Expressing Intension and Permission (using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mind




First Term


Week 5



Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of

Expressing Willingness/Unwillingness (using modal verb + adverbial).

that was taught in their previous lesson


Speech Work: Diphthongs and Monophthong in Contrast (NOSEC page 44);


Vocabulary Development: Antonyms (Exercise NOSEC, pages 44 – 45);


Reading Comprehension: ‘This is Lagos’(NOSEC, 48 – 50);


English Structure: Expressing Intension and Permission (using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mind. (intension) I intend to go home; we aim to reach our goal;( permission) e.g. Could you please help me? Would you mind my coming along? NOSEC, pages 33 – 34);


Composition – Descriptive Essay (Guided writing) ‘Traveling By Air’;


Literature: RevisingPoetry(use recommended text).

Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching:

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks




Speech Work: Diphthongs and Monophthong in Contrast (NOSEC page 44);


  1. /i: / e.g. beat, seat, neat, etc.
  2. /i/ e.g. bit, sit nymph,
  3. /e/ e.g. bed, bread, said,
  4. /æ/ e.g. cat, lack, pack,
  5. /a: / e.g. car, dart, calm, heart
  6. / ɒ / e.g. pot, what, gone, etc
  7. /ᴐ:/ e.g. war, pork, saw,
  8. /u/ g.  good, cook, put,
  9. /u: / e.g. pool, blue, screw,
  10. /Ʌ/ e.g. cut, come, blood,
  11. /з:/ e.g. first, purse, earn,
  12. /Ә/ e.g. about, baker, sailor,


1./ei/ gate, name, late, lake, cake etc.

  1. /ai/ buy, fight, right, sky, like etc.
  2. /ↄi/ boy, joy, bouy, coil, coin, rejoice etc.
  3. /eə/, there, bare, pair, air, hair etc.
  4. /ʊә/, poor, pure, tour, during, sure etc.
  5. /aʊ /, now, cow, browse,house, mouse etc.
  6. /iә/, beer, ear, hear, deer, fear etc.
  7. /әʊ/ go, load, road, gold, role, roll, no etc.

Diphthongs and Monophthong in Contrast

  1. /ei/                   /i/                 /ai/              /i: /

break              bricks          riding        reading

gate       bid              bike            breed

praises            pill              bride          breeze

clay                clip              cry             creed

blade              lip               lie               lead

play                lip               ply              plead

eight              guild           height          please


Write two objective questions with one right option and one wrong option on diphthongs and monophthongs in contrast.

1. Which of the following is a diphthong?

a) ei

b) ou

c) ai

d) ue

2. Which of the following is a monophthong?

a) ee

b) oo

c) ay

d) oy

3. Which of the following is a diphthong?

a) ei

b) ou

c) ai

d) ue

4. Which of the following is a monophthong?

a) ee

b) oo

c) ay

d) oy



Antonyms (Exercise NOSEC, pages45)

WORD                           ANTONYMS              WORD                          ANTONYMS

Exotic                              Indigenous                  Efflux                              Influx

Bitter                              Sweet                            Exaggeration                   Understatement

Blame                             Praise                            Flattery                          Detraction

Bless                               Curse                            Elevation                        Depression

Concord                        Discord                          Full                                Empty

Ebb                                 Flow                             Extract                            Insert

Confident                      Diffident                        Homogeneous                 Heterogeneous

Centrifugal                    Centripetal                        Hollow                            Solid

Gentle                            Violent                         Heavy                             Light

Honour                          Shame      Compulsory                   Optional

Hurt                               Heal                 Economy                        Extravagance

ASSIGNMENT: NOSEC Book 3 Workbook page 11 -12 question 1-15 .

Reading Comprehension: ‘This is Lagos’(NOSEC, 48 – 50)

It was a moment of jubilation for Zuma when she learnt that she was going to Lagos to further her education…Zuma was quite embarrassed and her excitement gave was to tears which rolled down her cheeks.

EVALUATION: Attempt questions 1-12 on pages 49-50 of NOSEC Book 3

English Structure:

Expressing Intension and Permission (using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mind

e.g. (intension) I intend to go home; we aim to reach our goal;

(permission)e.g. Could you please help me?

