Air: It Is All Around Us Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3


Understanding Air: Fun Facts for Nursery 2 Kids”


Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Nursery 2

Term: First Term

Week: 3

Topic: Air: It Is All Around Us

Sub-topic: Understanding Air

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to explain the meaning of air.
  • Pupils should be able to demonstrate the presence of air in the body and environment.
  • Pupils should be able to mention two ways air can be useful.

Key Words: Air, breathe, wind, balloon, kite, lungs.

Entry Behaviour: The teacher will ask pupils if they can feel the air when they breathe or when the wind blows.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Balloons
  • Pictures of windy days and kites
  • Flashcards
  • Chart paper and markers

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: The teacher will remind the pupils about the previous lesson on water and its importance. The teacher will connect this to air, another important element we need.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication: Pupils will describe their experiences with air.
  • Observation: Pupils will observe air-related activities.
  • Critical Thinking: Pupils will think about the different uses of air.

Instructional Materials:

  • Balloons
  • Pictures showing the uses of air (e.g., flying kites, wind blowing leaves)
  • Flashcards with keywords



i) What is Air?

  • Air is a gas that we cannot see, but it is everywhere around us.
  • We need air to breathe and live.

ii) How to Show Air is in Our Body/Environment:

  • Breathing 😮‍💨: Take a deep breath in and out. You feel the air going in and out of your lungs.
  • Blowing a Balloon 🎈: When you blow into a balloon, it gets bigger because of the air you put inside.
  • Wind 🌬️: When the leaves move on trees, it’s because of the air moving around us.

iii) Two Ways Air Can Be Useful:

  • Breathing 👃: We need air to breathe and stay alive.
  • Flying Kites 🪁: We can fly kites because the wind (moving air) helps them stay up in the sky.

Air is very important, and even though we can’t see it, we can feel it and see what it does!


  1. Revision: The teacher revises the previous topic on water and its sources. The teacher asks questions like, “Where do we get water from?”
  2. Introduction: The teacher introduces the new topic, air. The teacher explains that air is a gas all around us that we cannot see, but we can feel it and need it to live.
  3. Interactive Session:
    • Breathing Activity: The teacher asks the pupils to take a deep breath in and out. The teacher explains that the air is going into and out of their lungs.
    • Blowing Balloons: The teacher demonstrates blowing up a balloon to show that air fills it up and makes it bigger.
    • Wind Example: The teacher shows a picture of leaves moving on a tree and explains that the wind is air moving around us.
  4. Discussion: The teacher discusses the uses of air, such as:
    • Breathing: We need air to breathe and stay alive.
    • Flying Kites: Air helps us fly kites by lifting them up in the sky.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Demonstrate breathing and blowing up a balloon.
  • Show pictures of windy days and kites.
  • Explain the uses of air.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in breathing and balloon-blowing activities.
  • Observe pictures and describe what they see.
  • Share their experiences with air.

Assessment: The teacher will assess pupils’ understanding by asking questions like:

  1. Question: What is air? Answer: Air is a gas all around us that we can’t see.
  2. Question: Why do we need air? Answer: We need air to breathe and live.
  3. Question: Can we see air? Answer: No, we cannot see air.
  4. Question: How can we feel air? Answer: We can feel air when it moves, like in the wind.
  5. Question: What happens when we take a deep breath? Answer: We take air into our lungs.
  6. Question: What shows that air is inside a balloon? Answer: When we blow up a balloon, it gets bigger because of the air.
  7. Question: How do leaves on trees show air is moving? Answer: The leaves move when the wind blows.
  8. Question: What is one way air is useful? Answer: Air helps us breathe.
  9. Question: How does air help us fly kites? Answer: The wind (moving air) lifts the kites up in the sky.
  10. Question: Is air all around us? Answer: Yes, air is everywhere around us.
  11. Question: Can we live without air? Answer: No, we need air to stay alive.
  12. Question: What does the wind tell us about air? Answer: The wind shows that air is moving.
  13. Question: How can we show air is in our bodies? Answer: We can show it by breathing in and out.
  14. Question: What do we do with air every day? Answer: We breathe air every day.
  15. Question: Why is air important for plants? Answer: Plants need air to grow and stay healthy.

Water Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Air is a __________ we cannot see. a) Solid b) Gas c) Liquid d) Metal
  2. We need air to __________. a) Jump b) Breathe c) Eat d) Sleep
  3. When we take a deep breath, we are taking in __________. a) Water b) Air c) Food d) Toys
  4. Blowing a balloon shows that air is __________. a) Strong b) Big c) Inside d) Small
  5. The movement of leaves on trees shows the presence of __________. a) Food b) Air c) Water d) Sand
  6. When we blow a balloon, it gets __________. a) Smaller b) Bigger c) Colder d) Softer
  7. The air we breathe helps us __________. a) Sleep b) Play c) Live d) Run
  8. Air is __________ all around us. a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never d) Rarely
  9. Flying a kite is fun because of the __________. a) Rain b) Wind c) Sun d) Ground
  10. The wind is __________ air. a) Moving b) Still c) Cold d) Hot
  11. Air helps us to __________. a) Dance b) Sing c) Breathe d) Read
  12. We can feel the air when we __________. a) Eat b) Blow c) Sleep d) Cry
  13. The __________ helps kites to fly. a) Sun b) Wind c) Rain d) Snow
  14. We cannot see air, but we can __________ it. a) Feel b) Catch c) Hold d) Eat
  15. Air is __________ for our life. a) Bad b) Good c) Useless d) Funny


  1. What is air?
  2. Can we see air?
  3. How do we feel air?
  4. Why do we need air?
  5. What happens when we take a deep breath?
  6. What shows that air is inside a balloon?
  7. How do leaves on trees show air is moving?
  8. What is one way air is useful?
  9. How does air help us fly kites?
  10. Is air all around us?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to mark and ensure pupils understand the topic. The teacher encourages pupils to ask questions if they need more help understanding air and its importance.