Mid Term Test Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Lesson Plan: Cultural and Creative Arts

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts
Class: Primary 5
Term: Third Term
Week: 7
Topic: Modelling Papier Mache Readiness Test
Sub-topic: Classification of Musical Instruments and Sounds They Produce; Meaning and Objective of Traditional Apprenticeship System; Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods; Rhythmic Pattern
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. List materials needed for papier mache.
  2. Describe how to make a simple rhythmic pattern.
  3. Identify and classify different musical instruments.
  4. Explain the meaning and objective of the traditional apprenticeship system.
  5. Describe the steps for tie and dye fabric decoration.

Key Words

  • Papier Mache
  • Rhythm
  • Musical Instruments
  • Apprenticeship
  • Tie and Dye

Entry Behaviour

Pupils are familiar with basic art and craft activities and can identify common musical instruments.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Old newspapers
  • Glue and water
  • Rubber bands
  • White fabric
  • Different dyes
  • Various musical instruments (e.g., drum, guitar, flute, piano)
  • Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils have previously learned about simple crafts and basic musical instruments.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration

Instructional Materials

  • Old newspapers
  • Glue and water mixture
  • Rubber bands
  • White fabric and dyes
  • Various musical instruments


  1. Papier Mache Readiness Test: Steps to prepare and create papier mache.
  2. Classification of Musical Instruments: Types and sounds they produce.
  3. Traditional Apprenticeship System: Meaning and objectives.
  4. Fabric Decoration (Tie and Dye): Steps to decorate fabric.
  5. Rhythmic Pattern: Creating and practicing rhythmic patterns.

Modelling Papier Mache Readiness Test

  • Prepare Materials: Collect old newspapers, glue, water, and a bowl.
  • Make Paste: Mix glue and water to create a paste.
  • Tear Paper: Tear newspapers into small pieces.
  • Dip and Layer: Dip paper into paste and layer it on a mold.
  • Dry and Paint: Let it dry and then paint your model.

2. Classification of Musical Instruments and the Sounds They Produce

  • Percussion Instruments: Instruments you hit or shake.
    • Example: Drum (produces a booming sound) 🥁
  • String Instruments: Instruments with strings you pluck or bow.
    • Example: Guitar (produces a twanging sound) 🎸
  • Wind Instruments: Instruments you blow into.
    • Example: Flute (produces a whistling sound) 🎶
  • Keyboard Instruments: Instruments with keys you press.
    • Example: Piano (produces a tinkling sound) 🎹

3. Meaning and Objective of Traditional Apprenticeship System

  • Meaning: Learning a skill by working with an expert.
  • Objective:
    • Gain Skills: Learn practical skills for a job.
    • Experience: Get hands-on experience.
    • Mentorship: Receive guidance from a master.
    • Tradition: Preserve traditional crafts and knowledge.

4. Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods

  • Materials Needed: White fabric, dye, rubber bands, water.
  • Tie Fabric: Twist and tie parts of the fabric with rubber bands.
  • Prepare Dye: Mix dye with water.
  • Dip Fabric: Dip tied fabric into dye.
  • Dry and Rinse: Let it dry, then rinse in water.
  • Result: Beautiful patterns on the fabric! 🌈

5. Rhythmic Pattern

  • Definition: A repeated pattern of sounds or beats in music.
  • Example:
    • Clap your hands: Clap-clap-pause-clap.
    • Using Instruments: Tap-tap-shake-tap (with drums or shakers).
  • Practice: Create your own rhythmic patterns with clapping or instruments.

These points should help Grade 5 pupils understand these topics easily and engage with the material in a fun way!

