Revision Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Third Term

Week: 12

Topic: Review and Revision Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes

Objective Questions:

  1. Prophet Musa (AS) was born during the time of ___________. a) Prophet Isa b) Prophet Muhammad c) Pharaoh d) King Solomon
  2. Musa’s mother saved him by placing him in a ___________. a) basket b) cave c) palace d) house
  3. Allah chose Musa as a ___________. a) king b) prophet c) soldier d) merchant
  4. Musa grew up in the palace of ___________. a) a shepherd b) a doctor c) Pharaoh d) a farmer
  5. Musa spoke to Allah through a ___________. a) tree b) river c) burning bush d) mountain
  6. Allah commanded Musa to free the ___________. a) Romans b) Israelites c) Egyptians d) Greeks
  7. Pharaoh rejected Musa’s request and challenged his ___________. a) authority b) wealth c) strength d) kindness
  8. Despite Pharaoh’s opposition, Musa remained ___________. a) confused b) scared c) steadfast d) happy
  9. Musa’s relationship with Pharaoh teaches us to stand against ___________. a) kindness b) injustice c) happiness d) laziness
  10. Musa’s patience and perseverance teach us to remain ___________. a) quiet b) scared c) steadfast d) lazy
  11. Like Musa, we should trust in Allah’s ___________. a) mistakes b) guidance c) anger d) sadness
  12. We should speak up against ___________ in our daily lives. a) kindness b) wrongdoing c) happiness d) cleanliness
  13. Musa teaches us the importance of ___________ in difficult times. a) laziness b) bravery c) sadness d) perseverance
  14. We should seek Allah’s help and guidance in all ___________. a) sadness b) happiness c) situations d) laziness
  15. Musa’s story teaches us valuable ___________ for our daily lives. a) lessons b) games c) songs d) stories
  16. Punctuality means being __________ for events or activities. a) late b) early c) absent d) sleepy
  17. Cleanliness involves keeping things __________ and tidy. a) dirty b) messy c) neat d) colorful
  18. Punctuality and cleanliness are needed at __________. a) playgrounds b) libraries c) schools d) cinemas
  19. Being punctual at school means __________ on time for classes. a) sleeping b) arriving c) leaving d) skipping
  20. Cleanliness is important in the __________ to prevent sickness. a) kitchen b) bathroom c) hospital d) park
  21. Punctuality shows __________ for others’ time. a) disrespect b) kindness c) sadness d) happiness
  22. We need to be punctual when going to the __________. a) beach b) mosque c) zoo d) cinema
  23. Cleanliness keeps our surroundings __________. a) dark b) dirty c) bright d) clean
  24. Being punctual at the mosque means attending __________. a) lectures b) prayers c) parties d) games
  25. Cleanliness helps us stay __________. a) healthy b) sick c) tired d) angry
  26. Punctuality is needed when meeting __________. a) friends b) pets c) toys d) monsters
  27. Cleanliness is important in keeping our __________ clean. a) hair b) toys c) books d) body
  28. Punctuality and cleanliness are part of __________ conduct. a) rude b) virtuous c) lazy d) noisy
  29. Being punctual at home means helping with __________. a) sleeping b) cooking c) playing d) watching TV
  30. Cleanliness is important in keeping our __________ clean. a) room b) school bag c) shoes d) bed

The Story of Prophet Musa (AS): Lessons for Daily Life Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Theory Questions:

  1. Who was Prophet Musa (AS)?
  2. How was Prophet Musa (AS) chosen as a prophet?
  3. What was Prophet Musa’s (AS) relationship with Fir’awn?
  4. Can you name one miracle of Prophet Musa (AS)?
  5. Why is Prophet Musa’s (AS) story important for Muslims?
  6. How can we apply the lessons from Prophet Musa’s (AS) life to our daily activities?
  7. What qualities did Prophet Musa (AS) demonstrate in his confrontation with Fir’awn?
  8. How did Prophet Musa (AS) show courage in standing up against injustice?
  9. What can we learn from Prophet Musa’s (AS) leadership?
  10. Why is it important to listen and learn from the stories of prophets?
  11. What does punctuality mean?
  12. Where is punctuality needed?
  13. Explain why punctuality is important.
  14. Define cleanliness.
  15. Name a place where cleanliness is essential.
  16. Why should we keep our surroundings clean?
  17. How does being punctual show respect for others?
  18. Name a place where you need to be on time every day.
  19. How does cleanliness contribute to good health?
  20. Why is it important to be clean at school?

Virtuous Conduct: Punctuality and Cleanliness in Islam Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10

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