Would you mind my coming along? NOSEC,pages 33 – 34);

Using verb+ infinitive: ‘intend’ and ‘aim’

Verbs such as ‘intend’ and ‘aim’ can be followed by an infinitive to show what someone plans to do. For example, “I intend to buy a new car” or “She aimed to win the race.”

What do you intend to do?
You aim to please.

You can use the words “intend” and “aim” when you want to say that you plan to do something.

You can use “intend” and “aim” to describe what you want to do.

  1. I intend to buy a house next year.
  2. He intends to cause
  3. I intend to go
  4. I intend to move into my new apartment next week.
  5. The scheme aims to alleviate
  6. They aim to be there by 6pm.
  7. The government is aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.
  8. They aim to reach their goal.


We use may+infinitive to request,give and refuse permission eg:

May I shut the door please?

Yes,you may.

No,you may not.

In indirect speech after said, asked, told etcmay becomes might. Eg.

I asked Mrs Williams if I might shut the door and she told me that I might (not).

  1. We also use might + infinitive to request ,may is used in reply. Eg. Might I shut the door?

Yes ,you may.

No, you may not.






Description essay or composition aims at describing or giving a vivid picture of a person, event, or a situation.

This is a descriptive essay. It is about describing something.


There are different means by which people move from one place to another. These means include: on foot, by air, by sea, and on land. Among these means of transportation, air travel seems to be very unique.

Travelling by air has some procedures. First, the TRAVELLER has to know the DESTINATION. Before he travels, he has to BOOK his TICKET with a TRAVEL AGENCY. On getting the ticket, the time of DEPARTURE and the PLANE to FLY will be identified. The traveler has to get to the AIRPORT on time; and wait for the plane at the DEPARTURE LOUNGE before BOARDING the plane. Before the plane can fly, it has to RUN on the RUNWAY before TAKING OFF.

He experiences inside the plane are quite exciting. As a new person, you will be thrilled by the way the PILOT is manipulating the BUTTONS in the COCKPIT. Also, the pleasantries exchanged by the PASSENGERS and the AIR HOSTESSES or CABIN CREW is wonderful.

When the plane is in the air, the passengers have to FASTEN their SEAT BELTS to avoid falling off. In an hour time, an ANNOUNCEMENT of the LANDING of the plane will be made by the CAPTAIN while every instruction given must be adhered to for SAFETY purpose.

Many companies operate air transport system. Some these are: Virgin Nigeria irline, Slok Airline, Air Afrik, KLM, British Airways and many others.


  1. Mention the major means of transportation.
  2. Mention four actions involved in air travel.
  3. Define the following words: runway, departure lounge, cockpit, hostess, cabin crew and use them in sentences


Complete the following sentences with the best option from the alternatives lettered A-E.

  1. To save the plane in that kind of situation, the —— should be able to take over effectively.
  2. Captain b. co-pilot c. pilot d. crew e. hostess
  3. The signal from the —— indicated that the plane will not be able to land safely.
  4. Runway b. control tower c. hangar d. cockpit e. gangway
  5. After the plane had managed to land, it took a long time before any passenger could claim their ——— a. board pass b. ticket c. suitcase d. luggage e. bags
  6. No plane could —— until 12 midnight. A. take off b. taxi off c. fly up d. go off e. leave ground.
  7. The weather forecast had indicated that ——- in the northern parts of the country would be poor that morning. A conditions b. clouds c. sun shine d. light e. visibility



Literature: Revising Poetry (use recommended text).


  1. Eyisi J. etal. 2012. New concept English for junior secondary schools; Lagos. Learn Africa.
  2. Onuigbo Sam. 1990. Oral English for schools and colleges; Nsukka. AFP.
  3. Osajie E.O. 2002. Complete guide to Literature- in- English for colleges. Lagos. J&C.
  4. Grant N. etal. 1984. Junior English Project Book Pearson Longman.
  5. Mbele K. &Omodara F. Goodbye to Failure in English for junior secondary schools 3; Treasure.
  6. Sandberg & Fawcett. Evergreen: a guide to writing and reading; New York. Houghton.



Step 1:

The subject teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2:

He or she introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise



The subject goes round to mark the pupil’s notes. He does the necessary corrections

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