Exploring Musical Instruments: Learn the Five Categories Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Modelling Papier Mache Readiness Test

  1. Q: What materials do I need for papier mache? A: You need old newspapers, glue, water, and a bowl.
  2. Q: How do I make the paste for papier mache? A: Mix glue with water.
  3. Q: What should I do with the newspapers? A: Tear them into small pieces.
  4. Q: How do I apply the paste to the paper? A: Dip the paper into the paste.
  5. Q: What do I do after layering the paper? A: Let it dry.
  6. Q: Can I paint the papier mache after it dries? A: Yes, you can paint it.

Classification of Musical Instruments and the Sounds They Produce

  1. Q: What type of instrument is a drum? A: A drum is a percussion instrument.
  2. Q: What sound does a guitar make? A: A guitar makes a twanging sound.
  3. Q: How do you play a flute? A: You blow into it.
  4. Q: What instrument has many keys? A: A piano has many keys.
  5. Q: What type of instrument is a tambourine? A: A tambourine is a percussion instrument.
  6. Q: How is a piano played? A: By pressing the keys.

Meaning and Objective of Traditional Apprenticeship System

  1. Q: What is an apprenticeship? A: Learning a skill by working with an expert.
  2. Q: Who do you learn from in an apprenticeship? A: You learn from a master.
  3. Q: What is the main objective of an apprenticeship? A: To gain skills.
  4. Q: How does apprenticeship help you? A: It gives you hands-on experience.
  5. Q: Why is apprenticeship important? A: It helps preserve traditional crafts.
  6. Q: What does a mentor provide in an apprenticeship? A: Guidance.

Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods

  1. Q: What kind of fabric do you need for tie and dye? A: You need white fabric.
  2. Q: What do you use to tie the fabric? A: Use rubber bands.
  3. Q: How do you prepare the dye? A: Mix the dye with water.
  4. Q: What do you do with the fabric after tying it? A: Dip it into the dye.
  5. Q: What is the next step after dyeing the fabric? A: Let it dry.
  6. Q: What do you do after the fabric dries? A: Rinse it with water.

Rhythmic Pattern

  1. Q: What is a rhythmic pattern? A: A repeated pattern of sounds or beats.
  2. Q: How can you create a rhythmic pattern? A: By clapping your hands.
  3. Q: Give an example of a simple rhythmic pattern. A: Clap-clap-pause-clap.
  4. Q: What instruments can make rhythmic patterns? A: Drums and shakers.
  5. Q: Can you make your own rhythmic patterns? A: Yes, you can create your own.
  6. Q: How do rhythmic patterns help in music? A: They keep the music steady and interesting.

Modelling Papier Mache Readiness Test

  1. To make papier mache, you first need old _______. a) Books
    b) Newspapers
    c) Magazines
    d) Cards
  2. The paste for papier mache is made of _______ and water. a) Paint
    b) Glue
    c) Sand
    d) Oil
  3. Before using, you need to _______ the newspaper. a) Tear
    b) Burn
    c) Cut
    d) Fold
  4. After applying the paste, let the papier mache _______. a) Melt
    b) Dry
    c) Freeze
    d) Wash
  5. After drying, you can _______ the papier mache model. a) Eat
    b) Paint
    c) Cook
    d) Throw

Classification of Musical Instruments and the Sounds They Produce

  1. A drum is a _______ instrument. a) Wind
    b) Percussion
    c) String
    d) Keyboard
  2. A guitar produces a _______ sound. a) Twanging
    b) Whistling
    c) Booming
    d) Buzzing
  3. You blow into a _______ to play it. a) Drum
    b) Flute
    c) Piano
    d) Guitar
  4. A piano has many _______. a) Strings
    b) Keys
    c) Holes
    d) Drums
  5. A tambourine is a type of _______ instrument. a) String
    b) Wind
    c) Percussion
    d) Keyboard

