Writing a descriptive essay about A Goat 🐐 English Language Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11


Subject :English Grammar

Class :Primary 5

Term :Third Term

Week: 11

Class: Basic 5

Subject: English Grammar

Topic :

i. highlight the outlines steps/procedures of writing descriptive essay;

ii. complete a guided descriptive essay β€œ;

iii. write a descriptive essay on β€˜A Goat’.

Visit these sites for further reading:


Previous Lesson :



Topic: Writing a Descriptive Essay or Composition on A Goat

– Begin with a captivating opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention, such as:
β€œImagine a creature with a charmingly curved set of horns, a curious gaze, and a mischievous grin on its face – the goat.”
– Introduce the purpose of the essay, which is to provide a vivid description of a goat.


  1. Physical Appearance:

– Describe the goat’s appearance in detail, focusing on its distinctive features, such as:
– Coat color and texture (e.g., soft white fur, sleek black coat)
– Horns (e.g., long, spiraled, curved)
– Eyes (e.g., round, expressive)
– Ears (e.g., floppy, alert)
– Size and body structure (e.g., medium-sized, sturdy)

Example: β€œA goat, with its pristine white coat glistening under the golden sun, stood proudly amidst the lush green meadow. Its long, spiraled horns gracefully curved upward, adding to its majestic aura. The goat’s round, amber eyes shimmered with curiosity, while its floppy ears perked up at the slightest sound. Standing there, it exuded an air of elegance and strength.”

  1. Behavior and Characteristic Traits:

– Discuss the goat’s behavior and unique traits, such as:
– Grazing habits (e.g., nibbling on grass, leaves)
– Playfulness and curiosity (e.g., climbing rocks, exploring the surroundings)
– Climbing skills (e.g., agile on steep terrain, leaping effortlessly)
– Social nature (e.g., living in herds, forming strong bonds with other goats)

Example: β€œAs the goat nibbled on patches of fresh green grass, its playful nature became evident. It would occasionally pause, its mischievous grin appearing as if it was plotting its next adventure. With agile movements, it effortlessly scaled nearby rocks, displaying its remarkable climbing skills. This social creature, always seen in the company of its fellow goats, formed strong bonds that could withstand any challenge.”

  1. Habitat and Adaptations:

– Describe the goat’s natural habitat and its ability to adapt, highlighting:
– Natural habitat (e.g., mountains, grassy plains)
– Adaptations to the environment (e.g., sturdy hooves for climbing, thick fur for insulation)
– Feeding habits (e.g., grazing on vegetation, foraging for food)

Example: β€œThe goat found solace in the rugged mountains, where it made its home among the rocky slopes. Its sturdy hooves, expertly adapted for gripping even the most treacherous terrain, allowed it to explore places others could not. The goat’s thick fur served as a protective layer against the biting cold, keeping it warm in the harshest winters. It would effortlessly browse on the succulent grasses and leaves, ensuring it was well-nourished in its challenging habitat.”

– Summarize the key points discussed in the essay.
– Conclude with a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader, such as:
β€œThe goat, with its magnificent appearance, playful demeanor, and adaptability, reminds us of the beauty and resilience found in nature.”

Example: β€œIn conclusion, the goat embodies both elegance and strength, seamlessly adapting to its environment and forming strong social bonds. Its white coat, curved horns, and curious gaze captivate the beholder, while its climbing abilities and grazing habits highlight its adaptability. Observing a goat in its natural habitat is a testament to the wonders of nature and the enduring spirit of these fascinating creatures.”

Note: The examples provided are meant to give you an idea of how to structure and write your descriptive.



i. Outline Steps/Procedures of Writing a Descriptive Essay:

  1. Choose a Topic: Select a specific subject or topic for your descriptive essay, such as an animal, a person, a place, or an object. In this case, the topic is β€œA Goat.”

  2. Brainstorm: Think about the different aspects and characteristics you want to describe about the topic. Consider its appearance, behavior, habitat, and any other relevant details.

  3. Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts by creating an outline for your essay. Divide it into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each paragraph in the body should focus on a specific aspect of the topic.

  4. Introduction: Begin with a captivating opening sentence to grab the reader’s attention. Introduce the topic and provide a clear thesis statement that states the purpose of your essay.

