Road Accident And Road Safety Rules

    CLASS: Basic 3   SUBJECT: Social Studies   TOPIC: Road Accident   CONTENT: Road accident is an unexpected event on the road which causes great damage or loss of lives. Accidents can hurt or injure us for a long time. Different accidents can lead to scrapes and scratches or broken bones but a

Electricity (definition, types and terminologies)

Date: Tuesday, 21st April, 2020. Class: Basic 5 Subject: Basic Science and Technology Topic: Electricity (definition, types and terminologies) Electricity is a form of energy. It can also be defined as the flow of electrons from one point to another. Types of Electricity: There are basically two types of electricity. These are:- 1.) Static Electricity

Class: Primary 2 Subject: Mathematics

Date: Tuesday, 21st April, 2020. Class: Primary 2 Subject: Mathematics Read the following questions and answer. Show all workings (1) Find 1/4 of 20 apples. (2) A florist planted 32 flowers in 2 rows.How many did he plant in each row? (3) There are 48 notebooks in a shelf.Mrs Nkechi gave out some to the

Distribution of Natural Resources In Nigeria

Date: Tuesday, 21st April, 2020. Class: Basic 4. Subject: Social Studies Topic: Distribution of Natural Resources. REASONS WHY GOODS ARE DISTRIBUTED We can not make everything we need for ourselves, therefore we rely on other people who make other things we need. Surplus goods are sold to places where they have shortage. LIST OF GOODS

Food (Meaning and Reasons for eating food)

Date : Tuesday, 21st April, 2020. Class. : Basic 1 Subject : Home Economics Topic: Food (Meaning and Reasons for eating food) Food is a substance that is eaten to nourish the body. Food is important for our health and supply the materials the body need for energy, growth, development and good health. There are

Uses of ICT gadgets

Subject :BASIC Science and Technology  Class :BASIC 4  Term : Third Term  Week :5 Topic : Uses of ICT gadgets Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught identification of ICT gadgets BBehavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to mention various uses of ICT gadgets  Content The following