Meaning and Objective of Traditional Apprenticeship System

  1. In an apprenticeship, you learn from a _______. a) Friend
    b) Master
    c) Child
    d) Stranger
  2. The main objective of apprenticeship is to gain _______. a) Money
    b) Skills
    c) Friends
    d) Clothes
  3. Apprenticeship helps you get hands-on _______. a) Experience
    b) Gifts
    c) Toys
    d) Time
  4. The apprenticeship system helps preserve _______ crafts. a) Modern
    b) Traditional
    c) Ancient
    d) Foreign
  5. A mentor in an apprenticeship offers _______. a) Food
    b) Guidance
    c) Fun
    d) Problems

Fabric Decoration by Tie and Dye Methods

  1. For tie and dye, you start with a _______ fabric. a) White
    b) Black
    c) Colored
    d) Printed
  2. You use _______ to tie parts of the fabric. a) Glue
    b) Rubber bands
    c) Tape
    d) Clips
  3. The dye is mixed with _______. a) Oil
    b) Sand
    c) Water
    d) Powder
  4. After tying, you _______ the fabric into the dye. a) Dip
    b) Tear
    c) Burn
    d) Throw
  5. The last step is to let the fabric _______ and then rinse. a) Wash
    b) Dry
    c) Fold
    d) Tear

Rhythmic Pattern

  1. A rhythmic pattern is a repeated pattern of _______. a) Colors
    b) Sounds
    c) Pictures
    d) Stories
  2. Clapping can create a _______ pattern. a) Rhythmic
    b) Colorful
    c) Story
    d) Picture
  3. A simple rhythmic pattern can be clap-clap-_______-clap. a) Pause
    b) Sing
    c) Dance
    d) Jump
  4. Rhythmic patterns can be made using _______. a) Drums
    b) Paints
    c) Books
    d) Papers
  5. To practice, you can create your own _______ patterns. a) Color
    b) Story
    c) Rhythmic
    d) Picture
  6. A tambourine makes a _______ sound. a) Jingling
    b) Booming
    c) Twanging
    d) Whistling
  7. An apprentice learns by _______ with an expert. a) Playing
    b) Working
    c) Sleeping
    d) Eating
  8. Tie and dye creates beautiful _______ on fabric. a) Holes
    b) Patterns
    c) Tears
    d) Wastes
  9. A guitar is played by _______ the strings. a) Blowing
    b) Plucking
    c) Hitting
    d) Tapping
  10. In the tie and dye method, you _______ the fabric after dyeing. a) Tear
    b) Rinse
    c) Cook
    d) Write

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • Teacher’s Activity: Ask questions about the previous topic on simple crafts and musical instruments.
  • Learners’ Activity: Pupils answer questions and discuss what they remember.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • Teacher’s Activity: Display materials needed for papier mache and explain the process.
  • Learners’ Activity: Pupils observe and note the steps.

Step 3: Class Contributions and Corrections

  • Teacher’s Activity: Ask pupils to share what they know about musical instruments, apprenticeship, and tie and dye.
  • Learners’ Activity: Pupils contribute their ideas and listen to corrections.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Show materials for papier mache.
  2. Demonstrate how to mix glue and water.
  3. Explain the different types of musical instruments and their sounds.
  4. Describe the apprenticeship system and its objectives.
  5. Show the steps for tie and dye.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Watch the demonstrations.
  2. Participate in class discussions.
  3. Ask questions for clarity.
  4. Practice simple rhythmic patterns.


  • Ten Evaluation Questions:
    1. What materials do you need for papier mache?
    2. How do you make the paste for papier mache?
    3. Name a percussion instrument.
    4. What sound does a guitar make?
    5. How do you play a flute?
    6. What is an apprenticeship?
    7. Who do you learn from in an apprenticeship?
    8. What fabric is used for tie and dye?
    9. What do you use to tie the fabric for tie and dye?
    10. What is a rhythmic pattern?


  • Teacher’s Activity: Go around the class to mark pupils’ work and provide necessary corrections and feedback.
  • Learners’ Activity: Pupils complete their tasks and receive feedback.


  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Cultural and Creative Arts, Primary 5

This lesson plan ensures that pupils understand the topics in an engaging and interactive way.