CLASS: Basic Five SUBJECT: English language TOPIC: Revision

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to answer questions on the previous topics

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5


BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with the revised topics




Write out the past tense of the following

  • Eat 4. dance
  • Drink 5. cry
  • Work 6. forget




CLASS: Basic Five SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC: Reading: Teaching of New words, meaning and comprehension; How i Spent My Last Holiday; The tenses.

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Read and comprehend the passage
  • Learn new words
  • Use the correct forms of tenses in sentences

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with comprehension passages and new words


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5




Now read the passage carefully and try to remember the facts in it.


A myth is an ancient story that explains something very important to people in a particular region. Older people tell these stories to younger people in every part of the world. All storytellers change these stories when they tell them; so there are now many different versions of the same myth. Much later, people began to write them down. A creation myth is a myth that explains how the universe, the Earth or life began. There are hundreds of wonderful

creation myths in every country and region. Here are some from Nigeria. The first example is a creation myth known to our Efik people. The creator, Abassi, made a man and a woman but he did not want them to live on Earth. His wife, Atai, persuaded him to let them be here. Abassi wanted to control the humans, so he made them eat all their meals with him. He did not want them to grow food or hunt. He also ordered them not to have children.

However, the woman was fed up and she began growing food. Then the man joined his wife in the fields and they stopped coming to eat with Abassi. Soon they had children. Abassi was very angry and blamed his wife for what happened. She promised to do something about it. She sent death to Earth and she also sent arguments and fighting to weaken the power of the people.


Use examples in the passage to choose the correct word from each pair in brackets.

1 I’m writing (down/up) the names of friends I want to come to my party. 2 The story is known (to/about) children in this area.

  • There are millions of people living (in/on) Earth.
  • Bayo is fed (with/up) because he has no money for ice-cream. 5 He blamed me (for/by) missing the bus!



  • Ancient 2.  Myth 3. Versions 4.  Bored 5. Empty GRAMMAR

Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate for of tenses.

  • She rice and beans last night. ( eat )
  • The old woman From the tree. ( fell )
  • My father a red jeep. ( drive)
  • Who ……………… the flower vase? ( break )
  • She rice and beans. ( prepare)


EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

Write a composition on the topic ‘ How I Spent My Last Holiday ’


WEEK: Three CLASS: Basic Five

SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC:  A. Speech work: Sentences in the passive voice ‘with and without an agent’

  • Structure: Mastering of the passive voice Construction change active sentences into Passive voice
  • Grammar: Relative clauses using words such as “who”, “which”, and “that”

  • Writing: Writing abbreviated forms of letters e.g. Telegrams format/content

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Change sentences in active voice to passive voice
  • Correctly use ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’
  • Write abbreviated forms of letter

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with abbreviated forms of letters and construction of sentences in active and passive voices


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5




Active and Passive voice

In active voice, the subject performs the action and the action is received by the object. E.g:

  • I ran into the class.
  • Dupe took the lunch box.


Passive verbs tell us about the person or thing that the action in a sentence is happening to. It is not always clear who or what is doing the action, as in:

  • The car was stolen.
  • We do not know who stole the car.



 Relative Clause using ‘Who’, ‘Which’ and ‘That’


Relative clauses are used to join two or more sentences together using ‘who’, ‘which’, and ‘that’


  • This is my aunt. She is staying with us. This is my aunt who is staying with us.
  • Next weekend is the party. I told you about it.

Next weekend is the party which i told you about.

  • Here is the book. I promised to give it to you. Here is the book which i promised to give you




An abbreviated form of letter is a short form of letter usually in form of a telegram or a text message. It doesn’t contain addresses titles etc.



Daddy, please bring my books. Am in school. Tomorrow is my birthday. 9am prompt. Be punctual

I will be absent in school today because am not feeling well. Tell my teacher. EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

Write these pairs of sentences as one sentence using ‘who’, ‘which’, or ‘that’.

