Responsible Parenthood Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject :

Social Studies

Topic :

Responsible Parenthood

Class :

Primary 5 / Basic 5 / Year 5


Term :

1st Term


Week :

Week 6

Reference Materials :  .

Online materials

Scheme of work



Instructional Materials :..

Pictures showing members of the family which are father, mother or mothers and their children



Previous Knowledge :

The pupils have previous knowledge of

Roles of family members in marriage

that was taught in the previous lesson



Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

Define parenthood

Say the meaning of Responsible

Mention the roles of a responsible father in the family

Express the functions of mother in a functioning family


Teaching Methods 



Questions and Answers

Role Modeling




Content :

A family is made up of father, mother or mothers and their children. Members of the family live together in a house called home. Father is the Head of the family. Mother helps father at home to take care of the children and cook food for them

Parenthood :

Parenthood is the stage of when when someone starting having his or her own children. It is a stage of adulthood when procreation and reproduction set in.

Responsibility :

Responsibility is an act of being responsible. It means to be up and doing in the expected tasks or duties that are expected of us.


Responsible Parenthood : Responsible parenthood is the ability of parents to meet the social, financial, moral and emotional needs of their parents. It is the willingness and ability of parent to provide the necessary counseling guidance and instructions for their children as the transform firm babies to teenagers, to youth and finally to adults.


Responsibilities of Responsible Father At Home 

1. Provision of money that is necessary or needed to run the daily affairs of the home. Money is needed to buy food, pay medical bills, pay for transportation, pay for house rent, pay for school fees, etc


2. Father provides security and protection for every member of the family. He protects them from external attack or embarrassment


3. Father ensure proper training and upbringing of children in the family. He instills discipline with love on the mind of every members of the family


4. He oversees the activities of other members of the family and he makes sure that everybody puts on his or her best behaviour


  1. A family is made up of father, mother or mothers, and _______. a) grandparents b) children c) teachers d) friends
  2. Members of the family live together in a house called _______. a) school b) club c) home d) park
  3. The head of the family is the _______. a) mother b) children c) father d) friends
  4. Parenthood is the stage when someone starts having _______. a) hobbies b) pets c) their own children d) a job
  5. Responsibility means to be up and doing in the expected _______. a) tasks or duties b) games c) songs d) stories
  6. Responsible parenthood is the ability of parents to meet the _______ needs of their children. a) social, financial, moral, and emotional b) cooking c) playing d) sleeping
  7. Responsible parenthood involves providing necessary _______ for children. a) food b) toys c) games d) clothes
  8. Parents should provide _______ and guidance to their children. a) discipline b) candy c) gifts d) books
  9. The responsibility of a father includes protecting the family from _______. a) school b) external attack or embarrassment c) friends d) television
  10. Fathers ensure the proper _______ of their children. a) cooking b) training and upbringing c) dancing d) singing
  11. Fathers instill _______ with love in their family. a) fear b) discipline c) laziness d) happiness
  12. Fathers oversee the activities of other family members and make sure everyone _______. a) watches TV b) is happy c) puts on their best behavior d) sleeps late
  13. What is the head of the family called? a) Mother b) Father c) Grandparents d) Friends
  14. Responsible parenthood involves meeting the _______ needs of children. a) social, financial, moral, and emotional b) entertainment c) travel d) shopping
  15. Fathers provide _______ and protection for their family. a) discipline b) love c) security d) gifts

Responsibilities of Responsible Mother At Home 

1. Preparation of healthy meals for every members of the family


2. Showing love and care to every member of the family


3. Training the children most especially the girl child how to do the house chores so as to prepare the girl child for proper motherhood in the future


4. The general cleanliness and neatness of the whole household is the duty of mother at home


5. Since father is the head of the family. Mother is the neck of the family. This simply means that mother is expected to support father in achieving his fatherly goals in the family.


Features Of Good Responsible Parenting

1. Marrying the right partner that will be patient, loving and caring through out the period of marriage and parenting

2. Availability of funds to meet all the money needs of the family. Money is very crucial and important in running at effective, responsible home

3. Prayer. Prayer is very key and important for being responsible parents. Prayer is the master key for getting things done. If the Lord does not build the house, the builders are definitely doing it in vain. The God factor must not be left behind.

4. Parents must develop good sense of judgment in order to avoid siblings rivalry in the family. Parents must be emotional sensitive to needs of every child of the family and avoid unnecessary competition or comparison

Responsibilities of a Responsible Mother at Home:

  1. Mothers are responsible for the preparation of _______ meals for every member of the family. a) tasty b) healthy c) quick d) colorful
  2. Showing _______ to every member of the family is an important role of a mother. a) anger b) love and care c) discipline d) impatience
  3. Mothers train children, especially the girl child, in house chores to prepare them for future _______. a) parenthood b) employment c) travel d) hobbies
  4. The cleanliness and neatness of the household are the duties of the mother, ensuring a _______ home. a) messy b) tidy c) noisy d) dark
  5. Mothers are like the _______ of the family, supporting fathers in achieving their goals. a) head b) neck c) arms d) legs

Features of Good Responsible Parenting:

  1. One feature of good responsible parenting is marrying the right partner who is _______ and caring. a) patient b) strict c) distant d) busy
  2. Having adequate funds to meet the financial needs of the family is crucial for running a responsible _______. a) school b) club c) home d) vacation
  3. _______ is essential in responsible parenting and is described as the master key for getting things done. a) Prayer b) Money c) Television d) Food
  4. Parents must develop a good sense of _______ to avoid sibling rivalry in the family. a) humor b) judgment c) competition d) neglect
  5. Being emotionally sensitive to the needs of every child in the family helps avoid unnecessary _______ or comparison. a) joy b) competition c) celebration d) confusion


The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise



1. What is family

2. Who is a parent?

3. What is responsible parent?

4. Write out four roles of father in the family

5. Write out four roles of mother in the family

  1. Family is a group of individuals who are connected by blood, marriage, or adoption, living together and typically sharing emotional bonds and responsibilities.
  2. A parent is an adult who raises and nurtures a child, providing care, guidance, and support.
  3. A responsible parent is someone who fulfills their duties and obligations towards their child’s well-being, including providing love, care, education, and a safe environment.
  4. Four roles of a father in the family can include: a) Providing financial support and stability. b) Offering emotional support and guidance. c) Being a role model and mentor for their children. d) Sharing household responsibilities and actively participating in parenting.
  5. Four roles of a mother in the family can include: a) Nurturing and caring for the physical and emotional needs of children. b) Managing the household and daily routines. c) Providing love, comfort, and emotional support. d) Collaborating with the father in parenting and decision-making

Conclusion :


The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.


Assignment :

Prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Problems of Responsible Parenthood

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