Dangerous Liquids Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Dangerous liquids for kids

Detailed Lesson Plan: Dangerous Liquids

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Nursery 2

Term: First Term

Week: 7

Topic: Dangerous Liquids

Sub-topic: Understanding Dangerous Liquids

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of dangerous liquids.
  2. Give some examples of dangerous liquids.
  3. Understand why it’s important to be careful with dangerous liquids.

Key Words:

  • Dangerous
  • Liquid
  • Careful

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils should be aware of some common liquids and their uses.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of different liquids (e.g., water, juice, bleach)
  • Actual containers of safe liquids (e.g., water bottle, juice box)
  • Charts showing hazardous signs

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have previously learned about safe liquids and their uses.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Safety awareness
  • Communication

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 2
  • Basic Science Textbook for Nursery 2

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Hazard symbols
  • Pictures of liquids


Meaning of Dangerous Liquid:

  • Dangerous liquids are harmful and unsafe if touched, smelled, or swallowed.

Examples of Dangerous Liquids:

  • Bleach
  • Detergent
  • Pesticides
  • Medicine without a doctor’s advice

Dangerous Liquids

i) Simple meaning of dangerous liquid:

  • Dangerous liquids are harmful or unsafe liquids. They can hurt us if we touch or drink them. 🚫

ii) Pupils should be very careful with dangerous liquids:

  • Do not touch or drink dangerous liquids. Tell an adult if you see one. 🛑

i) Explain the meaning of dangerous liquid:

  • Dangerous liquids are liquids that can cause harm or injury.

ii) Give some examples of dangerous liquids:

  • Bleach – Used for cleaning but very dangerous if touched or swallowed. 🧴
  • Detergent – Used for washing clothes but can hurt if swallowed. 🧼
  • Pesticide – Used to kill insects but dangerous for people. 🐜
  • Medicine – Can be harmful if taken without a doctor’s advice. 💊

Important Tips:

  1. Stay away from dangerous liquids. 🚫
  2. Ask an adult if you are not sure. 👩‍🦳👨‍🦳
  3. Never play with bottles of dangerous liquids. 🧴

Always be careful and stay safe!

Basic Science Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes


Step 1: Revision of Previous Topic

  • The teacher revises the previous topic about safe liquids and their uses.

Step 2: Introduction of the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the topic “Dangerous Liquids” and explains what dangerous liquids are.

Step 3: Pupil Contributions and Teacher Corrections

  • The teacher asks pupils to name any liquids they think might be dangerous.
  • The teacher corrects and explains why certain liquids are dangerous.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Display pictures and actual containers of safe and dangerous liquids.
  2. Explain the meaning of dangerous liquids.
  3. Show hazard symbols and explain their meanings.
  4. Discuss why it is important to be careful with dangerous liquids.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  2. Identify and name liquids in the pictures shown.
  3. Ask questions and share any experiences they have had with liquids.
  4. Participate in discussions about why dangerous liquids should be avoided.


  • The teacher assesses understanding by asking questions and having pupils identify dangerous liquids from pictures.

Class Activity Discussion Dangerous Liquids

  1. What is a dangerous liquid?
    • Dangerous liquids are harmful or unsafe liquids.
  2. Why should we be careful with dangerous liquids?
    • They can hurt us if we touch or drink them.
  3. Can you name an example of a dangerous liquid?
    • Bleach is an example of a dangerous liquid.
  4. Is water a dangerous liquid?
    • No, water is not a dangerous liquid.
  5. What should you do if you see a dangerous liquid?
    • Tell an adult right away.
  6. Is juice a dangerous liquid?
    • No, juice is not a dangerous liquid.
  7. Why is bleach dangerous?
    • Bleach can harm us if we touch or drink it.
  8. Should we play with dangerous liquids?
    • No, we should never play with dangerous liquids.
  9. Can detergents be dangerous?
    • Yes, detergents can be harmful if swallowed.
  10. What should you do if you are not sure about a liquid?
    • Ask an adult for help.
  11. Are pesticides safe for children?
    • No, pesticides are dangerous for children.
  12. Can medicines be dangerous?
    • Yes, if taken without a doctor’s advice.
  13. Why should we never touch dangerous liquids?
    • They can cause harm or injury.
  14. Are all cleaning liquids dangerous?
    • Many cleaning liquids can be dangerous, so be careful.
  15. What is the best way to stay safe around dangerous liquids?
    • Always ask an adult and never touch or play with them.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is a dangerous liquid?
  2. Can you name a safe liquid?
  3. Is bleach a dangerous liquid? (Yes/No)
  4. Why should we be careful with dangerous liquids?
  5. What should you do if you see a dangerous liquid?
  6. Name one example of a dangerous liquid.
  7. Is juice a dangerous liquid? (Yes/No)
  8. Should you touch dangerous liquids? (Yes/No)
  9. Can detergents be harmful? (Yes/No)
  10. What sign shows that a liquid is dangerous?

Objective Questions on Dangerous Liquids

  1. Dangerous liquids can _____ us if we touch or drink them.
    • a) help
    • b) harm
    • c) clean
    • d) feed
  2. An example of a dangerous liquid is _____.
    • a) water
    • b) milk
    • c) bleach
    • d) juice
  3. We should _____ touch dangerous liquids.
    • a) always
    • b) never
    • c) sometimes
    • d) often
  4. _____ is used for washing clothes but can be harmful if swallowed.
    • a) Water
    • b) Detergent
    • c) Juice
    • d) Milk
  5. Dangerous liquids are also known as _____ liquids.
    • a) safe
    • b) tasty
    • c) harmful
    • d) colorful
  6. If you see a dangerous liquid, you should _____ an adult.
    • a) ignore
    • b) hide
    • c) tell
    • d) play with
  7. A liquid that can kill insects but is dangerous for people is called _____.
    • a) bleach
    • b) juice
    • c) pesticide
    • d) water
  8. Medicines are dangerous if taken without a _____ advice.
    • a) friend’s
    • b) teacher’s
    • c) doctor’s
    • d) sibling’s
  9. Dangerous liquids can cause _____ if touched or swallowed.
    • a) joy
    • b) harm
    • c) fun
    • d) laughter
  10. We should _____ play with bottles of dangerous liquids.
    • a) always
    • b) sometimes
    • c) never
    • d) often
  11. Bleach is used for _____ but is very dangerous.
    • a) cooking
    • b) cleaning
    • c) drinking
    • d) playing
  12. Dangerous liquids are not safe for _____.
    • a) children
    • b) adults
    • c) pets
    • d) all of the above
  13. We should be _____ when we see a dangerous liquid.
    • a) careless
    • b) careful
    • c) happy
    • d) excited
  14. Always ask an _____ if you are not sure about a liquid.
    • a) friend
    • b) sibling
    • c) adult
    • d) pet
  15. Dangerous liquids are often kept in _____ bottles.
    • a) open
    • b) closed
    • c) broken
    • d) safe


  • The teacher goes round to mark the pupils’ work and gives feedback.
  • Reinforce the importance of not touching or playing with dangerous liquids.

This lesson plan ensures pupils understand the concept of dangerous liquids, recognize examples, and know the importance of being careful around them.

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