Second Term Examination Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 13
Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Examination
Week 13 Examination Instructions
Instructions for Teachers:
- Ensure all students understand the exam instructions. Read through each section carefully before allowing them to start the examination.
- Maintain a quiet and calm environment throughout the examination period. Ensure there are no distractions or disruptions during the exam.
- Strictly monitor the students to prevent cheating and ensure fairness during the exam.
- Do not allow students to talk to each other once the exam begins. Any form of communication that is not related to the exam will be treated as malpractice.
- Provide clear guidance on how to fill out the answer sheets (if applicable) and remind the students to write their names and class on their papers.
- Collect the papers after the allotted time and ensure no student retains any part of the exam paper.
- Adhere to the school’s policy on academic integrity. Any student found guilty of exam malpractices will face disciplinary action as per school guidelines.
Instructions for Students:
- Read the questions carefully. Ensure you understand what is being asked before answering.
- Do not talk to your neighbors. Any form of communication during the exam is considered cheating.
- Write your answers clearly. If you are unsure about an answer, leave it and return to it later.
- If you make a mistake, neatly cross it out and write the correct answer.
- Use only the time allocated for the exam. Do not rush, but also ensure you complete all questions.
- Once the exam time is over, stop writing immediately. Do not try to add more answers after the time has passed.
- Follow all instructions carefully. If you are caught cheating, you will be disqualified from the exam.
- Do your best! Show what you have learned this term and be confident in your answers.
Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- __________ helps protect the skin from infections. (a) Soap, b) Lotion, c) Water, d) Oil)
- __________ is the best way to keep your bedroom clean. (a) Sweeping, b) Dusting, c) Vacuuming, d) Organizing)
- Eating __________ helps us grow strong and stay healthy. (a) fast food, b) junk food, c) fruits and vegetables, d) soda)
- You should wash your hair at least __________ a week. (a) once, b) twice, c) three, d) every day)
- __________ should be used to keep hair clean and healthy. (a) Shampoo, b) Perfume, c) Oil, d) Water)
- __________ protects us from diseases by keeping our bodies clean. (a) Personal hygiene, b) Hair care, c) Food, d) Water)
- The __________ is the most important part of a healthy diet. (a) fruits, b) water, c) carbohydrates, d) vegetables)
- You should always clean your __________ before eating. (a) hands, b) teeth, c) hair, d) clothes)
- __________ helps in the prevention of skin infections. (a) Avoiding dirt, b) Scratching, c) Sharing towels, d) Ignoring hygiene)
- The purpose of food is to __________ the body. (a) feed, b) cover, c) decorate, d) weigh)
- To prevent food from spoiling, store it in __________. (a) sunlight, b) a refrigerator, c) a cupboard, d) open air)
- __________ are important because they help the body fight infections. (a) Proteins, b) Vitamins, c) Fats, d) Carbohydrates)
- When you have a rash, it is important to __________ it. (a) scratch, b) ignore, c) treat, d) show off)
- __________ is used to clean clothes and remove stains. (a) soap, b) water, c) detergent, d) bleach)
- To prevent acne, it is important to wash your __________ regularly. (a) hands, b) face, c) feet, d) hair)
- Cleanliness of the __________ is necessary for good health. (a) clothes, b) environment, c) school, d) kitchen)
- __________ can cause hair infections if not treated properly. (a) Dust, b) Fungi, c) Soap, d) Air)
- Healthy food includes __________. (a) sweets, b) meat, c) vegetables, d) chocolate)
- __________ can make your hair grow strong and healthy. (a) Shampoo, b) Oil, c) Junk food, d) Sunscreen)
- __________ is a way to take care of your skin and prevent infections. (a) Scratching, b) Washing, c) Ignoring, d) Biting)
- You should wash your clothes __________. (a) once a year, b) every month, c) once a week, d) once a day)
- Hair should be combed __________ to keep it neat. (a) once, b) twice, c) three times, d) regularly)
- __________ is the best way to treat acne. (a) Leave it alone, b) Scrub it hard, c) Use face wash, d) Ignore it)
- __________ is important for digestion and staying hydrated. (a) Water, b) Juice, c) Milk, d) Soda)
- It is important to wash your __________ before cooking. (a) hands, b) feet, c) hair, d) clothes)
- You should brush your teeth at least __________ times a day. (a) once, b) twice, c) three, d) four)
- __________ is a method of preventing hair loss. (a) Rubbing, b) Combing, c) Eating well, d) Scratching)
- __________ helps us to stay clean and avoid infections. (a) Hygiene, b) Food, c) Clothes, d) Hair)
- Skin infections can be prevented by __________. (a) scratching, b) using soap, c) exposing to the sun, d) ignoring)
- It is important to clean your bedroom to avoid __________. (a) clutter, b) dust, c) insects, d) dirt)
Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)
- What is the importance of personal hygiene?