  • There’s the boy. He broke the window.
  • That’s the old woman. She helped the infant up when he fell down. 3 Is that the bike? You got it for your birthday.

4 Can I borrow the magazine? You bought it this morning. 5 Have you watched the DVD? I lent it to you last week.


WEEK: Four CLASS: Basic Five

SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC: A. Speech Work: Intonation practice in statement Questions command and request

  • Reading: Teaching of new words meaning and Comprehension
  • Grammar: Paragraphs major and minor Characters
  • Writing: My best friend

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Use the correct intonation in statements, command and request
  • Learn new words
  • Explain the concept of major and minor characters
  • Write a composition on the topic ‘My Best Friend’

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with intonation and composition writing


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5




Intonation has to do with the falling and rising of our reading tone. Example:

Is there a snake on the kitchen floor? ( Yes/No Question) No, there isn’t. ( Statement)

May i use the bathroom please? ( Request) When are you going home? (Question) GRAMMAR



EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

Using an arrow, indicate the appropriate intonation for each of these sentences.

  • Do we have some sugar at home?
  • Where is my school bag?
  • I need to rest.
  • Can i have some stew?
  • Are you going home now?



WEEK: Five CLASS: Basic Five

SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC:  Speech Work: Reading poem on good Neighborliness; Reading: Teaching of new words meanings and Comprehension; Grammar: Formal letter to a village head or any Other constituted authority; Writing: Features of formal and informal letters

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Read and comprehend a poem
  • Learn new words
  • State the features of a formal letter
  • Write a formal letter

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with letter writing and poems

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook


REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5



Speech Work



Take turns to read different lines of the


Pay serious attention to its message. The girl who was too busy chatting


Different Attention Chatting


She didn’t stop, look or listen,

just carried on with her conversation and crossed the road.

Now look what’s happened.

She’s bandaged all over because a car hit her in every imaginable place, including her face.

Her friends were the same and shared the blame. Lumps and bumps came up in clumps

Conversation Cross Happened Imaginable Lumps

Bump Clumps Bandaged





EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  • Find the dictionary meaning of these words and use each of them in a sentence
  • Different
  • Attention
  • Chatting
  • Conversation
  • Cross
  • Happened
  • Imaginable
  • Lumps
  • Bump 10.Clumps
  • Write a letter to your village head requesting that the road to your village be repaired.
  • What are the differences between a formal letter and an informal letter





CLASS: Basic Five SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC: Speech Work: Making polite requests; Structure: Sentence building on reported speech; Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and Comprehension; Grammar: Writing: Formal invitation

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Make polite requests
  • Change direct speech to reported speech
  • Learn new words
  • Design a formal invitation

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with making polite and impolite requests


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5



Speech Work




Read this rude conversation in pairs. A: Hey! Come here. B: Why?

A: I want to talk to you. B: What about?

A: Get me a glass of juice. B: Have I got to?

Now read this polite conversation together.

A: Excuse me. Would you come here for a minute, please?


B: How can I help you?

A: I’d like you to do something for me, if you don’t mind.

B: Not at all. What can i do?.

A: Would you mind getting me a glass of juice, please? I’m thirsty.





There are two ways of reporting what someone has said: either as direct speech or indirect reported speech. Direct speech quotes the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said, but not in their exact words. In writing, direct speech is put in quotation marks (or inverted commas).


EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus: A.


  1. Look at this invitation carefully and design a formal invitation


WEEK: Seven CLASS: Basic Five

SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC:  Speech Work: Using the telephone {Call and Response in telephone conversation} Structure: Compare and contrast polite intonation And the rude or impolite tone/intonation in Dialogue; Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning; Grammar: Comparison of formal and informal Letters in request of formal feature; Writing: Guided composition on bicycle

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Carry out telephone conversation
  • Compare and contrast polite and rude intonation
  • Compare formal and informal letters
  • Write a guided composition on bicycles

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils have been making calls and are familiar with bicycles


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5




Telephone conversation

The following are common words used on telephone conversation




Choose a partner sitting near you. A is the caterpillar and B is the butterfly. Read the play aloud. Then change parts and act out the dialogue. Say the questions and answers with the correct intonation.

