. Name 6 postural defects.
    • Kyphosis
    • Lordosis
    • Scoliosis
    • Flat feet
    • Bow legs
    • Knock knees


  1. Define Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
    • The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was the transportation of enslaved African people across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries.
  2. Mention 3 effects of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
    • Devastation of African communities
    • Economic benefit to European colonial powers
    • Cultural diaspora and the creation of African-American cultures
  3. What is legitimate trade?
    • Legitimate trade refers to the commerce between Africa and Europe after the abolition of the slave trade, focusing on the export of agricultural products and raw materials.
  4. Mention three principal commodities of the legitimate trade.
    • Palm oil
    • Cocoa
    • Rubber


  1. State various appearances of Jesus after His resurrection based on:
    • Matthew 28:16-20: Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee and gave them the Great Commission.
    • Mark 16:9-18: Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to two disciples walking in the country, and finally to the eleven disciples while they were eating.
    • John 21:1-14: Jesus appeared to seven of His disciples by the Sea of Tiberias and performed the miracle of the large catch of fish.
    • Luke 24:13-35: Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and was recognized by them when He broke bread.


  1. Workbook units 1, 2, and 3.


  1. What is paragraphing?
    • Paragraphing is the practice of dividing written work into sections, each focusing on a single idea or topic to improve readability and organization.
  2. Identify and explain the types of paragraphing.
    • Narrative paragraphs: Describe events in chronological order.
    • Descriptive paragraphs: Provide detailed descriptions of a person, place, or thing.
    • Expository paragraphs: Explain or provide information about a topic.
    • Persuasive paragraphs: Present arguments and convince the reader of a particular viewpoint.


  1. Solve the simultaneous equations:
    • 2x + 7y = 3
    • 2x – y = 3

Solving these equations, we find:

    • From the second equation: 2x – y = 3, y = 2x – 3.
    • Substitute y in the first equation: 2x + 7(2x – 3) = 3.
    • Simplify: 2x + 14x – 21 = 3.
    • 16x = 24.
    • x = 1.5.
    • y = 2(1.5) – 3 = 0.
    • Solution: x = 1.5, y = 0.
  1. Solve:
    • x + y = 4
    • 2x – y = 5

Solving these equations, we find:

    • Add the equations: x + y + 2x – y = 4 + 5.
    • 3x = 9.
    • x = 3.
    • Substitute x in the first equation: 3 + y = 4.
    • y = 1.
    • Solution: x = 3, y = 1.
  1. Cost equation based on given conditions:
    • For 3 hours: C = a + 3b = 2700.
    • For 5 hours: C = a + 5b = 3100.
    • Subtracting the equations: 2b = 400, b = 200.
    • Substitute b back: a + 600 = 2700, a = 2100.
    • Cost for 1.5 hours: C = 2100 + 1.5(200) = 2400.
    • Solution: The cost is N2400.
  1. Relation between x, y, and z:
    • Given x = 27, y = 9, and x = 2:
    • x = 3y.
    • z = x / y = 3.
    • Relation: x = 3y, z = x / y.
  1. When y = 14 and z = 12:
    • x = y + z = 14 + 12 = 26.



  1. Mention the four basic parts of plants:
    • Roots
    • Stems
    • Leaves
    • Flowers
  2. Mention three uses of plants:
    • Food production
    • Medicine
    • Oxygen production
  3. List four asexual reproduction methods in plants:
    • Budding
    • Grafting
    • Layering
    • Cutting
  4. Explain the following terms:
    • Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the male part (anther) of a flower to the female part (stigma).
    • Self-pollination: Pollination occurring within the same flower or between flowers of the same plant.
    • Cross-pollination: Pollination occurring between flowers of different plants of the same species.


  1. State 5 advantages of Richards’ constitution:
    • Introduced regionalism
    • Established legislative councils
    • Encouraged political awareness
    • Promoted Nigerian unity
    • Laid the foundation for self-government
  2. List and explain 5 sources of the constitution:
    • Legislation: Laws passed by the legislature.
    • Conventions: Unwritten rules established by tradition.
    • Judicial decisions: Court rulings that interpret the constitution.
    • Scholarly writings: Works by legal experts and constitutional scholars.
    • International agreements: Treaties and agreements that impact constitutional law.
  3. Mention 4 features of the Nigerian constitution:
    • Supremacy of the constitution
    • Federal system of government
    • Fundamental human rights
    • Separation of powers







Composition: “The Rich Also Cry”

The phrase “the rich also cry” encapsulates the idea that wealth and privilege do not exempt individuals from experiencing pain, sorrow, and hardship. It is a misconception that financial stability and opulence shield one from the trials and tribulations of life. On the contrary, the rich, like everyone else, face their own set of challenges that can be equally daunting and emotionally taxing.

