Mention two importances of agriculture





Read the following questions and answer the questions that follow


1.) After clearing all the weeds and trees in the land for farming they must be _________

(a) sold (b) burnt (c) cooked


2.) ________ is used for packing unwanted leaves and rubbish on the farmland.

(a) axe (b) rake (c) hoe


3.) _______ is used for felling trees. (a) axe (b) shovel (c) rake


4.) A good farmer always plants his crops in a ___________ land.

(a) bushy (b) fertile (c) rocky


5.) A good farmer ensures that only __________ seeds are planted

(a) weak (b) good (c) tall


6.) Growing crops must be wet during long _____________ season.

(a) harvest (b) raining (c) dry


7.) The development of seeds into young plant is known as ___________

(a) forestry (b) germination (c) transplanting


8.) Chemicals that are used to control pests are called __________

(a) pesticides (b) raid (c) killer


9.) Herbicides are needed to kill the _________ (a) pests (b) weeds (c) crops


10.) ___________ soil is good for pottery. (a) loamy (b) clay (c) sandy


11.) __________ soil is good for building houses and bridges.

(a) clay (b) sandy (c) loamy


12.) _____ is used for transplanting young plants. (a) handtowel (b) spoon (c) knife


13.) __________ is formed when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces.

(a) rock (b) soil (c) plant


14.) ______ is the dwelling place of an organization. (a) habita (b) water (c) sea


15.) Based on their mode of feeding, animals can be classified into _______ groups.

(a) one (b) two (c) three


16.) Animals with complex stomach are called __________ animal.

(a) ruminant (b) non-ruminant (c) simple


17.) Organisms that cause damage to other organisms are called _____

(a) pest (b) jester (c) insect


18.) A person who takes care of flower is called a _________

(a) stylist (b) miller (c) florist


19.) The major occupations of people that live in the riverine area is ________

(a) farming (b) fishing (c) mining


20.) __________ is the record of all the activities on the farm.

(a) farm record (b) farm invoice (c) farm benefit


21.) Animals are kept in the ___________ (a) house (b) zoo (c) prison


22.) All these are examples of farm record except _________

(a) sales journal (b) purchase journal (c) bible


23.) Agriculture provides ___________ for us. (a) headache (b) food (c) injury


24.) An example of cereal is ___________ (a) yam (b) cassava (c) millet


25.) A baby elephant is called a __________ (a) cow (b) calf (c) bull


26.) ______ is an example of milk producer. (a) hen (b) cow (c) turkey


27.) _____________ is the rearing of animals and planting of crops for man’s use.

(a) teaching (b) nursing (c) farming


28.) Latex from trees is used to produce ______ (a) coal (b) rubber (c) bullet


29.) Cassavas can be further processed to become ______________

(a) garri (b) pounded yam (c) cornflakes


30.) Crops that are grown purposely for sales or export are known as _____ crops.

(a) local (b) foreign (c) cash


Part B

1.) What are farm machines

b.) Mention two farm machines that you know.

2.) What is soil

b.) Mention four types of soil

3.) What is agricultural science

b.) Mention two branches of agricultural science

4.) Mention two importances of agriculture

b.) Mention two people in agriculture.

5.) What are aquatic animal

b.) Mention two aquatic animals that you know



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