Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria. English Comprehension. Primary 5 First Term Week 3

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: English Language

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 3

Topic: Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria (English Comprehension)

Duration: 60 minutes

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define consumer rights and understand their importance.
  2. Identify five Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria.
  3. Comprehend and extract information from a passage about Consumer Rights Agencies.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading comprehension
  • Vocabulary development
  • Critical thinking
  • Oral communication

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Handout with a passage about Consumer Rights Agencies
  • Flashcards with key terms
  • Images or logos of Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria
  • Worksheets with comprehension questions
  • Projector (optional)


Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria 

  1. Consumer Protection Council (CPC): The CPC is a government agency responsible for protecting and promoting the rights of consumers in Nigeria. They address issues related to product safety, quality, and fair pricing.
  2. Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON): SON ensures that products in Nigeria meet the required quality and safety standards. They play a crucial role in safeguarding consumer interests.
  3. Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC): NCC oversees the telecommunications industry in Nigeria, ensuring that consumers receive quality services, fair pricing, and protection against fraudulent practices.
  4. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC): NAFDAC is responsible for regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and chemicals in Nigeria to ensure consumer safety.
  5. Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC): NERC regulates the electricity sector in Nigeria, ensuring that consumers are provided with reliable and affordable electricity services and addressing their complaints regarding billing, metering, and service quality.



Title: “Guardians of Your Consumer Rights”

In Nigeria, there are special groups of people who work to protect you when you go shopping or use services. These groups are called “Consumer Rights Agencies.”

Consumer Rights Agencies are like superheroes for shoppers. They make sure that when you buy things, they are safe, fair, and of good quality.

One of these superhero agencies is the Consumer Protection Council (CPC). They check if products are safe and not harmful to you. They also make sure that you don’t get tricked by unfair prices or false advertising.

Another hero is the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON). They make sure the things you buy are good quality. Imagine if your toys broke easily or your food wasn’t safe to eat – that’s where SON comes in to help!

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) is like a guardian for your phone and internet services. They want to make sure you get what you pay for, like fast internet and clear phone calls.

Don’t forget about the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). They protect you from bad medicines or unsafe food. They check what you eat and use to make sure it won’t hurt you.

Lastly, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) watches over your electricity. They make sure you get the right bills and good service. No one likes surprises on their electricity bill, right?

So, next time you go shopping or use a service, remember these superhero agencies are looking out for you. They want to make sure you’re safe and treated fairly. Your consumer rights matter!




1. The agency responsible for protecting consumers in Nigeria is __________.
a) CPC
c) FBI
d) NBA

2. Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) ensures that products meet __________ standards.
a) international
b) low
c) no
d) old

3. Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) regulates the __________ industry.
a) telecommunications
b) fashion
c) food
d) transportation

4. Consumer Protection Council (CPC) checks if products are __________.
a) harmful
b) delicious
c) colorful
d) expensive

5. NAFDAC is responsible for regulating __________ products in Nigeria.
a) food and drug
b) cars
c) music
d) furniture

6. NERC ensures you get the right __________ for your electricity.
a) surprises
b) colors
c) bills
d) toys

7. CPC helps consumers against __________ advertising.
a) truthful
b) unfair
c) exciting
d) small

8. SON ensures that things you buy are of good __________.
a) quality
b) smell
c) size
d) taste

9. NCC ensures you have clear __________ calls.
a) movie
b) phone
c) weather
d) food

10. NAFDAC protects you from __________ medicines.
a) tasty
b) bad
c) funny
d) old

11. The agency that watches over your electricity is __________.
a) SON
b) CPC

12. Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria are like __________ for shoppers.
a) superheroes
b) teachers
c) animals
d) friends

13. SON makes sure products are __________ to use.
a) hard
b) safe
c) heavy
d) loud

14. NCC wants to make sure you get __________ internet.
a) slow
b) fast
c) cold
d) long

15. When you go shopping, Consumer Rights Agencies want to make sure you’re treated __________.
a) unfairly
b) rudely
c) safely
d) quietly



  1. Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Begin by discussing the concept of consumer rights and why they are important. Use relatable examples.
    • Introduce the topic “Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria” and its significance.
  2. Main Content (30 minutes):
    • Display images or logos of the five Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria on the board and briefly describe each one.
    • Present the handout with a passage about Consumer Rights Agencies in Nigeria. Read it aloud to the class.
    • Encourage students to highlight or underline key information while reading.
    • Discuss the passage as a class, ensuring students understand the roles and responsibilities of these agencies.
  3. Vocabulary Development (5 minutes):
    • Use flashcards to teach and reinforce vocabulary related to the topic (e.g., consumer, agency, protection, regulation).
  4. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes):
    • Engage students in a discussion about the importance of these agencies in everyday life.
    • Explain the assessment criteria for the upcoming comprehension exercise.
    • Provide examples of comprehension questions.
  5. Learners’ Activities (5 minutes):
    • Ask students to brainstorm questions they might have about the topic.
    • Encourage students to share their thoughts on consumer rights and the agencies discussed.
  6. Assessment:
    • Distribute worksheets with comprehension questions related to the passage.
    • Assess students’ understanding of the topic and their ability to extract information from the passage.
    • Encourage students to answer questions in complete sentences.

    Conclusion (5 minutes):

    • Recap the main points of the lesson.
    • Highlight the importance of consumer rights and agencies in Nigeria.
    • Assign homework related to the topic for further reinforcement.


    • Write a short paragraph about the role of one Consumer Rights Agency in Nigeria.
    • Prepare two questions about consumer rights and agencies to discuss in the next class.

    Note: This lesson plan is designed for a 60-minute class and can be adjusted based on the actual classroom dynamics and available resources.