  5. Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on one aspect of the topic. Use descriptive language and provide specific details, examples, and sensory imagery to paint a vivid picture for the reader.

  6. Use Sensory Language: Engage the reader’s senses by incorporating descriptive words related to sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This will make your essay more engaging and immersive.

  7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restate the thesis statement in a conclusive manner. Leave the reader with a lasting impression or a thought-provoking statement.

  8. Revise and Edit: Review your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly and that your writing is clear and concise. Make any necessary revisions to improve the overall quality of your essay.

ii. Guided Descriptive Essay:

Title: β€œThe Majestic Goat”

– Begin with a captivating opening sentence that captures the reader’s attention.
– Introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that reflects the purpose of the essay.

Body Paragraphs:
1. Physical Appearance:
– Describe the goat’s physical appearance, such as its coat, horns, eyes, and size.
– Use sensory language and provide specific details to create a vivid image for the reader.

  1. Behavior and Characteristics:

– Describe the goat’s behavior, including its grazing habits, playfulness, and social nature.
– Highlight any unique traits that make the goat interesting and captivating.

  1. Habitat and Adaptations:

– Discuss the goat’s natural habitat and how it has adapted to survive in its environment.
– Mention its feeding habits and any physical adaptations it possesses.

– Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
– Conclude with a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

iii. Descriptive Essay on β€œA Goat”:

Title: β€œThe Graceful Goat”

Imagine a creature with a charmingly curved set of horns, a curious gaze, and a mischievous grin on its face – the goat. In this essay, we will explore the enchanting world of the goat and delve into its captivating characteristics.

Body Paragraphs:
1. Physical Appearance:
A goat, with its pristine white coat glistening under the golden sun, stood proudly amidst the lush green meadow. Its long, spiraled horns gracefully curved upward, adding to its majestic aura. The goat’s round, amber eyes shimmered with curiosity, while its floppy ears perked up at the slightest sound. Standing there, it exuded an air of elegance and strength.

  1. Behavior and Characteristics:
    As the goat nibbled on patches of fresh green grass, its playful nature became evident. It would occasionally pause, its mischievous grin appearing as if it was plotting its next adventure. With agile movements, it effortlessly scaled nearby rocks, displaying its remarkable climbing skills. This social creature, always seen in the company of its fellow goats, formed strong bonds that could withstand any challenge. Whether it was engaging in friendly head-butting contests or engaging in playful leaps and bounds, the goat’s energetic and sociable nature never failed to captivate those who observed it.


  1. Habitat and Adaptations:

The goat found solace in the rugged mountains, where it made its home among the rocky slopes. Its sturdy hooves, expertly adapted for gripping even the most treacherous terrain, allowed it to explore places others could not. The goat’s thick fur served as a protective layer against the biting cold, keeping it warm in the harshest winters. It would effortlessly browse on the succulent grasses and leaves, ensuring it was well-nourished in its challenging habitat.



In conclusion, the goat embodies both elegance and strength, seamlessly adapting to its environment and forming strong social bonds. Its white coat, curved horns, and curious gaze captivate the beholder, while its climbing abilities and grazing habits highlight its adaptability. Observing a goat in its natural habitat is a testament to the wonders of nature and the enduring spirit of these fascinating creatures. Next time you encounter a goat, take a moment to appreciate its gracefulness and the remarkable traits that make it truly unique.



Simplified fill-in-blank guide on the topic

  1. A goat has a ________________ coat that glistens under the sun.
  2. Its long, ________________ horns add to its majestic aura.
  3. The goat’s round, ________________ eyes shimmer with curiosity.
  4. It has floppy ears that ________________ at the slightest sound.
  5. The goat’s playful nature is evident in its ________________ grin.
  6. It showcases remarkable climbing skills, effortlessly scaling ________________ rocks.
  7. The goat is a social creature, forming strong bonds with ________________ goats.
  8. Its sturdy hooves are expertly adapted for gripping ________________ terrain.
  9. The goat’s thick fur keeps it warm in ________________ winters.
  10. Observing a goat highlights the wonders of nature and the goat’s ________________ spirit.



