Category: Online lesson Notes and Scheme of work

Healthy Living and Diet

 (Heart and Utility Specialist) The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone. Qn1. What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart? Ans: 1. Diet – Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil 2. Exercise – Half an hour’s walk, at least five days a week;

Animals and their young ones

A baby cat is called a kitten   A baby dog is called a puppy A baby goat is called a kid A baby cow is called a calf A baby lion is called a cub A baby elephant is called a calf A baby frog is called a tadpole A baby turtle  is called

Primary 1 Basic Science

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2017 CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Objectives Choose from the option lettered a – c the one that is most suitable Natural sources of water includes the following except ___________ (a) rain (b) river (c) well Air is a mixture of ___________ (a) gases (b) liquid (c) solid Aquatic animals

Weather Instruments

Weather Instruments A THERMOMETER measures the air temperature. Most thermometers are closed glass tubes containing liquids such as alcohol or mercury. When air around the tube heats the liquid, the liquid expands and moves up the tube. A scale then shows what the actual temperature is. thermometer A BAROMETER measures air pressure. It tells you

Diction : Introduction To Pure Vowel Sound

A vowel is the sound made without any obstruction to the airflow from the lungs to the mouth. A vowel can also be defined as a free sound.          There are twenty vowel sounds of the English language which are divided into twelve pure vowels or monothongs and eight impure vowels or

The Connectives

The Connectives are conjunctions that are used in sentences. Examples of these conjunctions are And   also  again  further more   then   next   therefore   thereafter etc He was old ______ weak ______ there was no one to look after him. 2. My mother ______ ______ gave me a birthday present, ______ ______ some money ______ ______ I could

Types of Conjunctions. The connectives. Practice questions on conjunction

Fill in the blanks using suitable conjunctions: 1.    This is a small ………………….. interesting story. 2.    Manu and Anu help …………………….. 3.    ……………………… I was a child, I lived in Dubai. 4.    Make hay ……………………. the sun shines. 5.    We will visit Paris ………………….. Rome during the summer. 6.    Let us wait here ……………….. the

Home Economics jss 3 practice questions for first term second term or revision

                                                                   JSS 3 FIRST TERM Home Economics Past Question   1.  All the items that we wear with our clothes are called (a) accessories (b) jeweler (c) shoes (d) hats   2. Your brothers and sisters are your (a) siblings (b) relations (c) aunties (d) nephews   3. Which of the following is not a flooring