Meaning, Examples, Bad Feeding, Unbalanced Diet Basic Science Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Discovering Harmful Foods: What to Avoid for a Healthy Life!

Lesson Plan: Harmful Foods

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Primary 4

Term: Third Term

Week: 8

Topic: Harmful Foods

Sub-topic: Meaning, Examples, Bad Feeding, Unbalanced Diet

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define harmful foods and give examples.
  2. Understand the effects of bad feeding and an unbalanced diet.
  3. Identify healthy eating habits.

Key Words

  • Harmful Foods
  • Examples
  • Bad Feeding
  • Unbalanced Diet

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are aware of different types of foods they eat daily.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of harmful foods
  • Flashcards with keywords and examples
  • Charts showing effects of bad feeding

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils have basic knowledge of food types and their effects on health.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Observation
  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Science Textbook for Primary 4

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures of harmful foods (junk food, sugary drinks)
  • Flashcards with keywords and examples
  • Charts showing effects of bad feeding


  1. Meaning of harmful foods
  2. Examples of harmful foods
  3. Effects of bad feeding
  4. Risks of an unbalanced diet

Harmful Foods

Meaning of Harmful Foods

  • Harmful Foods: Foods that can cause health problems if eaten too much.
    • Examples: Junk food, sugary drinks, foods with too much salt 🍔🥤🍟

Examples of Harmful Foods

  1. Sugary Drinks 🥤
    • Examples: Soda, energy drinks.
  2. Fast Food 🍔
    • Examples: Burgers, fries, pizza.
  3. Processed Snacks 🍟
    • Examples: Chips, candy, cookies.
  4. Foods with Too Much Salt 🧂
    • Examples: Packaged soups, salty snacks.
  5. Fatty Foods 🍩
    • Examples: Doughnuts, fried chicken.

Bad Feeding

  • Bad Feeding: Eating harmful foods often or in large amounts.
    • Effects: Causes health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

Unbalanced Diet

  • Unbalanced Diet: Eating too much of some types of food and not enough of others.
    • Effects: Can lead to lack of nutrients, weak immune system, and poor health.

Important Points

  • Healthy Eating: Includes a variety of foods like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains 🍎🥦🍗🍞
  • Moderation: Eating harmful foods occasionally is okay, but not too often.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water instead of sugary drinks. 💧

These points help pupils understand the importance of healthy eating and the risks of harmful foods.

Read More 

Class Activity Discussion on Harmful Foods

  1. Q: What are harmful foods?
    • A: Foods that can cause health problems if eaten too much.
  2. Q: Can you give an example of a harmful food?
    • A: Yes, sugary drinks like soda.
  3. Q: What is fast food?
    • A: Food that is made and served quickly, like burgers and fries.
  4. Q: Why are processed snacks harmful?
    • A: They often have too much sugar and salt.
  5. Q: Can you name a food with too much salt?
    • A: Packaged soups and salty snacks.
  6. Q: What are fatty foods?
    • A: Foods that have a lot of fat, like doughnuts and fried chicken.
  7. Q: What is bad feeding?
    • A: Eating harmful foods often or in large amounts.
  8. Q: What can bad feeding cause?
    • A: Health issues like obesity and diabetes.
  9. Q: What is an unbalanced diet?
    • A: Eating too much of some foods and not enough of others.
  10. Q: Why is an unbalanced diet bad?
    • A: It can lead to lack of nutrients and poor health.
  11. Q: What is healthy eating?
    • A: Eating a variety of foods like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains.
  12. Q: Should we drink a lot of sugary drinks?
    • A: No, it’s better to drink water.
  13. Q: Can we eat harmful foods sometimes?
    • A: Yes, but not too often.
  14. Q: What is a healthy alternative to soda?
    • A: Water or natural fruit juice.
  15. Q: Why should we avoid too much fast food?
    • A: Because it can cause health problems like obesity.

Evaluation Questions on Harmful Foods

  1. Harmful foods are foods that can cause __________. a) Health problems b) Strong muscles c) Clear skin d) Good sleep
  2. An example of a sugary drink is __________. a) Water b) Soda c) Milk d) Tea
  3. Fast food includes __________. a) Apples b) Salads c) Burgers d) Rice
  4. Processed snacks often have too much __________. a) Sugar b) Fiber c) Protein d) Vitamins
  5. Foods with too much salt include __________. a) Bananas b) Packaged soups c) Oranges d) Carrots
  6. Eating too many doughnuts is bad because they are __________. a) Sweet b) Fatty c) Juicy d) Fresh
  7. Bad feeding can cause __________. a) Good health b) Happiness c) Obesity d) Energy
  8. An unbalanced diet means eating too much of some foods and not enough of __________. a) Sweets b) Junk c) Others d) Fruits
  9. A healthy diet includes __________. a) Only meat b) Many sweets c) Fruits and vegetables d) Just bread
  10. Too much sugar can lead to __________. a) Healthy teeth b) Diabetes c) Strong bones d) Good vision
  11. Eating lots of fast food can cause __________ problems. a) Hair b) Health c) Furniture d) School
  12. Drinking plenty of __________ is good for health. a) Soda b) Juice c) Water d) Coffee
  13. Foods high in __________ are bad if eaten too much. a) Vitamins b) Salt c) Water d) Fiber
  14. Eating only one type of food every day is __________. a) Balanced b) Harmful c) Healthy d) Normal
  15. To be healthy, we should eat harmful foods __________. a) Often b) Never c) Sometimes d) Always


Step 1: Revision

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Review the previous lesson on types of vehicles.
  • Ask pupils to recall different types of vehicles.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils respond by naming types of vehicles and their uses.

Step 2: Introduction of New Topic

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduce the new topic: Harmful Foods.
  • Define harmful foods as foods that can harm our health.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and ask questions about harmful foods.

Step 3: Examples of Harmful Foods

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show pictures of harmful foods like junk food, sugary drinks.
  • Discuss why these foods are harmful.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Identify and name the harmful foods in the pictures.
  • Discuss their own experiences with these foods.

Step 4: Bad Feeding and Unbalanced Diet

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain bad feeding as eating harmful foods often or in large amounts.
  • Discuss unbalanced diet as not eating a variety of healthy foods.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen and ask questions about bad feeding and unbalanced diet.
  • Share their understanding of healthy eating habits.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Guide pupils through the definitions and examples of harmful foods.
  • Facilitate discussions on the effects of bad feeding and unbalanced diet.
  • Provide examples of healthy eating habits.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Identify harmful foods and discuss their effects.
  • Share their own experiences and understanding of healthy eating habits.


  • Assess through participation in discussions and understanding of concepts.

Ten Evaluation Questions

  1. What are harmful foods?
  2. Can you name an example of a harmful food?
  3. What is bad feeding?
  4. What happens if you eat harmful foods often?
  5. What is an unbalanced diet?
  6. Why is an unbalanced diet bad for health?
  7. Can you name a healthy food?
  8. Why is it important to eat a variety of foods?
  9. What are the effects of bad feeding on health?
  10. How can we avoid eating too many harmful foods?


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Go around the class to check pupils’ understanding.
  • Provide feedback and corrections.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Ask questions and seek clarification where needed.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will understand the importance of healthy eating habits and the risks associated with consuming harmful foods.