Quiz questions on body parts

Certainly! Here are some quiz questions on body parts:

1. What is the hard outer covering that protects the skull called?
Answer: Cranium

2. Which organ pumps blood throughout the body?
Answer: Heart

3. What is the name of the long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach?
Answer: Esophagus

4. What are the tiny bones in the ear called?
Answer: Ossicles

5. What is the largest organ in the human body?
Answer: Skin

6. Which part of the body is responsible for breathing?
Answer: Lungs

7. What is the name of the joint that connects the upper arm to the forearm?
Answer: Elbow

8. What is the main function of the kidneys?
Answer: Filter waste and excess fluid from the blood

9. Which part of the body controls our thoughts, movements, and senses?
Answer: Brain

10. What is the name of the muscle that pumps blood throughout the body?
Answer: Heart

11. Which bone protects the brain?
Answer: Skull

12. What is the medical term for the voice box?
Answer: Larynx

13. Which part of the body helps us to see objects?
Answer: Eyes

14. What is the scientific term for the kneecap?
Answer: Patella

15. Which part of the body is responsible for tasting food?
Answer: Tongue

16. What is the bone that connects the shoulder to the arm called?
Answer: Humerus

17. What is the name of the joint that allows us to bend and straighten our leg?
Answer: Knee

18. Which part of the body helps us to hear sounds?
Answer: Ears

19. What is the technical term for the collarbone?
Answer: Clavicle

20. What is the name of the part of the body that controls our balance?
Answer: Inner ear

Feel free to use these quiz questions to test your knowledge or engage others in a fun and educational quiz session!

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