Rights and Duties of a citizen in Nigeria

  SUBJECT:: Social Studies. TOPIC:: Rights and Duties of a citizen.     Content:::::   Citizen have duties and responsibilities to the communities that they live in.For the community to function well,citizen must perform their duties.   Here are some of the duties of a citizen to the community….. (a)Keeping the community clean. (b) Obeying

Moral Education and Civil Societies in Nigeria

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Civic Education   Topic: Moral Education and Civil Societies.   Moral education is a training which shows us the right and just way to lead our lives. The right values of life such as tolerance, hard work, obedience, honesty, unity of purpose in conduct, love, etc.   Preaching the


    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Social Studies   Topic: Pollution   Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. These substances are called contaminants.   Contaminants can cause instability, disorder and harm to the ecosystem.   The ecosystem refers to the way living organisms interact with their physical environment.   There

Pollution and its Types

  Subject: Social Studies Topic: Pollution. Content: Pollution is any substance that makes air, Water or land dirty, so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use. Types of pollution There are different types of Pollution including the following: (1)Air pollution: this is through smoke (2) Noise pollution: this is through sound. (3)

My Parents’ Roles in My Family

    Class: Basic 1   Subject: Social Studies   Topic:Roles in my Family   Everyone in the family has roles.   Roles are the things that we have to do for each other.   My Parents Roles   My parents roles is to take care of my siblings and me.   1. They send

Modes Of Worship In Nigeria

  Class : Basic 2. Subject : Social/ Studies. Topic : Modes Of Worship.   Content: Nigerian People worship God in different ways. We have three types of religion. a. Islam b. Christianity c. Traditional   Islam : Some people worship God the Muslim way. Muslims practice lslam. The mosque is where Muslims worship God

Who is a Citizen?

  CLASS:: Primary 3.   SUBJECT:: Social Studies.   TOPIC:: Who is a Citizen??.   Content::::   A citizen is a person who belongs to a community, state or country. l am a citizen of the country where l was born.   You are also the citizen of a country if you naturalized. For example,

Taking care of my Home

  Class: Basic 1   Subject: Social studies   Topic: Taking care of my Home   We have to keep our home clean.   We have to sweep the floors and dust the tables.   We wash our dishes and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors .   I have to make my bed each

Law Enforcement Agencies In Nigeria

  CLASS:::: Primary 3. SUBJECT::: Social-Studies . TOPIC:::::::Law Enforcement Agencies.   Content——     What are laws?? Laws are rules that guide and instruct people on how to live in their country or community.   What are Law Enforcement Agencies???? Law enforcement agencies are government organizations that are set up to ensure that people obey