Classes and Functions of Food Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 10
Topic: Classes and Functions of Food
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to recognize different types of food and understand their basic functions.

Key Words: Food, classes, functions, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, fiber.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify different classes of food and their functions.
  2. Explain why each class of food is important for our bodies.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of food choices for a balanced diet.

Embedded Core Skills: Classification, comprehension, communication.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of different food groups.
  • Examples of food items from each class.
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3.


Classes and Functions of Food:

  1. Carbohydrates: Provide energy for our bodies.
    • Examples: Rice, bread, pasta. 🍚🍞
  2. Proteins: Help build and repair muscles and tissues.
    • Examples: Meat, fish, eggs. 🍗🐟🥚
  3. Fats: Give us energy and help our bodies absorb vitamins.
    • Examples: Butter, oil, nuts. 🧈🥜
  4. Vitamins: Keep our bodies healthy and help with growth.
    • Examples: Vitamin C in oranges, Vitamin A in carrots. 🍊🥕
  5. Minerals: Help our bodies work properly and strengthen bones.
    • Examples: Calcium in milk, iron in spinach. 🥛🍃
  6. Water: Keeps our bodies hydrated and helps with digestion.
    • Examples: Drinking water, fruits like watermelon. 💧🍉
  7. Fiber: Aids digestion and helps prevent constipation.
    • Examples: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables. 🌾🥦

Understanding these classes and their functions helps us make healthy food choices and stay strong and active!

Class Activity

  1. What is the main job of carbohydrates?
    • Carbohydrates give us energy to do activities.
  2. Why do we need proteins in our food?
    • Proteins help our muscles grow strong and repair them when they get hurt.
  3. What do fats do in our bodies?
    • Fats give us energy and help our bodies absorb vitamins.
  4. What are some examples of vitamins and what do they do?
    • Vitamin C helps us fight off sickness, and Vitamin A helps us see well in the dark.
  5. Why do we need minerals in our food?
    • Minerals help our bodies stay healthy and make our bones strong.
  6. How does water help our bodies?
    • Water keeps us hydrated and helps us digest our food.
  7. What foods contain fiber, and why is fiber important?
    • Foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables have fiber, which helps our tummies feel full and makes us go to the bathroom easily.
  8. What happens if we don’t eat enough vitamins and minerals?
    • If we don’t eat enough vitamins and minerals, we might get sick more often and feel tired.
  9. Can we get too much of any type of food?
    • Yes, too much of some foods, like sweets and fatty snacks, can make us unhealthy if we eat them too often.
  10. How can we make sure we eat a balanced diet?
    • We can eat different kinds of foods from each group every day to make sure we get all the nutrients our bodies need.

Evaluation :

  1. Carbohydrates give us _________. a) energy b) water c) vitamins d) toys
  2. Proteins help our muscles _________. a) grow strong b) shrink c) turn blue d) disappear
  3. Fats give us energy and help our bodies _________. a) absorb vitamins b) fly c) dance d) disappear
  4. Vitamin C helps us fight off _________. a) sickness b) boredom c) sleepiness d) ghosts
  5. Minerals help our bodies stay _________. a) healthy b) sad c) angry d) hungry
  6. Water keeps us _________. a) hydrated b) dry c) cold d) sleepy
  7. Fiber helps our tummies feel _________. a) full b) empty c) sad d) angry
  8. Too much sweets and fatty snacks can make us _________. a) unhealthy b) happy c) strong d) smart
  9. If we don’t eat enough vitamins and minerals, we might get _________. a) sick b) tired c) happy d) strong
  10. A balanced diet includes eating different kinds of foods from each _________. a) group b) color c) size d) shape
  11. Carbohydrates provide us with _________. a) energy b) water c) toys d) vitamins
  12. Proteins help us to _________. a) grow strong b) shrink c) turn blue d) disappear
  13. Fats help our bodies _________. a) absorb vitamins b) fly c) dance d) disappear
  14. Vitamin C helps us to fight _________. a) sickness b) boredom c) sleepiness d) ghosts
  15. Minerals help our bodies stay _________. a) healthy b) sad c) angry d) hungry

Presentation :

  1. Revision:
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining that today’s lesson will focus on the different classes of food and their functions in our bodies.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher explains each class of food (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water, fiber) and their functions.
    • The teacher provides examples of food items from each class and discusses their importance in our diet.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students participate in discussions about the importance of eating different types of food for a healthy diet.
    • Students identify food items from each class and categorize them accordingly.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding by asking questions during the lesson.
  • The teacher observes students’ participation and engagement.
  • The teacher evaluates students’ ability to categorize food items into different classes.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the main function of carbohydrates?
  2. Why do we need proteins in our diet?
  3. How do fats help our bodies?
  4. What are some examples of vitamins and their functions?
  5. Why are minerals important for our bodies?
  6. What is the role of water in our diet?
  7. How does fiber benefit our bodies?
  8. Can you name a food item rich in carbohydrates?
  9. Which food group provides us with proteins?
  10. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ understanding and address any misconceptions.
  • The teacher emphasizes the importance of eating a variety of foods from different classes to stay healthy and strong.
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