First Term Examination Primary 4 Computer Studies




NAME: ………………………………………………………………………………


1.) Spreadsheets are application packages used for _______________

(a) drawing graphic (b) entertainment (c) arithmetic work


2.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________

(a) application software (b) flash disk (c) computer games


3.) Windows 8 software makes it possible for a computer to work because is a/an _______

(a) application software (b) system software (c) assembler


4.) Software means ___________________________ (a) set of instruction that controls the operation of the system (b) the computer users (c) the computer casing


5.) Which of the following is not a hardware component?

(a) Output devices (b) input devices (c) Antivirus


6.) Computer hardware is divided into _____ main components (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4

7.) Microsoft is owned by _______ (a) Sir Charles Babbage (b) Blaise Pascal (c) Bill Gates

8.) A program used to fight virus on our computer system is called _________

(a) anti-computer (b) anti-natal (c) anti-virus


9.) The system software called O.S. means ____________

(a) Open sentences (b) Operating Satisfy (c) Operating System


10.) Antivirus is an example of _________ software (a) operating (b) utilities (c) application


Section B

1.) Mention two Microsoft office packages

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________

b.) Mention two examples of operating system

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________


2.) What is hardware? ______________________________________________________


b.) State two hardware components

(a) ______________________________ (b) _______________________________

4.) State the two types of software you know

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________

b.) State two input devices .

(a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________


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