Consider the life of a wealthy business tycoon. On the surface, he may appear to have everything—luxurious homes, expensive cars, and a life filled with glamour and comfort. However, behind the opulent façade, there can be immense pressure and stress. The constant need to maintain a successful business, the fear of financial loss, and the burden of ensuring the well-being of thousands of employees can take a significant toll on his mental and physical health. The isolation that often comes with such positions of power can lead to loneliness and depression, proving that money cannot buy genuine companionship or happiness.

Furthermore, the children of affluent families often face their own unique struggles. They may grow up in environments where material wealth is abundant, but emotional support and parental presence are scarce. These children can suffer from a lack of genuine relationships and a feeling of being misunderstood. The expectation to uphold the family’s legacy and achieve high standards can lead to severe anxiety and a lack of personal identity. Despite their privileged upbringing, they might grapple with issues of self-worth and purpose.

In addition, the rich are not immune to personal tragedies such as illness, the loss of loved ones, or relationship breakdowns. The pain of losing a family member or battling a severe illness is universal and does not discriminate based on financial status. These experiences can be profoundly affecting and can strip away the perceived security that wealth provides.

In conclusion, wealth and affluence do not equate to a life free of hardship and sorrow. The rich also face emotional struggles, personal losses, and the same existential crises that affect all humans. Recognizing this universal vulnerability fosters empathy and reminds us that, at our core, we all share the same human experiences. The rich, too, have their share of tears and trials, proving that no amount of money can insulate one from life’s inherent challenges.


  • Make a portrait drawing of yourself, looking into a mirror or a picture of yourself.


  • Read (from first term to third term JSS 1 and 2) and prepare for a test at resumption after the mid-term break.


  1. Define Cyber bullying.
    • Cyber bullying is the use of digital technologies, such as the internet, social media, and mobile devices, to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. It involves repeated aggressive behavior intended to harm or intimidate someone.
  2. List three (3) methods of file sharing and explain any TWO.
    • Email attachments
    • Cloud storage services (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox)
    • Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks


    • Email Attachments: This method involves attaching a file to an email and sending it to one or more recipients. It is a simple and widely used method for sharing documents, images, and other types of files.
    • Cloud Storage Services: Cloud storage services allow users to upload files to an online server, which can then be accessed and downloaded by others with permission. Services like Google Drive and Dropbox offer convenient ways to store and share files securely over the internet.
  3. Write the steps involved in sending an E-mail.
    • Open your email application or webmail service.
    • Click on the “Compose” or “New Email” button.
    • Enter the recipient’s email address in the “To” field.
    • Add a subject line that summarizes the content of the email.
    • Write your message in the body of the email.
    • Attach any necessary files by clicking on the attachment icon and selecting the files from your device.
    • Review your email for any errors or missing information.
    • Click the “Send” button to send your email.
  4. List ten (10) advantages or responsible uses of the internet.
    • Access to information and educational resources
    • Communication and connectivity with others
    • Online banking and financial management
    • E-commerce and online shopping
    • Remote work and telecommuting
    • Entertainment and media consumption
    • Social networking and community building
    • Research and academic collaboration
    • Access to government services and e-governance
    • Telehealth and online medical consultations


  1. State three uses of edge finishing.
    • Prevents fabric from fraying
    • Provides a neat and professional appearance
    • Adds durability to the edges of garments and projects
  2. List five parts of a sewing machine and state their functions.
    • Needle: Pierces the fabric to create stitches.
    • Bobbin: Holds the lower thread and helps form the stitches.
    • Presser Foot: Holds the fabric in place while sewing.
    • Feed Dogs: Move the fabric through the machine as it is being stitched.
    • Handwheel: Manually raises and lowers the needle.


  • Please refer to your Social Studies workbook, pages 58-61, and complete the exercises as instructed.


  • Please refer to “Le Francais Fondamental JS 2,” page 82, and complete Nos. 1-10.


  • Ko aroko lori ise agbe.


  1. Explain five characteristics/features of the Romantic Period of Western Music.
    • Emphasis on emotion and individualism
    • Expansion of orchestration and use of larger orchestras
    • Use of expressive and dramatic melodies
    • Incorporation of nationalistic elements and folk music
    • Exploration of new harmonic structures and expanded tonality
  2. Mention five composers of the Romantic Period of Western Music.
    • Ludwig van Beethoven
    • Franz Schubert
    • Johannes Brahms
    • Richard Wagner
    • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Jss 1 Third Term Mid Term Solution Mid Term Test