A composition on A Goat

  1. The goat possesses a shiny coat that gleams in the sunlight.
  2. Its majestic presence is enhanced by its long, gracefully curved horns.
  3. The goat’s eyes are round and filled with inquisitiveness.
  4. Its ears perk up sensitively to even the faintest of sounds.
  5. The goat’s mischievous smile reveals its playful nature.
  6. It effortlessly exhibits impressive climbing abilities, effortlessly ascending rocky formations.
  7. The goat is a sociable creature, establishing strong connections with its fellow goats.
  8. Its robust hooves are perfectly adapted to grip various types of terrain.
  9. The goat’s thick fur provides insulation during harsh winters.
  10. Observing a goat not only showcases the marvels of nature but also exemplifies its resilient character.




  1. A goat has a ________________ coat that glistens under the sun.
    a) white
    b) brown
    c) black

  2. Its long, ________________ horns add to its majestic aura.
    a) straight
    b) curved
    c) pointed

  3. The goat’s round, ________________ eyes shimmer with curiosity.
    a) blue
    b) amber
    c) green

  4. It has floppy ears that ________________ at the slightest sound.
    a) twitch
    b) droop
    c) wiggle

  5. The goat’s playful nature is evident in its ________________ grin.
    a) mischievous
    b) friendly
    c) shy

  6. It showcases remarkable climbing skills, effortlessly scaling ________________ rocks.
    a) smooth
    b) steep
    c) flat

  7. The goat is a social creature, forming strong bonds with ________________ goats.
    a) other
    b) lone
    c) wild

  8. Its sturdy hooves are expertly adapted for gripping ________________ terrain.
    a) slippery
    b) sandy
    c) rocky

  9. The goat’s thick fur keeps it warm in ________________ winters.
    a) mild
    b) harsh
    c) rainy

  10. Observing a goat highlights the wonders of nature and the goat’s ________________ spirit.
    a) resilient
    b) shy
    c) lazy



i. Fill-in-the-blank questions on the steps/procedures of writing a descriptive essay:

  1. The first step in writing a descriptive essay is to choose a ________________.
    a) topic
    b) title
    c) conclusion

  2. After selecting a topic, the next step is to ________________ ideas related to the topic.
    a) brainstorm
    b) revise
    c) conclude

  3. Once the ideas are generated, the writer should create an ________________ to organize the essay.
    a) outline
    b) introduction
    c) conclusion

  4. In the introduction, the writer should provide a captivating ________________.
    a) opening sentence
    b) body paragraph
    c) closing statement

  5. Each body paragraph in a descriptive essay should focus on a specific ________________ of the topic.
    a) aspect
    b) conclusion
    c) introduction

  6. To make the essay more engaging, the writer should use ________________ language to describe sensory details.
    a) descriptive
    b) formal
    c) vague

  7. The conclusion of a descriptive essay should summarize the main points and leave a lasting ________________ on the reader.
    a) impression
    b) introduction
    c) outline

  8. After completing the first draft, it is important to ________________ and edit the essay for errors.
    a) revise
    b) brainstorm
    c) conclude

  9. During the revision process, the writer should ensure that the essay flows ________________ and that the ideas are clear.
    a) smoothly
    b) abruptly
    c) vaguely

  10. The final step in writing a descriptive essay is to ________________ the essay and make necessary improvements.
    a) revise
    b) brainstorm
    c) conclude

ii. Fill-in-the-blank questions on completing a guided descriptive essay:

  1. The title of the guided descriptive essay is β€œ______________ Goat.”
    a) The Majestic
    b) The Playful
    c) The Enigmatic

  2. In the introduction, the writer should provide a thesis statement that reflects the ________________ of the essay.
    a) purpose
    b) conclusion
    c) introduction

  3. Each body paragraph in the guided descriptive essay should focus on a specific ________________ of the goat.
    a) aspect
    b) conclusion
    c) introduction

  4. The conclusion of the guided descriptive essay should ________________ the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
    a) summarize
    b) introduce
    c) conclude

  5. The writer should use ________________ language and sensory details to create a vivid image of the goat.
    a) descriptive
    b) formal
    c) vague

