Revision Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 12
Topic: Revision Based on All Previous Topics
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to recall and identify key concepts learned in previous lessons.

Key Words: Hair care, skin care, clothes care, food groups, cleaning, hygiene.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall important information from previous lessons.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of various topics discussed in home economics.
  3. Apply knowledge of personal hygiene and care routines.

Embedded Core Skills: Recall, comprehension, application.

Learning Materials:

  • Charts or posters summarizing previous topics.
  • Examples of hair care products, skincare items, clothes, and food items.
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3.


Revision Based on All Previous Topics:

  1. Care of the Hair:
    • We learned how to take care of our hair by washing it regularly and using the right products. 🧴💇‍♂️
  2. Types of Hair:
    • We discovered that there are different types of hair, like straight, curly, and wavy. 💁‍♀️💁‍♂️
  3. Articles for Cleaning the Hair:
    • We discussed the tools and products needed to clean our hair, such as shampoo and combs. 🚿🧼
  4. Types of Hair Infections:
    • We learned about common hair infections like dandruff and lice, and how to prevent them. 🦠🚫
  5. Effects of Sharing Unsterilized Tools in Salons:
    • We talked about why it’s important to use clean tools in salons to avoid infections. ✂️🧴
  6. Care of the Skin:
    • We explored ways to take care of our skin, like washing it daily and using moisturizer. 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️
  7. Articles for Skin Care:
    • We discussed skincare products such as soap, lotion, and sunscreen. 🧼🧴☀️
  8. Methods for Skin Care:
    • We learned different methods for caring for our skin, like exfoliating and applying masks. 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️
  9. Uses of Clothes:
    • We talked about the purposes of clothes, like keeping us warm and protecting our bodies. 👕👖
  10. Care for Clothes:
    • We learned how to take care of our clothes by washing them properly and storing them neatly. 🧺🧼

Let’s remember everything we’ve learned to stay healthy and clean! 🌟🧼

Group Activity

  1. What did we learn about taking care of our hair?
    • We learned to wash it regularly and use the right products.
  2. What are some types of hair we talked about?
    • We learned about straight, curly, and wavy hair.
  3. Why is it important to use clean tools in salons?
    • It’s important to avoid infections like dandruff and lice.
  4. What did we discuss about caring for our skin?
    • We talked about washing it daily and using moisturizer.
  5. What are some skincare products we mentioned?
    • We mentioned soap, lotion, and sunscreen.
  6. How do we take care of our clothes?
    • We learned to wash them properly and store them neatly.
  7. What’s the purpose of clothes?
    • Clothes keep us warm and protect our bodies.
  8. What are some methods for skin care we learned?
    • We learned about exfoliating and applying masks.
  9. Why do we need to know about different types of hair?
    • It helps us choose the right products and styles.
  10. How can we avoid hair infections?
    • By washing our hair regularly and using clean tools.

Evaluation :