- How can you prevent skin infections?
- Why should you wash your hands before eating?
- What is the best way to clean your bedroom?
- How do you take care of your hair?
- What should you do if you have a rash on your skin?
- Why is it important to wash your clothes?
- How do you protect your skin from the sun?
- What is the main purpose of food in the body?
- How can you prevent acne?
- What should you do to keep your skin healthy?
- Why is it important to keep your environment clean?
- How can you treat a wound on your skin?
- What is the best way to store food to prevent spoilage?
- Why is water important for our health?
- What should you do if your hair gets dirty?
- How do you keep your teeth clean?
- Why should you comb your hair regularly?
- What are the benefits of eating vegetables?
- How can you prevent hair loss?
- What does washing clothes help you do?
- How do you protect your hair from infections?
- What causes eczema on the skin?
- What is the best way to care for your skin in the sun?
- What should you do if you have a cold sore?
- Why should you cover cuts with bandages?
- What is the purpose of food in the human body?
- Why should you avoid scratching a rash?
- How do you ensure that food is stored safely?
- How do you keep your hair looking healthy?
Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)
- True or False: Skin infections can be prevented by regular cleaning.
- True or False: You should wash your hands after using the toilet.
- True or False: It is important to cover your skin when going out in the sun.
- True or False: Acne can be caused by dirty skin.
- True or False: You should not share personal items like towels with others.
- True or False: Cleanliness helps prevent the spread of diseases.
- True or False: You can prevent hair loss by eating healthy foods.
- True or False: Personal hygiene includes brushing your teeth.
- True or False: Food spoils faster when left outside.
- True or False: It is okay to share a toothbrush with a friend.
- True or False: You should wash your face regularly to prevent acne.
- True or False: Skin infections can be caused by poor hygiene.
- True or False: It is safe to ignore minor skin infections.
- True or False: Washing clothes helps keep them clean and free of germs.
- True or False: You should always comb your hair before leaving the house.
- True or False: Sunscreen helps protect your skin from sunburn.
- True or False: Eating junk food helps keep your skin clear.
- True or False: It is important to clean your bedroom regularly.
- True or False: You should wash your hands after touching animals.
- True or False: You should treat skin infections with lotion only.
- True or False: Using soap helps protect your skin from infections.
- True or False: It is important to eat fruits to stay healthy.
- True or False: Rashes should be scratched to relieve the itch.
- True or False: You should clean your hair with harsh chemicals.
- True or False: Water is important for keeping your skin hydrated.
- True or False: A clean environment helps prevent sickness.
- True or False: You should change clothes daily.
- True or False: It is okay to leave food uncovered for a long time.
- True or False: You should always wash your hands before preparing food.
- True or False: Eating fruits is not important for maintaining good health.
Part D: Fill in the Gaps (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- __________ is necessary for healthy skin.
- __________ can help remove germs from your hands.
- You should comb your __________ regularly.
- __________ should be washed regularly to prevent infections.
- Eating __________ helps the body stay strong.
- __________ protects your skin from the sun.
- __________ is essential for digestion.
- You should always __________ before eating.
- A clean environment helps prevent __________.
- __________ can be caused by poor hygiene.
- To prevent acne, wash your __________ every day.
- __________ is important for healthy hair.
- You should wash your __________ before cooking.
- __________ helps you stay hydrated.
- Good hygiene includes brushing your __________.
- Skin infections can be prevented by __________.
- __________ is used to clean clothes.
- You should not share __________ with others.
- You can prevent skin infections by __________ your body regularly.
- __________ protects your body from diseases.
- You should wash your __________ after touching dirty things.
- Cleanliness helps prevent __________.
- You should wash __________ regularly to keep them clean.
- __________ is necessary for healthy digestion.
- __________ helps to fight infections.
- You should eat __________ to stay healthy.
- Skin infections can be prevented by using __________.
- __________ is important for maintaining good hygiene.
- You should wash your __________ after using the toilet.
- __________ can cause harm to your skin.
This exam provides a comprehensive review of the topics covered throughout the term, helping students to recall essential information and demonstrate their understanding.
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