Vocabulary Learning for Grade 6 Students English Grammar Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Vocabulary Learning – Words to Know

Duration: 1 hour

Term: Second Term

Previous Lesson: Verb Forms and Tenses

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define and understand the meanings of the vocabulary words.
  2. Use each word in a sentence correctly.
  3. Identify the words within the context of a story.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Vocabulary development
  • Reading comprehension
  • Language comprehension

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers or chalkboard and chalk
  • Visual aids (images related to the words)
  • Word cards with definitions
  • Story containing the vocabulary words
  • Handouts with sentences for practice


  • Start by introducing the topic, emphasizing that we will learn new words today.
  • Here’s a list of words along with their meanings to guide pupils in learning them:
    1. Compensate: To give someone something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.
    2. Inheritance: The property, money, or possessions that someone leaves behind when they die, which is passed on to their heirs.
    3. Heritage: The traditions, customs, and beliefs that are passed down through generations within a particular culture or family.
    4. Hostile: Showing unfriendly or aggressive behavior, often characterized by a lack of cooperation or goodwill.
    5. Bereave: To be deprived or left in a state of loss, especially due to the death of a loved one.
    6. Agitate: To stir up or provoke strong feelings or opinions, often in a public or political context.
    7. Strike: A work stoppage or industrial action initiated by workers to protest against workplace conditions, typically by refusing to work.
    8. Labour: Work, especially physical work or hard effort, often used to describe the workforce or the process of work.
    9. Asylum: A place of refuge or protection, often granted to individuals seeking safety and shelter, especially from persecution or danger.
    10. Empress: A female ruler who holds the highest position of authority in an empire, typically the wife of an emperor or a woman who rules in her own right.

    Encourage pupils to use these words in sentences to reinforce their understanding and usage. You can also provide context or examples related to each word to make learning more engaging.

  • Here are sentences using each of the words to help grade 6 pupils understand their meanings:
    1. Compensate: The company will compensate you for the damaged laptop by giving you a new one.
    2. Inheritance: After her grandmother passed away, she received an inheritance of valuable jewelry and family heirlooms.
    3. Heritage: Our school celebrates its cultural heritage with a special event every year.
    4. Hostile: The two rival soccer teams had a hostile match with lots of arguments and fights.
    5. Bereave: Losing his pet dog made him feel sad and bereaved.
    6. Agitate: The protesters gathered to agitate for better working conditions and higher wages.
    7. Strike: The workers decided to go on strike to demand fair pay and safer working conditions.
    8. Labour: Farming is hard work, but it’s important for producing food.
    9. Asylum: The refugee sought asylum in the neighboring country to escape from the war.
    10. Empress: Queen Victoria was a famous empress who ruled over a vast empire.

    These sentences provide simple contexts for each word, making it easier for grade 6 pupils to understand their meanings.

  • Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks:
    1. When someone passes away, their family may receive an _________, which includes money or property left behind. a) compensate b) inheritance c) heritage d) hostile
    2. Our school celebrates its cultural _________ by organizing events that showcase our traditions. a) heritage b) agitate c) bereave d) strike
    3. The workers decided to go on _________ to demand better working conditions and fair pay. a) heritage b) strike c) compensate d) hostile
    4. During the war, many people sought _________ in neighboring countries to escape danger. a) heritage b) labour c) asylum d) empress
    5. She felt _________ when her favorite toy was lost, and she couldn’t find it anywhere. a) hostile b) bereave c) compensate d) strike
    6. The queen ruled over a vast empire and was known as an _________. a) empress b) labour c) heritage d) agitate
    7. The workers decided to _________ for better wages and safer working conditions. a) agitate b) strike c) asylum d) inheritance
    8. He received a fair amount of money to _________ him for the damage caused to his car. a) strike b) heritage c) compensate d) hostile
    9. Many people came to the country seeking _________ and protection from violence in their home countries. a) heritage b) empress c) asylum d) bereave
    10. The protestors gathered to _________ for their rights and better living conditions. a) labour b) heritage c) agitate d) compensate
    11. The royal _________ lived in a grand palace and ruled with authority. a) strike b) empress c) hostile d) heritage
    12. When someone loses a loved one, they often feel _________ and sad. a) strike b) heritage c) bereave d) compensate
    13. Our family’s cultural _________ is rich with traditions and customs passed down through generations. a) agitate b) labour c) heritage d) asylum
    14. The soldiers in the battle were very _________ and fought aggressively. a) hostile b) empress c) compensate d) heritage
    15. The workers went on a _________ to demand better treatment and fair wages from their employers. a) strike b) labour c) asylum d) bereave

    Have students choose the correct words (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence. This will help reinforce their understanding of these vocabulary words.


Step 1 – Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Display the word cards with the new words and provide simple definitions.
  • Pronounce each word clearly and ask students to repeat after you.
  • Show visual aids for each word to help with understanding.

Step 2 – Story Reading (15 minutes)

  • Share a short story that includes the new words in context.
  • Read the story aloud to the class.
  • Encourage students to listen for the vocabulary words as you read.

Step 3 – Vocabulary Practice (15 minutes)

  • Distribute handouts with sentences containing the new words.
  • Have students work in pairs to complete the sentences using the correct word.
  • Review and discuss the answers as a class.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Clearly pronounce and explain the meanings of the new words.
  • Engage students in listening by reading the story.
  • Facilitate discussions and provide guidance during vocabulary practice.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Repeat after the teacher to practice pronunciation.
  • Listen attentively during the story reading.
  • Collaborate with peers to complete sentence exercises.


  • Assess students’ understanding through their participation and responses during the lesson.
  • Evaluate the completed sentence exercises to ensure correct usage of the words.

Fill-in-the-Gap Evaluation Questions:

  1. After losing his pet, he felt _________.
  2. The queen ruled over a vast _________.
  3. Workers often go on _________ to demand better conditions.
  4. The _________ of the old house included valuable artwork.
  5. The students wanted to _________ for better school facilities.
  6. The refugees sought _________ in a neighboring country.
  7. The soldiers in the war were very _________ toward the enemy.
  8. She received a fair _________ for the damage to her car.
  9. Our cultural _________ is rich with traditions.
  10. An _________ is a place of safety for those in need.

Conclusion on the Topic: In today’s lesson, we learned ten new vocabulary words, including “compensate,” “inheritance,” “heritage,” “hostile,” “bereave,” “agitate,” “strike,” “labour,” “asylum,” and “empress.” These words will enrich your language skills and understanding. Remember to use them correctly in sentences and continue building your vocabulary to become better communicators

Vocabulary Building Identification and pronunciation of new words English Grammar Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5