Tag: Third Term


WEEK ONE    TOPIC:  LA REVISION    Le travail du dernier trimester etl’examen. Decrivez la maison de votrepere.   La maison de monpere.   La maison de monpereestsituee a rue vingt (20) unite Abule –Egba a a Lagos. C’estunegrand  maisonblenche.   Dans la maison ,ilya six differntschambres qui sont la chamber de mon pere, ma


5E SEMAINE TITRE : Téléphoner LES SOUS–TITRES 1. Un coup de téléphone 2. La Structure Grammaticale 1. Lecture : Dis-leur que tout se passe bien. On y va ! 3. Unité 10 page 29. 2. La Structure Grammaticale a. AVOIR + SOIF J’ai soif Tu as soif Il a soif Nous avons soif Vous avez soif Ils ont

TITIRE: Écrire une lettre d’amitié

4E SEMAINE TITIRE: Écrire une lettre d’amitié LES SOUS-TITRES 1. Une lettre d’amitié (informelle) 2. Les vocabulaires 3. Structure grammaticale. Une lettre d‘amitié Lagos, le 10 juin 2009. Cher Koffi, Pour célébrer la fin de l’année scolaire, l’association des élèves de notre école dont je suis secrétaire, a décidé d’organiser une grande fête le samedi

Raconter ce qui s’est passé

2E ET 3E SEMAINE LE TITRE: Raconter ce qui s’est passé LES SOUS-TITRES: 1. La Lecture 2. La Structure grammaticale 1. La Lecture : Raconter ce qui s’est passé. On y va! 3 Unité 8 page 23. Le passé compose To put a sentence in the past tense in French, we use the auxiliary verbs ‘avoir’

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term Computer / ICT

SUBJECT: COMPUTER CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. The ___________ key is the longest key on the keyboard [a] spare bar [b] function [c] delete 2. Stored information can be used in the future [a] True [b] False 3. ALU means ________________ [a] Addition Also Union [b] Along logic up

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term Creative Art

THIRD TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: Cultural and creative arts CLASS: BASIC 3 We dance when we are _________ (a) sick (b) happy (c) punished Value means ……………(a) quantity (b) quality (c) politics(d) chapter 3. A person who takes part in play acting is known as ________ (a) actor (b) artiste (c) sculptor (d) artist 4. _____

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term Agric Science

SUBJECT: AGRIC SCIENCE CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. Fruits crops produce _________________ [a] vegetables [b] fruits [c] carbohydrate 2. Fiber crops are crops use for _____________ [a] food [b] cloth [c] transport 3. Fruit crop usually contain …………………….. [a] acid [b] vitamin c [c] vitamin z 4. Which of

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term C R S

SUBJECT: C. R. S CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. The widow of Zarepheth showed hospitality of prophet [a] Isaiah [b] Elijah [c] Eliot 2. ______________ welcomed angels in disguise of strangers [a] Adam [b] Jesus [c] Abraham 3. Which of these words can be used to mean selfishness ?

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term Home Economics

SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. Body Building food do not include ……………………….. [a] yam [b] meat [c] fish 2. There are ………………… groups of food [a] 3 [b] 5 [c] 6 3.S The ……………… is used for tasting food [a] Lip [b] tooth [c] tongue 4.

Primary 3 Examinations Third Term Civic Education

SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: BASIC 3 Choose the correct answer from the options. 1. ___________ symbols have international recognition [a] other [b] National [c] local 2. We should ________________ constituted authority [a] fight [b] respect [c] disobey 3. ___________ is an examples of modern toilet [a] bucket latrine [b] water closet [c] pit toilet 4.