Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Basic Science Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

1. “Meter is a unit for measuring ……………………………………………………..……………………….”

Answer: Length

Explanation: A meter is a unit used to measure length. For example, we use a meter to measure how long a book or a table is.

2. “Mass simply means ……………………………………………………………………………………………”

Answer: Amount of matter in an object

Explanation: Mass is how much stuff (matter) is in something. If you have a bag of apples, the mass is how heavy the bag is.

3. “Time is measured in …………………………………………………………………………………………..”

Answer: Seconds, minutes, and hours

Explanation: We measure time in seconds for short periods, minutes for a bit longer, and hours for even longer periods. For example, how long you play a game is measured in time.

4. “………………………………… is the amount of matter a body contains.”

Answer: Mass

Explanation: The amount of stuff (matter) in an object is called mass. A big rock has more mass than a small pebble.

5. “Simple pendulum, wristwatch, and handset are methods of measuring …………………..”

Answer: Time

Explanation: We use a simple pendulum, a wristwatch, or a handset (like on a clock or phone) to measure time. These help us know when to do different activities during the day.

6. “………………………………… is the duration in which all things happen.”

Answer: Time

Explanation: Time is how long things take to happen. It’s like the duration of a story or a game.

7. “List two natural sources of light. ………………………………. …………………………………….”


  1. Sun
  2. Stars

Explanation: The sun and stars are natural sources of light. They give us light during the day and night.

8. “……………………………. Is a piece of glass which reflects light and produces images.”

Answer: Mirror

Explanation: A mirror is like a special piece of glass that can reflect light. When you look in a mirror, you see a reflection of yourself.

9. “The two forms of technology are: …………………………………………………… …………………….”


  1. Simple Technology
  2. Complex Technology

Explanation: Technology comes in simple forms (like using a spoon) and complex forms (like computers or smartphones).

10. “………………………. And ………………………… are examples of artificial sources of light.”


  1. Bulb
  2. Torch

Explanation: Bulbs and torches are things we use to create light. They are artificial sources of light.

11. “What is length? ………………………………………………………………………………………………”

Answer: How long something is

Explanation: Length is like measuring how long a pencil or a piece of string is. It helps us know the size of things.

12. “Give one example of a developed technology product. ………………………………………”

Answer: Smartphone

Explanation: A smartphone is an example of a developed technology product. It can do many things like take pictures, play music, and connect to the internet.

13. “The two types of mirrors are ……………………………….. and …………………………………..”


  1. Plane Mirror
  2. Concave Mirror

Explanation: Mirrors come in different types. A plane mirror is flat, and a concave mirror curves inward.

14. “Mention two uses of light energy ………………………………………………………………………”


  1. Seeing things
  2. Photosynthesis in plants

Explanation: Light energy helps us see things, and plants use it for photosynthesis to make food.

15. “Hoe and cutlass are examples of ……………………………………………. Technology”

Answer: Simple Technology

Explanation: Tools like a hoe and cutlass are examples of simple technology. They help people do work in farming.

  1. “Meter is a unit for measuring ……………………………………………………..……………………….”
    • a) Weight
    • b) Length
    • c) Time
    • d) Mass
  2. “Mass simply means ……………………………………………………………………………………………”
    • a) Weight
    • b) Length
    • c) Amount of matter in an object
    • d) Volume
  3. “Time is measured in …………………………………………………………………………………………..”
    • a) Inches
    • b) Liters
    • c) Seconds, minutes, and hours
    • d) Kilograms
  4. “………………………………… is the amount of matter a body contains.”
    • a) Time
    • b) Mass
    • c) Length
    • d) Weight
  5. “Simple pendulum, wristwatch, and handset are methods of measuring …………………..”
    • a) Distance
    • b) Time
    • c) Mass
    • d) Volume
  6. “………………………………… is the duration in which all things happen.”
    • a) Mass
    • b) Length
    • c) Time
    • d) Weight
  7. “List two natural sources of light. ………………………………. …………………………………….”
    • a) Bulb, Torch
    • b) Fire, Candle
    • c) Sun, Stars
    • d) Lamp, Flashlight
  8. “……………………………. Is a piece of glass which reflects light and produces images.”
    • a) Prism
    • b) Lens
    • c) Mirror
    • d) Telescope
  9. “The two forms of technology are: …………………………………………………… …………………….”
    • a) Simple Technology, Advanced Technology
    • b) Natural Technology, Artificial Technology
    • c) Light Technology, Sound Technology
    • d) Big Technology, Small Technology
  10. “………………………. And ………………………… are examples of artificial sources of light.”
    • a) Sun, Stars
    • b) Fire, Candle
    • c) Bulb, Torch
    • d) Moon, Lightning
  11. “What is length? ………………………………………………………………………………………………”
    • a) How heavy something is
    • b) How long something is
    • c) How hot something is
    • d) How tall something is
  12. “Give one example of a developed technology product. ………………………………………”
    • a) Wheel
    • b) Smartphone
    • c) Hammer
    • d) Book
  13. “The two types of mirrors are ……………………………….. and …………………………………..”
    • a) Curved Mirror, Flat Mirror
    • b) Concave Mirror, Convex Mirror
    • c) Tall Mirror, Short Mirror
    • d) Big Mirror, Small Mirror
  14. “Mention two uses of light energy ………………………………………………………………………”
    • a) Hearing, Smelling
    • b) Seeing things, Photosynthesis in plants
    • c) Tasting, Touching
    • d) Running, Jumping
  15. “Hoe and cutlass are examples of ……………………………………………. Technology”
    • a) Simple Technology
    • b) Complex Technology
    • c) Natural Technology
    • d) Light Technology
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