Tag: Third Term

Computer Room Related Equipment and their uses.

  CLASS: Primary 2 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Computer Room Related Equipment and their uses.   There are different equipments found in a Computer room, some of them are   1.) Stabilizer: It is used to control flow of power into the system when it is fluctuating (fluctuating means when something is not stable like

Computer Disk Drives.

  CLASS: Primary 3 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Disk Drives   Disk drives are mechanical devices that read from magnetic disk or write to them.   They are also used to store large amount of data or work for a long time.   They are also used to pass data and information into a computer

Helping Accident Victims

  Subject: Civic Education   Topic: Meaning of Accident and Accident Victims   An accident is an unplanned event that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and causes harm and damage to human beings and prosperity. Accidents have serious and damaging effects on lives and property. They can occur anywhere and anytime. When an accident occurs on

Shutting down the computer system

  CLASS: Primary 4 SUBJECT: Computer Study TOPIC: Shutting down the computer system   To shut down a computer system: When you are through or done with the work you are doing on your system, you need to switch off the system.   To switch off the computer system is called shutting down.   You

Introduction to Adjectival Phrases and Clauses

  Class: Basic 4 Subject : English Studies Topic: Adjectival Phrases and Clauses   Adjectival Phrases and Clauses are both group of words that are collectively used to describe the subject of the sentence.   Note: Adjectival clauses have both a subject and a verb the descriptive text while Adjectival Phrases do not.   Examples

Benefits of Farming

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Agricultural Science   Topic: Benefit of Farming.   Farming is important to the farmer, people and the country at large. Some of the importance of farming are:   It provides job opportunity for people, e.g. Farmers   It provides raw materials for industries, e.g. Cotton for textile industry, Rubber

Primary Six Second Term Scheme Of Work HOME ECONOMICS (PRIMARY 6)

Primary Six Second Term Scheme Of Work  HOME ECONOMICS (PRIMARY 6)   WEEK 1 Meaning of food preservation State the meaning of food preservation Explain food spoilage, waste and their disadvantages. Reasons for preserving food Mention reason for food preservation and Storage State the importance of food preservation and Storage   WEEK 2 Common methods

Home Economics Third Term Scheme Of Work   PRIMARY SIX

Home Economics Third Term Scheme Of Work   PRIMARY SIX   WEEK 1 Types of sewing machine Mention types of sewing machine Identify parts of a sewing machine State the functions of the parts of a sewing machine Advantages of the sewing machine It makes sewing to be easier and faster It makes the work to

Methods of Controlling Farmers’ enemies.

Subject : Agricultural Science Topic : Methods of Controlling Farmers’ enemies. Class : Basic 2 Term : Third Term Week :   Instructional Materials :   Previous Knowledge :   Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to   Reference Materials  Online Resource Materials Various Textbooks Lagos State