  6. To engage the reader, the writer should begin the essay with a captivating ________________.
    a) opening sentence
    b) body paragraph
    c) closing statement

  7. In the body paragraphs, the writer should provide ________________ and examples to support the descriptions.
    a) details
    b) conclusions
    c) introductions

  8. The writer should ensure that the essay has a logical ________________ and that the ideas flow smoothly.
    a) structure
    b) conclusion
    c) introduction

  9. During the revision process, the writer should check the essay for ________________ errors and make necessary corrections.
    a) grammar
    b) brainstorming
    c) conclusion

  10. The guided descriptive essay provides a ________________ for the writer to describe the goat in a structured manner.
    a) framework
    b) conclusion
    c) introduction

Please note that the provided website link is not accessible for me as an AI language model, but the questions are designed to test the understanding of the steps and procedures of writing a descriptive essay, as well as completing a guided descriptive essay.



Lesson Plan Presentation: Writing a Descriptive Essay on β€œA Goat”

Grade: Primary 5
Subject: English Grammar
Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Objectives:
1. To understand the steps/procedures involved in writing a descriptive essay.
2. To complete a guided descriptive essay on the topic β€œA Goat.”
3. To independently write a descriptive essay on β€œA Goat” using the outlined steps.

Embedded Core Skills:
1. Writing skills: Descriptive writing, organizing ideas, using descriptive language.
2. Critical thinking skills: Analyzing and synthesizing information.
3. Communication skills: Presenting ideas clearly and effectively.

Learning Materials:
1. Whiteboard/Blackboard and markers/chalk.
2. Handouts with the steps/procedures of writing a descriptive essay.
3. Guided descriptive essay worksheet.
4. Sample descriptive essay on β€œA Goat.”
5. Visual aids (pictures or illustrations of goats).


  1. Introduction (5 minutes):

– Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: writing a descriptive essay on β€œA Goat.”
– Discuss the importance of descriptive writing and its relevance in effective communication.
– Present the lesson objectives and the core skills to be developed.

  1. Steps/Procedures of Writing a Descriptive Essay (10 minutes):

– Explain the step-by-step process of writing a descriptive essay using the following outline:
a) Choose a topic.
b) Brainstorm ideas related to the topic.
c) Create an outline.
d) Write the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
e) Use descriptive language and sensory details.
f) Revise and edit the essay.

  1. Guided Descriptive Essay (15 minutes):

– Distribute the guided descriptive essay worksheet to the students.
– Read the given title and instructions aloud.
– Review the sample descriptive essay on β€œA Goat” as a model for the students.
– Guide the students in completing the essay by providing prompts and assistance as needed.

  1. Independent Descriptive Essay Writing (10 minutes):

– Instruct the students to write their own descriptive essay on β€œA Goat” using the outlined steps/procedures.
– Encourage them to be creative and use descriptive language to bring the goat to life in their writing.
– Remind them to organize their ideas logically and use proper paragraph structure.

  1. Assessment and Evaluation (5 minutes):

– Ask the students to exchange their essays with a partner for peer review.
– Encourage constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
– Collect the essays for evaluation.

Evaluation Questions:
1. What are the steps/procedures involved in writing a descriptive essay?
2. Why is descriptive writing important in effective communication?
3. What are some key elements to include in the introduction of a descriptive essay?
4. How can descriptive language and sensory details enhance a descriptive essay?
5. What is the purpose of revising and editing an essay?
6. What are the core skills developed through writing a descriptive essay?
7. How can an outline help in organizing ideas for a descriptive essay?
8. What is the role of the body paragraphs in a descriptive essay?
9. How can peer review contribute to improving the quality of an essay?
10. What are some tips for writing a compelling conclusion in a descriptive essay?

Conclusion (5 minutes):
– Recap the key points covered in the lesson, emphasizing the steps/procedures of writing a descriptive essay.
– Highlight the importance of using descriptive language and sensory details to engage the reader.
– Encourage the students to practice descriptive writing in their daily lives to further enhance their skills.
– Provide feedback on the students’ performance and commend their efforts.

Note: The provided website link is not accessible for me as an AI language model, but the lesson plan presentation covers the steps/procedures of writing a descriptive

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