Second Term Examination Questions Computer Primary 4
SECTION A (Continued)
1.) To boot a computer means to _________ it on
(a) switch
(b) off
(c) spoil
2.) Spreadsheets are application packages used for _______________
(a) drawing graphic
(b) entertainment
(c) arithmetic work
3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________
(a) application software
(b) flash disk
(c) computer games
4.) The reset button is found on the ___________________________
5.) Computer cables are ___________________ used to connect parts of computer together.
6.) __cable is used for the hard disk, floppy disk and the motherboard
(a) UPS
(b) IDE
(c) Power
7.) Humanware are also known as ___________
(a) hardware
(b) users
(c) software
8.) The components of a computer system are divided into ________
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 3
9.) A monitor uses a power cable and ____________ cable
(a) UPS
(b) in-to-in
(c) CPU
10.) Windows 8 software makes it possible for a computer to work because it is a/an _______
(a) application software
(b) system software
(c) assembler
11.) The process of switching on the computer system is called _____________
(a) switching
(b) powering
(c) booting
12.) When your system stops responding to command, you ______________
(a) cold boot it
(b) warm boot it
(c) boot it continuously
13.) The keyboard is connected to the monitor
(a) True
(b) False
14.) What will you do if your computer system is not working effectively?
(a) abandon it
(b) restart it
(c) hit the computer
15.) We can boot the computer in _____________ ways
(a) four
(b) two
(c) three
16.) Software means ___________________________
(a) set of instruction that controls the operation of the system
(b) the computer users
(c) the computer casing
17.) Which of the following is not a hardware component?
(a) Output devices
(b) Input devices
(c) Antivirus
18.) The shortcut for warm booting is _______
(a) Alt + Del + Ctrl
(b) Shift + Alt + Del
(c) Ctrl + Alt + Del
19.) We can pass information through ______
(a) making noise
(b) talking drum
(c) gossiping
20.) _______ is used to connect different parts of a computer
(a) software
(b) connector cables
(c) extension wire
21.) Which of the following storage devices do we put into a CD ROM?
(a) flash disk
(b) compact disk
(c) floppy disk
22.) Computer hardware is divided into _____ main components
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 4
23.) Microsoft is owned by _______
(a) Sir Charles Babbage
(b) Blaise Pascal
(c) Bill Gates
24.) A program used to fight virus on our computer system is called _________
(a) anti-computer
(b) anti-natal
(c) anti-virus
25.) One of these is an ancient method of passing messages.
(a) town criers
(b) crying hard
(c) cooking with fire
26.) IPO means _______________________________________________
(a) input-process-output
(b) insert-protect-only
(c) inner-process-order
27.) Input can be supplied into the computer by using one of these devices.
(a) printer
(b) CPU
(c) keyboard
28.) Computer parts are connected to the ________
(a) monitor
(b) system unit
(c) printer
29.) The system software called O.S. means ____________
(a) Open sentences
(b) Operating Satisfy
(c) Operating System
30.) Antivirus is an example of _________ software
(a) operating
(b) utilities
(c) application
1.) Define booting?
Booting refers to the process of starting or restarting a computer system. This involves loading the operating system into memory so that the system can become functional.
b.) State two ways of booting a computer:
(a) Cold boot
(b) Warm boot
2.) State the difference between the two ways of booting:
- Cold boot: This occurs when the computer is powered off completely and then turned on, initiating the boot process from scratch.
- Warm boot: This is the process of restarting a computer without turning off the power. It can be done by using specific keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + Alt + Del.
3.) State two sources of information:
(a) Books
(b) Internet
b.) Give two examples of a storage device:
(a) Hard Disk
(b) USB Flash Drive
4.) State the two types of software you know:
(a) System software
(b) Application software
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