Number Work Nursery Two

Edu Delight Tutorss

Tapa Lagos Island




Subject : Number  Work.


Class: Nursery Two


Name Of Pupil : ___________________________________________________


Date : ____________________________________________________________

Part A

Answer all the questions

Arrange and solve the followings.

1). 23 + 35 = ______________ (2). 96 – 54 = ____________

3). 12 ÷ 3 = __________


4). Ade has for red pens and six yellow pens. How many pens has Ade altogether = ________


5). Multiply twenty three by 3 T U

2 3

X 3


6). What is the place value of 5 in 256 =. ____________________________________

Write the Roman Numeral of these numbers.

7}. 20 = ________________________________

8). 80 = ________________________________

9). Write figure 12 in word = ____________________________________________________

10). I OF 8 = ________________.



Part B

1). 2. X 8 =. (a) 16 (b) 9 (c) 12

2). 10 + 10 = (a) 100 (b) 20 (c) 5

3). 76 + 4 = (a) 80 (b) 9 (c) 27

4). Eighty – five = (a) 67 (b) 17 (c) 85

5). The place value of 7 in 700 (a) hundred (b) seventy (c) zero

6). Emily has five sweets, she gave Tom two out of it. How many sweets does she have left?

(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 3

7). 96 – 6 = (a) 90 (b) 6 (c) 69

8). Roman Numeral L is ____________ (a) 50 (b) 40 (c) 10.

9). XX + X = (a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 70

10). XL = (a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 90

11). 3 X 5 = (a) 8 (b) 15 (c) 54

12). Nigeria money is call ____. (a) Maria and Kobo. (b) Dollars. (c) Niger and king

13). T U. {14). T U

2 4. 6 5

0 3 (a) 21 (b) 27 (c) 18 + 3 2 (a) 97 (b) 6 (c)01


(a) 9 : 00. (b) (a) 9:00 (b) 6:00 (c) 2 :00

1 1 12 1

10 2

9 3

8 4

7 6 5




16. 10 ÷ 2 = (a) 7 (b) 4 (c) 5

17. 20K + 30K =_________ (a) 50K (b) 10K (c) 70K

18. When the long hand of the clock is on 12 we say it is (a) O’clock (b) half past (c) in




(a}l 1:60 (b) 1: 30 (c} 6:30



20. 60 seconds make (a) 1 hour (b) 1 minute (c) 1 day

21. 24 hours make l day ( True /. False).

22. _______ days make l year (a) 365 (b) 465 (700)

23. Circle the biggest triangle .

24. 4 weeks make l month. (Yes / No)

25. Circle the bigger number. ( 78, 36 )

26. First day of the week is _______.(a) Sunday. (b) Monday (c). Friday

27. Last day of the week is _______. (a). Saturday. (b) Tuesday (c) Monday

28. Place value 38 = _________ tens and _______ units.

29. A triangle has _____ sides (a) 2. (b} 3 (c) 5

30. This is a (a) diamond. (b) dance (c) dice.

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