Category: SS 1

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination ENGLISH STUDIES

CLASS: S.S.S 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES SECTION A. INSTRUCTION: – Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows. We all have serious personal problems at some time in our lives and can be dealt with fairly easily, especially if counseling is available.   Counselors are trained professionals who are there to advise and

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination Civic Education

CLASS: S.S.1 SUBJECT: Civic Education INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct answer 1. Democracy can promote national development if there is ________________________ (a ) Good governance b. promotion of culture c. immunity for leaders (d) Registration of parties 2. Cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria was originally introduced to _____________ (a) Perpetuate the use of local gin

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination CHEMISTRY

CLASS: S S 1 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY Which of the following is not a separation technique? Fractional distillation (b) Propiation (c)Precipitation (d) Chromatography Substances that cannot be split into two or more simpler units through ordinary chemical process is known as Element (b) compound (c) Mixture (d)Solvent Easy reversibility is a characteristic of chemical change True

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination MATHEMATICS

  CLASS: S.S.S. 1 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS What is the additive inverse of 8 ? (a)-8  (b)- 16  (c) +32 Express 72 as a product of its prime factors in index form. (a) 23 x 32 (b) 22 x 33(c) 2 x 36 Factorize 10a2 + 30a + 20ab. (a) 10a (a +3+2b) (b) 10a(5ab) (c)

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination

Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination GEOGRAPHY Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination CIVIC EDUCATION Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination MARKETING Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination ECONOMICS Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination Physics Third Term Examinations SS 1 Examination Agricultural Third Term Examinations SS 1


Edu Delight Tutors THIRD TERM SS1 ECONOMICS EXAM QUESTIONS Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved. SUBJECT ECONOMICS CLASS: S.S.S 1 DURATION 2HR Price fixed above the equilibrium is to (a) protect agricultural producers (b) discourage agricultural producers (c) lower the prices of agricultural produce (d) favour

Agricultural Science SS 1 Third Term Examination

Subject: Agricultural Science   Class: SSS 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 14   Topic: Third Term Agricultural Science SS 1 THIRD TERM EXAMINATION        PART A. OBJECTIVES  Which of these is not a part of the male reproductive system A. uterus masculinus B. oviduct C. testes D.

Management of cattle

Subject: Agricultural Science   Class: SSS 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 13   Topic: Management of cattle     Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of       MANAGEMENT OF PIGS   that was taught in their previous lesson.     Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of


Subject: Agricultural Science   Class: SSS 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 12   Topic: MANAGEMENT OF PIGS     Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of      ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY   that was taught in their previous lesson.     Behavioural  Objectives : At the end of the


Subject: Agricultural Science   Class: SSS 1   Term: Third Term / 3rd Term   Week: Week 11   Topic: FARM SYSTEMS OF REARING PIGS     Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of      LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT (PIGGERY)   that was taught in their previous lesson.     Behavioural  Objectives : At the
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