CLASS: PRIMARY 4                                                        



NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.)   The act of communicating to God is known as _______ (a) question (b) pledge (c) prayer


2.)   ________ and _________ are conditions necessary for sins (a) acknowledgement and repentance (b) pardon and truth (c) prayer and answer


3.)   When we feel sorry for our sins, ask for forgiveness and begin to lead good life, this means__ (a) forgiveness (b) repentance (c) greedy


4.)   The story of the prodigal son teaches ______ and ______ (a) repentance and forgiveness (b) greed and wasteful life (c) wicked and pure way of life


5.)   When we are forgiven, we become children of ______ (a) Satan (b) God (c) our Father


6.)   The content of Jesus’ prayer are ________ and ________ (a) questions and answer (b) adoration and request (c) bread and butter


7.)   One of the importance of praying is _______           (a) to abuse our brethren    (b) to tell God our needs so that they will be met (c) to weep and sorrowful


8.)   One of the reasons why Jesus prayed is _________ (a) to bully satan (b) to drive people away from Him (c) to honour God and glorify Him


9.)   There are things to pray for except _____                 (a) wisdom and the gift if Holy Spirit (b) to have power to fight both enemies and friends (c) to gave long life and good health


  10.)    Jesus taught His disciples the ______ (a) the satan’s prayer (b) the food’s prayer (c) the Lord’s prayer


11.)    As Christians, we should pray __________ (a) once a year (b) twice a year (c) always


12.)    These are the sacrifices involved in Jesus giving His life for us except _______ (a) the suffering and trials (b) the arrest of Jesus (c) the crossing to other side of Jerusalem


13.)    One of the reasons why Jesus gave His life for us are the following except ______ (a)  For us not to perish (b) for us to have eternal life (c) for us to have bread and butter  


14.)    Examples of people who received forgiveness in the bible are ______ and _______ (a) Paul and Silas (b) James and John (c) the Prodigal Son and the Paralytic man


15.)    When he saw their faith he said “My son, your sins are forgiven”. Who said this statement? (a) John (b) Silas (c) Jesus Christ


16.) The statement in number 15 was said to ________ (a) Lazarus (b) Paul (c) the Paralytic man


17.)  “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they do”, this statement was said by who? (a) Barnabas (b) Paul (c) Jesus Christ  


18.) ‘Remember me when you come into your kingdom’. Who said this statement?         (a) Pilate             (b) Jesus        (c) the thief on the cross            


19.) The statement in question 18 was directed to _________ (a) Pilate (b) Herod (c) Jesus Christ


20.) “Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit. This statement was said by whom? (a) Moses (b) David (c) Jesus Christ

  Section B: Theory


1.)   What is sin? _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  


b.) Mention conditions necessary for the forgiveness of sins ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  


2.)   What are the sacrifices involved in Jesus giving His life for us ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________  


b.) “Are you the King of the Jews?” This question was asked by __________________________  


3.)   Mention two reasons why Jesus prayed to the father (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________   b.)


What are the two major content of Jesus prayer? (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________  


4.)   Mention two needs for the forgiveness of sins (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________   b.)


Mention two people that their sins were forgiven in the Bible (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________  


5.)   State two importance of Jesus death for us on the cross (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________   b.)


Mention two occasions when Jesus prayed. (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________      

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