3rd Term Exam Questions Pry 2 Agric



  1. Modern tools make work ______ (a) easier (b) difficult (c) dirty
  2. Can we use cutlass to carry load? (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe
  3. ______ is a tool used for cutting work on the farm. (a) digging tools (b) cutting tools (c) carrying tools
  4. A place where bee live is called _____ (a) house (b) hive (c) cage
  5. A young worker that changes the nectar into honey is called _____ (a) butterfly (b) honey bee (c) ant
  6. _____ enables an insect to fly from one place to the other (a) let (b) head (c) wing
  7. If we find an insect on our food, should we still eat the food? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe
  8. The following are useful but harmful insect except _____(a) bee (b) termites (c) butterfly
  9. A useful insect may also be harmful? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  10. Useful insects are ____ on the farm (a) bad (b) useful (c) enemy
  11. ____ helps farmers to create holes in the soil to allow air to pass (a) termite (b) butterfly (c) bee
  12. _____ helps farmer to kill other harmful pests (insects) (a) ant (b) bee (c) termite
  13. Useful but harmful insects reduce quality or crops on the farm? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  14. ____ insects destroy crop plant (a) harmful insects (b) useful insects (c) helpful insects
  15. Mosquitoes cause ______ to human body (a) malaria (b) stomach ache (c) leg pain
  16. ____ eats plant leaves (a) ant (b) grasshopper (c) butterfly
  17. Insets such as beetle and weevil destroy _____ (a) land (b) farm produce (c) farmer
  18. Is it good to allow harmful insects on our farm? (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe
  19. It is good to eat food that contains insects? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe
  20. How often should we keep our surrounding clean? (a) everyday (b) once a week (c) once a month
  21. We can use _____ to fell trees (a) knife (b) cutlass (c) rake
  22. Harmful insect destroy ____ part of the plant. (a) head (b) leafy (c)leg
  23. Do ants kill other harmful pests? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe
  24. ____ is a long cylindrical shaped organism with segmented body. (a) ant (b) bee (c) earthworm
  25. Earthworm live in ______ soil (a) wet soil (b) hard soil (c) dry soil
  26. Earthworm is ______ (a) long (b) short (c) none
  27. ____ is the ability of the soil to supply enough nutrients to the soil when needed (a) fertility (b) pollination (c) growth
  28. The following are farmers enemies except ____ (a) rat (b) grasscutter (c) earthworm
  29. Earthworm promotes soil fertility? (a) true (b) false (c) maybe
  30. The shape of an earthworm is ____ (a) triangular (b) cylindrical (c) rectangular

Part B

  1. What are insects? _________________________________________________
  2. Mention any three types of insects? (i) ________________________________
    (ii) ___________________________ (iii) _______________________________
  3. What are harmful insects? _________________________________________
  4. Mention three parts of an insect? (i)___________________________________ (ii)__________________________________(iii)_________________________________
  5. list the names of three useful but harmful insects?(i)_____________________(ii)_________________________ (iii) _________________________
  6. Mention any three ways of controlling harmful insects?(i)_____________________(ii)_________________________ (iii) _________________________
  7. ______________ is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma.
  8. Name two insects responsible for pollination?(i)_____________________(ii)_________________________ (iii) _________________________
  9. Name two diseases caused by harmful insects?(i)_____________________(ii)_________________________
  10. The transfer of pollen grains in pollination occur between the _____________________ and _________________________________


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