Subject :
Class :
SS 1
Term :
Week :
Week 6
Topic :
Previous Knowledge :
The pupils have previous knowledge of
that was taught as a topic in their previous lesson
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Define communalism
- Define feudalism
- Explain the major features of communalism and feudalism
- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of communalism
- List the merits and demerits of feudalism
Teaching and Learning Resources : .
- Online materials
- Schemes of work
- Textbooks
- Newspaper
- Films that are related to the topic
- Pictures
- Activity charts
- Communalism: Meaning and Features.
- Feudalism: Meaning, Features, Merits and Demerits.
Sub-Topic 1:
Communalism is defined as a system of collective ownership of property, means of production and cooperation among members of a community in the execution of development projects.
In a communal society, members pursue a common goal jointly. The idea of communalism is to promote societal oneness and love in which equality is regarded as the order of the day. It involves embracing and returning to the traditional unit of political administration in order to integrate all forms of economic, political and social aspects of life of the people without any form of exploitation and divisionism. In this system every individual shares a common sense of belonging and participates in steering and developing the affairs of the community.
Countries like Tanzania, China, India, Ethiopia are known for the practice of communalism.
- Collective ownership of property: Communalism is a principle and practice of a traditional system involving collective ownership and sharing of resources and properties among the people.
- There is co-operation among members in the execution of development projects.
- There is greater autonomy for the community: The community is granted the widest degree of autonomy with distinct identity.
- Members of a communal society share common culture and identity.
- Ownership of private land is not permitted by any member of the communal society.
- Members of a communal community have blood relationship. There is absence of exploitation and oppressive tendencies.
- Communalism is a common feature of the village setting.
- It discourages members from pursuing individual objectives
- Everyone is his brother’s keeper.
Sub-Topic 2:
Feudalism was a socio-political and economic system that existed during the middle ages which was based on land ownership between the lords and the serfs.. The land owners were referred to as Landlords.
Feudalism basically describes the relationship between land possession and power acquisition. Feudalism links economic and political powers. It suggests that economic power begets political power. It is a primitive system of government and economic system based mainly on hierarchical order of ownership of land.
- The system was based on hierarchical order of land ownership.
- Ownership of land was vested in the king, monarch or emperor.
- The serfs (tenants) pay their overlords annual tributes in money or kind.
- The overlords were duty bound to protect the serf.
- Feudal tenants give military service to the overlords.
- Only a vassal of the lord can receive land.
- The vassal keeps the land as long as he performs his feudal duties.E.g. payment of tributes, military service etc.
- The lord or monarch is the law maker, judge and commander over the vassals.
- There is creation of the ruling class with the king or landlord.
- It laid the foundation for capitalism. It brings about freedom, love, and self –reliance among the ruling class.
- It provides a level of security in which the vassals provide military services to the landlord.
- It creates orderliness and set criterion for political power acquisition.
- It encourages decentralization of powers among the big landlords/ land owners.
- The system weakens the sovereignty of the state since every lord wields some political power.
- There were constant wars among the lords for the search of more territories. There was no security of land ownership.
- The system was exploitative. The slaves/serfs/vassals and peasants were used and dumped.
- It encouraged injustice because the lord presided over disagreements between himself and the land tenants.
- The system encouraged domination. It produced very powerful lords who controlled and dictated the economic lives of the tenants.
- What is the meaning of communalism?
- Outline three features of communalism.
- Define feudalism.
- State five demerits of feudalism.
- Highlight five features of feudalism.
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1:
The class teacher revises the previous topics which was
Step 2.
He introduces the new topic leading the discussion that relates to feudalism and communalism.
Teacher’s activities
He or she may ask leading questions that are related to the topic of discussion.
- What is feudalism?
- What is communalism?
- Who is a landlord?
- What are the merits that are attached to being a landlord?
- Is joint ownership of land OK?
- Will you like to share your personal property with other people in the community?
Step 3:
The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise.
Students’ activities
- students should ask questions when they are confused
- Try to make some jotting while the subject teacher is explaining some key points
- Relate the topic to the to the present day landlords
- Contribute to the discussion and take notes
- Define communalism
- Highlight five features of communalism.
- What is feudalism.
- Mention three demerits of feudalism.
- Discuss five features of feudalism.
Objective Test:
- Communalism ensures that everybody within the society is PROVIDED (a) means of transportation (b) with a chieftaincy title(c) with a formal education (d) a land to farm
- Which of the following best describe feudalism?_____(A) few people monopolise the ownership of land (b) Mass ownership of property is prevalent (c) State ownership of capital is prevalent (d) Workers administer the society
- Which of the following is the lowest class of people in the hierarchy of a feudal system? (a) Nobles (b) Serf (c) Lords(d) Minors
- The type of government in which citizens right and duties were based on a system of land tenure was known as (a) feudalism (b) oligarchy (c) democracy (c) autocracy.
- Which of the following is related to government as a process of governing (a) implementation and adjudication (b) the role of pressure group within the state (c) disagreement between the state and local government (d) abrogation of fundamental human rights
- A society without constituted authority is called (a) federal state (b) stateless society (c) government in exile (d) backward society
- Absence of government in a state is referred to as (a) anarchy (b) confusion (c) coup d’etat (d) instability
- One of the following implements the laws in the state (a) judiciary (b) Legislature (c) executive (d) public commission.
- Which of the following best describes the subject matter government? (a) Election (b) People (c) Political party (d) Political power
- In the study of government, public administration covers the (a) Army, prison officers and the police (b) Civil service, public corporation and local government (c) Ministries of Education, health and agriculture (d) Schools, Hospitals and health centres
- Government as an academic field of study refers to the (a) president and his ministers (b) study of political institutions and processes (c) working of the organs (d) membership of international organisations.
- The study of government in school is important because the students can (a) be assisted by political leaders (b) learn about their rights (c) qualify for elections (d) be nominated for trip abroad
Essay Questions:
- Define feudalism and state 5 demerits of feudalism.
- Outline three features of communalism.
- Mention five branches of government.
- Explain two of the branches mentioned.
- Outline the three organs of government and their major functions
- Describe government as an art or process of governing.
ASSIGNMENT: Read about capitalism and socialism.
The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.
The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written. He or she does the necessary corrections when the need arises.
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.