English Grammar

The Reward of Stealing

Subject : English Comprehension Topic : Reading Practice Stealing Does Not Pay Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 2 Reference Materials :  Textbooks Online Reference materials Lagos state scheme of work Instructional Materials :.. Pictures showing people in jail for dishonest acts     Previous

Tenses of Verbs. English Grammar Third Term Week 2

Subject : English Grammar Topic : Tenses of Verbs Class : Primary  6/ Basic 6   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 2 Reference Materials :  . Online Reference Lagos State Primary Schools Scheme of work Mastering English Brighter Grammar For Junior Learners Instructional Materials :.. Charts showing different time intervals as in


SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… Instruction: Read the following questions and choose the right answer from the given alternatives.   Comprehension: THE PRODIGAL SON There was a certain man who had two sons. The younger of these said to his father, ‘Father, give me that share of your estate which I shall inherit.’ So his

The use of Conjunction

Class: Primary 3   Subject: English-Language. Underline the correct Conjunction in each of the following sentence.   (1) They have to leave early (because, until) they had another meeting to attend.   (2) Wash your hand (before, both) you touch your baby.   (3) Give me back my book (after, until) you have finished ready

A visit to Olumo Rock

Class : Basic 1 Subject: English Language (Comprehension)   A visit to Olumo Rock   The pupils of Island Builders Baptist Nursery and Primary School paid a visit to Olumo Rock in Abeokuta. People from different places visit the rock to see interesting things. Ade, Tope,Yemi and Tobi are friends and pupils of Island Builders

Subject English Language (Comprehension)

  Class: Basic 1   Subject English Language (Comprehension)   Topic: Games   Games make children happy and strong. Children play many games.   Some games can be played in the room. They are called indoor games. Examples are ludo, snakes and ladders, and tennis. Some are played outside. They are called outdoor games. Examples

Primary 6 Third Term Weekly Lesson Plan

PRIMARY SIX THIRD TERM E-NOTE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WEEKS SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Week 1 Revision of second terms work   Week 2. A. Speech Work: Making verbal report and Statements B. Reading: Teaching of new words, meanings and Comprehension The Reward of Stealing  C. Structure: Writing e-mail text messages D. Grammar: Tenses of verbs E. Writing:

Pronouns (Types)

    Class :Primary 6   Date : Monday 6th July 2020   Subject :English Grammar   Topic : Pronouns (Types)   Content   What is a pronoun?   A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence   Pronouns replace nouns in sentences   Examples of pronouns are

The Cunning Fox And the Wise Crane.

  Class: Basic 4   Subject: English Studies   Topic: Comprehension The Cunning Fox And the Wise Crane.   There once lived a Cunning Fox. He would often make fun of others. One day , the Fox invited a crane to his house. He said, “Mr” Crane why don’t you come home for dinner tonight?”