  1. What do we use to comb our hair? a) Toothbrush b) Comb c) Spoon d) Fork
  2. Which type of hair forms curls? a) Straight hair b) Curly hair c) Wavy hair d) Bald hair
  3. How do we clean our hair? a) With soap and water b) With shampoo and water c) With toothpaste and water d) With juice and water
  4. What is the article used for drying wet hair? a) Towel b) Tissue c) Pillow d) Blanket
  5. What are small, white flakes that appear on the scalp and hair? a) Dust b) Dandruff c) Sand d) Glitter
  6. What is the name of the tiny insects that live on our scalp and make it itchy? a) Ants b) Lice c) Spiders d) Flies
  7. ________ is a type of infection that can make red, itchy patches on our scalp. a) Sunburn b) Ringworm c) Mosquito bite d) Cut
  8. Why shouldn’t we share combs and brushes at the salon? a) Because it’s fun b) Because it can spread lice or infections c) Because we like to share d) Because it’s important
  9. What might happen if we share unsterilized tools at the salon? a) We might get gifts b) We might get infections or skin problems c) We might get a new hairstyle d) We might get compliments
  10. How can we prevent getting infections at the salon? a) By bringing our own tools b) By sharing tools with friends c) By not going to the salon d) By not washing our hair
  11. What do we use to wash our face every day? a) Soap b) Toothpaste c) Shampoo d) Juice
  12. Sunscreen helps protect our skin from the sun’s ________. a) Rain b) Heat c) Cold d) Rays
  13. Why do we moisturize our skin? a) To make it dirty b) To keep it rough c) To keep it soft d) To make it oily
  14. What should we drink to keep our skin hydrated? a) Milk b) Water c) Soda d) Juice
  15. Soap is used to ________ the skin and remove dirt. a) Clean b) Paint c) Decorate d) Scratch
  16. What is the red, itchy skin condition called ________? a) Acne b) Eczema c) Ringworm d) Sunburn
  17. Acne causes pimples and blackheads to appear on the ________. a) Arms b) Face c) Legs d) Stomach
  18. Ringworm is caused by a ________ infection. a) Bacterial b) Fungal c) Viral d) Parasitic
  19. How can we prevent acne? By washing our face ________. a) Regularly b) Once a week c) Once a month d) Never
  20. What helps soothe eczema and reduces itching? ________. a) Lotion b) Soap c) Shampoo d) Toothpaste
  21. What do clothes protect our bodies from?
    a) Sun, rain, and cold weather
    b) Toys, books, and games
    c) Food, drinks, and snacks
    d) Flowers, trees, and animals
  22. How do we express our style with clothes?
    a) By wearing colors, patterns, and designs we like
    b) By eating fruits and vegetables
    c) By playing with toys and games
    d) By studying books and learning
  23. Why do we wash clothes?
    a) To keep them clean and free from dirt and germs
    b) To make them smell bad
    c) To make them colorful and bright
    d) To make them big and fluffy
  24. What helps remove moisture from clothes after washing?
    a) Drying them in the sun or using a dryer
    b) Washing them in hot water
    c) Leaving them wet on the floor
    d) Putting them in the freezer
  25. How should we fold clothes?
    a) Neatly and put them away in drawers or closets
    b) Toss them on the floor
    c) Leave them crumpled in a corner
    d) Rip them into pieces
  26. What do we need to wash clothes? a) Water, soap, bucket b) Food, toys, books c) Clothes, shoes, hats d) Pencils, paper, erasers
  27. Why do we use soap or detergent when washing clothes? a) To make them dirty b) To remove dirt and stains c) To make them colorful d) To make them smell bad
  28. How do we pre-treat stains on clothes? a) Apply soap or detergent directly b) Throw them away c) Leave them on the floor d) Ignore them
  29. What should we do before washing clothes? a) Sort them by color and fabric type b) Leave them outside c) Wear them again d) Play with them
  30. Why is it important to rinse clothes after washing? a) To remove soap or detergent b) To make them dirty c) To make them wet d) To make them smelly

Presentation :

  1. Revision of Previous Topics:
    • The teacher revises topics such as hair care, skin care, clothes care, and food groups.
    • Students participate by recalling key points from each topic.
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the concept of revision and explains its importance in consolidating learning.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher leads discussions on each topic, highlighting important information and key terms.
    • The teacher provides examples and demonstrations where applicable.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students engage in discussions, ask questions, and share their experiences related to each topic.
    • Students participate in activities such as identifying different types of food groups and discussing their sources.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding through questioning during the lesson.
  • Observation of students’ participation and engagement.
  • Evaluation of students’ ability to recall and apply concepts learned in previous lessons.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are some ways to take care of our hair?
  2. Name one type of hair infection.
  3. Why is it important to use clean tools in salons?
  4. How do we take care of our skin?
  5. What are some skincare products we use?
  6. How can we take care of our clothes?
  7. What are the purposes of clothes?
  8. Name one method for cleaning our skin.
  9. What are some sources of carbohydrates?
  10. How do we maintain personal hygiene?


  • The teacher goes round to assess students’ understanding and address any misconceptions.
  • Students are encouraged to continue practicing good hygiene habits at home.
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