Ways People Take And Drug Abuse

Subject :  Health Habits Topic : Drug Abuse Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 2 Class : Nursery 1   Previous lesson :  The pupils have the previous knowledge of Health Habits Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term ) that was taught in the last lesson     Behavioural objectives : At the

Health Habits Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term )

Nursery 1 ( 2nd Term ) Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1     Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term (2nd Term )   Health Habits     Weekly Topics .   Week 1 Revision   Week 2 Drug Abuse (I)   Week 3

Rights and Responsibility

Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 9     Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Civic Education   Topic : Rights and Responsibility Term : Second Term / 2nd

Religious Institution 

Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 7       Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Civic Education   Topic : Religious Institution Term : Second Term / 2nd


Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 5       Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Civic Education   Topic : Chieftaincy Term : Second Term / 2nd Term


Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 4       Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 4 Class

Naming Ceremony

Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 3       Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Civic Education Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week: Week 3 Class

Social Institutions In Our Locality

Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 2       Nursery 1 Second Term Nursery 1   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1   Age 1 to    3  years     Second Term      Subject :  Social Norms / Social Norms Term : Second Term / 2nd Term Week:

Making sentences with the right verb tense

Subject : COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE AND LITERACY LESSONS LETTER READINESS READING READINESS Topic : Making sentences with the right verb tense Class : KG 2   Term : 2nd Term   Week : Week 15   Instructional Materials : Wall Charts Pictures Textbook Workbooks     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught   Verb

Verb Tense

Subject : COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE AND LITERACY LESSONS LETTER READINESS READING READINESS Topic : Verb Tense Class : KG 2   Term : 2nd Term   Week : Week 14   Instructional Materials : Wall Charts Pictures Textbook Workbooks     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught   Verb   that was treated during