A: Hello. I’m a caterpillar. What are you? B: I’m a butterfly.

A: How did you grow up to be so pretty?

B: You’ll be like me one day. Will you do what I tell you? A: Oh, yes. Please tell me.

B: Well. First, eat as many leaves as you can. You will grow very fat. Then build a house round yourself and stay inside.





Study the samples below on formal and informal letters.





EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:


  • Write a letter to your classmate telling him/her that you will not be attending his/her birthday party.



WEEK: Eight


CLASS: Basic Five SUBJECT: English language

TOPIC: Speech Work: Intonation practice; Structure: Reported speech; Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and Comprehension; Grammar: Writing the opposite of the underlined Words Writing: Abbreviated forms of letter e.g. Telegram

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Read with the appropriate intonation
  • Learn new words
  • Write the opposites of given words
  • Write a telegram

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with intonation practices


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook REFERENCE MATERIAL: Nigeria Primary English. Book 5





Choose a partner sitting near you. Say this conversation together. Remember to use the correct intonation for the

questions and statements.

Hakeem: Hi, did you enjoy school today?

Ejike: Yes, I did. We had a visit from the webmaster. He taught us how to use the Internet. Hakeem: That must have been interesting. And what did he teach you?

Ejike: He taught us how to use search engines to surf the net. Hakeem: What’s a search engine?

Ejike: A search engine is a computer program that helps us to find information on the Internet. Hakeem: How does it work?

Ejike: A search engine is compiled by robot programs called spiders or crawlers. Hakeem: What have spiders and crawlers got to do with the Internet?

Ejike: They’re not insects. They are computer programs designed to find web pages. Hakeem: Can you give me examples of search engines?

Ejike: Google, Yahoo, and Metacrawler. Hakeem: How do you use them?

Ejike: Oh, just type the subject or name of the website you are searching for into the search box, and click ‘Enter’ or ‘Go’. Within seconds, it will bring up a lot of related topics or take you straight to the specific website you want to visit.

Hakeem: Thank God for the Internet. I think my homework has just got a lot easier.


  • Who visited Ejike’s school?
  • What did the visitor talk about?
  • Mention three search engines given in the passage 4 What is a search engine?

5 How can you use a search engine? 6 Are search engines insects?



ComNpEilWed,WinOteRrnDeSt,  visitor, designed, engine, website, easier,



EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

  • Find the dictionary meaning of these words and use each of them in a sentence

Compiled, internet, visitor, designed, engine, website, easier, information

  • Write a telegram to your friend, telling him/her to bring your maths note to school
  • Wite out the antonyms of these words

Match the words in Column A with their opposites in Column B A B

healthy mild

clean general

raw ineffective

effective dirty

severe cooked

particular unhealthy


WEEK: Nine CLASS: Basic Two

SUBJECT: English Language

TOPIC:  Speech Work: Making reports of statements, Commands, questions changing reports to direct; Speech;  Structure: Sentence building; Reading: Teaching of new words, meaning and Comprehension; Grammar: Intonation practice on question Tags; Writing: Describing a house

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Make reports of commands, questions and statements
  • Build sentences and learn new words
  • Read question tags with the appropriate intonation
  • Describe a house

BUILDING A BACKGROUND: Pupils are familiar with intonation and composition


INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Pictures, charts and textbook


REFERENCE MATERIAL: Premier Primary English. Book 5








EVALUATION: Pupils are evaluated thus:

Complete the statements below with the appropriate question tags.

  • She killed a snake ?
  • We are safe now ?
  • They are not around ?

  • We should stay in door ?
  • They can’t remember the old picture ?


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