Basic Skills in Football Physical and Health Education Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Physical and Health Education Lesson Plan Presentation

  • Subject: Physical and Health Education
  • Class: Primary 3
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 2
  • Topic: Basic Skills in Football
  • Sub-topic: Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, Trapping, Heading, Juggling, Shielding
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with basic movements like running and kicking.

Key Words:

  1. Dribbling
  2. Passing
  3. Shooting
  4. Trapping
  5. Heading
  6. Juggling
  7. Shielding

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to demonstrate basic football skills including dribbling, passing, shooting, trapping, heading, juggling, and shielding.
  • Students should understand the importance of teamwork in football.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Motor skills development
  • Coordination
  • Communication
  • Teamwork

Learning Materials:

  • Football
  • Cones or markers
  • Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work and Physical and Health Education Book 3


  • Introduction to basic football skills
  • Demonstration of each skill by the teacher
  • Practice sessions for students to try each skill
  • Emphasis on teamwork and cooperation

Basic Skills in Football

  1. Dribbling: Moving the ball with your feet while running. Example: Imagine you’re dribbling past opponents like a rabbit hopping 🏃‍♂️.
  2. Passing: Kicking the ball to a teammate. Example: Pass the ball to your friend like you’re sharing a snack 🍪.
  3. Shooting: Kicking the ball towards the goal to score. Example: Kick the ball into the goal like you’re kicking a can 🥅.
  4. Trapping: Stopping the ball with your foot, chest, or thigh. Example: Trap the ball softly like catching a falling leaf 🍃.
  5. Heading: Using your head to hit the ball. Example: Head the ball gently like you’re nodding to say yes 👍.
  6. Juggling: Keeping the ball in the air using feet, knees, or head. Example: Juggle the ball like you’re bouncing a balloon 🎈.
  7. Shielding: Using your body to protect the ball from opponents. Example: Shield the ball like you’re holding a shield in front of you 🛡️.

Remember, practice makes perfect! 🌟


  1. __________ is moving the ball with your feet while running. a) Shooting b) Dribbling c) Heading d) Shielding
  2. __________ is kicking the ball to a teammate. a) Juggling b) Passing c) Trapping d) Shooting
  3. __________ is kicking the ball towards the goal to score. a) Passing b) Trapping c) Shooting d) Shielding
  4. __________ is stopping the ball with your foot, chest, or thigh. a) Heading b) Dribbling c) Trapping d) Juggling
  5. __________ is using your head to hit the ball. a) Shooting b) Passing c) Heading d) Dribbling
  6. __________ is keeping the ball in the air using feet, knees, or head. a) Shielding b) Juggling c) Dribbling d) Passing
  7. __________ is using your body to protect the ball from opponents. a) Trapping b) Heading c) Shielding d) Juggling
  8. __________ is moving the ball with your feet while standing still. a) Trapping b) Dribbling c) Juggling d) Passing
  9. When you __________, you kick the ball into the goal to score. a) Shield b) Dribble c) Shoot d) Trap
  10. To stop the ball, you need to __________ it with your foot, chest, or thigh. a) Pass b) Shoot c) Trap d) Dribble
  11. When you use your head to hit the ball, it’s called __________. a) Shielding b) Heading c) Juggling d) Passing
  12. Keeping the ball in the air using your feet, knees, or head is called __________. a) Trapping b) Dribbling c) Juggling d) Shielding
  13. When you protect the ball from opponents using your body, it’s called __________. a) Dribbling b) Shooting c) Shielding d) Passing
  14. Moving the ball with your feet while running is called __________. a) Shooting b) Passing c) Dribbling d) Heading
  15. To kick the ball to a teammate, you need to __________. a) Trap b) Shoot c) Pass d) Dribble


  • Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic which was “Importance of Exercise for Health.”
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, “Basic Skills in Football,” explaining that football is a popular sport played with a round ball and involves various skills.
  • Step 3:
    • Teacher’s Activities:
      • Explain each skill: dribbling, passing, shooting, trapping, heading, juggling, and shielding.
      • Demonstrate each skill, highlighting key points.
      • Divide students into groups for practice sessions.
      • Provide guidance and feedback during practice.
    • Learners’ Activities:
      • Watch the teacher’s demonstration attentively.
      • Participate in practice sessions, trying out each skill.
      • Collaborate with classmates during group activities.


  • Observation of students’ performance during practice sessions.
  • Verbal feedback on individual progress.
  • Informal assessment during group activities.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is dribbling in football?
  2. How do you pass the ball to a teammate?
  3. What do you do when you want to shoot the ball into the goal?
  4. How do you stop the ball with your foot?
  5. What is heading in football?
  6. How do you keep the ball in the air using your feet?
  7. What does shielding involve in football?
  8. Why is teamwork important in football?
  9. Can you name three basic football skills?
  10. What did you learn about football today?


  • The teacher goes round to mark and provide necessary feedback on the students’ performance in practicing the basic skills in football. Encourage students to keep practicing and enjoying the sport.
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