WEEK ONE TOPIC: LA REVISION DE L’EXAMEN Quel temp fait-il aujourd’ hui Quel fait beau Quel fait du vent Quel fait de soleil Quel faitchaud Quel fait froid Quel faitmauvais Quel faitfrais Quel faitd’harmattan Quel fait chaud pandent la saison seche Quel fait froid pandent la saison plieu / pleut Quell ya deux saisons en
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Class: Agricultural Science The top layer of the earth crust is …………… [a] snow [b] topper [c] soil Which of the following is not an agent of soil formation [a] rain [b] environment [c] wind Annual crops complete their life cycle in
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Class: Mathematics 1. Write fifty-eight thousand, Nine hundred and sixty- five in figures (a) 58,965 (b) 5,895 (c) 59,865 2. Write 61,275 in words (a) Six, one, two, five and seven(b) Sixty-one thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven (c) Sixty-one and two
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Class: Science & Technology 1. ________ is one of the natural causes of erosion (A) Sun (B) Rain (C) Star 2. Pollution is the release of _______into the environment (a) Water (b) Harmful substances (c) Currency 3. Where should we dump refuse?
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Class: Civic Education 1. ______ is a building where people live in order to provide comfort (a) Bush (b) House (c) Garage 2. The following are services provided by Government except (a) Destruction life (b) Maintenance of peace (c) Education 3.
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Class: Social Studies A group of people related to one another by blood or by adoption is called…. [a] family [b] company [c] school Your father’s brother is ……. [a] daughter [b] uncle [c] relatives Unity in cultural diversity is known
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1ST TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Subject: I.C.T. A ………….. is a collection of computer components that are needed for a computer to work effectively [a] system [b] speakers [c] computer system There are ……… main components of a computer system. [a] 7 [b] 3 [c] 5 Which
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1ST TERM EXAMINATION Class: Basic 4 Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts Art is ………………… [a] an artiste [b] an erratic [c] a human creative skills Who among the following is not an art worker [a] artiste [b] accountant [c] art Teacher Art is as old as ………………… [a]
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 4 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS …………. Is a substance for rubbing surface to make shine. [a] stone [b] water [c] polish Avoid wastage when using cleaning agents [a] yes [b] no [c] I don’t know ……………. Is not a type of surface in the
Edu Delight Tutors First Term Primary 4 1st TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: BASIC 4 SUBJECT: PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION …………… is not a rhythmic activities [a] marching [b] galloping [c] throwing Hair is not found in/on…………. [a] head [b] mouth [c] armpit We should take our bath ………. [a] monthly [b] weekly [c] regularly Long jump