Virtuous Conduct: Punctuality and Cleanliness in Islam Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Third Term

Week: 10

Topic: Virtuous Conduct in Islam

Sub-topic: Understanding Punctuality and Cleanliness

Duration: 45 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will define punctuality and cleanliness.
  • Students will identify places where punctuality and cleanliness are needed.
  • Students will justify the importance of punctuality and cleanliness.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures depicting punctuality and cleanliness
  • Flashcards with examples of punctuality and cleanliness

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Start by asking students about their daily routines and how they keep their surroundings clean.
  • Discuss the importance of being on time for school and why it’s essential to keep their classrooms tidy.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking: Students will reflect on the importance of punctuality and cleanliness in their daily lives.
  • Communication: Students will express their understanding of the topic through discussions and activities.


  1. Meaning of Punctuality and Cleanliness:
    • Punctuality means being on time ⏰.
    • Cleanliness means keeping things neat and tidy 🧹.
  2. Places Where Punctuality and Cleanliness are Needed:
    • School 🏫: Arriving on time for classes and keeping classrooms clean.
    • Mosque 🕌: Being punctual for prayers and keeping the mosque clean.
    • Home 🏡: Helping with chores and keeping rooms tidy.
  3. Importance of Punctuality and Cleanliness:
    • Punctuality helps us manage time better and shows respect for others’ time.
    • Cleanliness prevents diseases and creates a pleasant environment for everyone.
    • Being punctual and clean is part of being a good Muslim and pleasing to Allah.

Evaluation :

  1. Punctuality means being __________ for events or activities. a) late b) early c) absent d) sleepy
  2. Cleanliness involves keeping things __________ and tidy. a) dirty b) messy c) neat d) colorful
  3. Punctuality and cleanliness are needed at __________. a) playgrounds b) libraries c) schools d) cinemas
  4. Being punctual at school means __________ on time for classes. a) sleeping b) arriving c) leaving d) skipping
  5. Cleanliness is important in the __________ to prevent sickness. a) kitchen b) bathroom c) hospital d) park
  6. Punctuality shows __________ for others’ time. a) disrespect b) kindness c) sadness d) happiness
  7. We need to be punctual when going to the __________. a) beach b) mosque c) zoo d) cinema
  8. Cleanliness keeps our surroundings __________. a) dark b) dirty c) bright d) clean
  9. Being punctual at the mosque means attending __________. a) lectures b) prayers c) parties d) games
  10. Cleanliness helps us stay __________. a) healthy b) sick c) tired d) angry
  11. Punctuality is needed when meeting __________. a) friends b) pets c) toys d) monsters
  12. Cleanliness is important in keeping our __________ clean. a) hair b) toys c) books d) body
  13. Punctuality and cleanliness are part of __________ conduct. a) rude b) virtuous c) lazy d) noisy
  14. Being punctual at home means helping with __________. a) sleeping b) cooking c) playing d) watching TV
  15. Cleanliness is important in keeping our __________ clean. a) room b) school bag c) shoes d) bed

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What does punctuality mean?
    • Punctuality means being on time for things like school, prayers, and events.
  2. What is cleanliness?
    • Cleanliness means keeping things neat and tidy, like our rooms and clothes.
  3. Where do we need to be punctual?
    • We need to be on time at school, the mosque for prayers, and even at home.
  4. Where is cleanliness important?
    • Cleanliness is important at school, home, and places of worship like the mosque.
  5. Why is punctuality important?
    • Punctuality is important because it helps us manage our time well and shows respect for others.
  6. Why is cleanliness important?
    • Cleanliness is important because it keeps us healthy and creates a nice environment for everyone.
  7. What happens if we are not punctual?
    • If we are not punctual, we might miss important things like lessons or prayers.
  8. How does cleanliness affect our health?
    • Cleanliness helps prevent sickness and keeps us feeling good and energetic.
  9. Where can we practice punctuality at home?
    • We can practice punctuality by waking up on time and doing our chores promptly.
  10. Where can we practice cleanliness at school?
    • We can practice cleanliness by keeping our desks tidy and throwing trash in the bin.
  11. Why should we be punctual at the mosque?
    • We should be punctual at the mosque to join the congregation for prayers on time.
  12. How can cleanliness affect our mood?
    • Cleanliness can make us feel happy and comfortable in our surroundings.
  13. Is it important to be punctual only at school?
    • No, it’s important to be punctual everywhere, like at home, mosque, and even when meeting friends.
  14. Why should we keep our rooms clean?
    • Keeping our rooms clean helps us find things easily and makes us feel calm and relaxed.
  15. Can we be clean only on special occasions?
    • No, cleanliness is important every day to stay healthy and feel good about ourselves.
  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Recap the previous lesson on the teachings of Islam.
    • Introduce the topic of virtuous conduct, focusing on punctuality and cleanliness.
  2. Definition and Meaning (10 minutes):
    • Define punctuality as being on time for events or activities.
    • Define cleanliness as keeping things neat and tidy.
    • Use visuals and examples to explain these concepts.
  3. Places Requiring Punctuality and Cleanliness (10 minutes):
    • Discuss places where punctuality is needed, such as school, mosque, and appointments.
    • Discuss places where cleanliness is essential, such as home, school, and places of worship.
  4. Importance of Punctuality and Cleanliness (10 minutes):
    • Explain why punctuality is important for managing time and showing respect.
    • Discuss how cleanliness contributes to good health and a pleasant environment.


  • Use a combination of storytelling, visual aids, and interactive discussions to engage students throughout the lesson.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

  • Allow students to share their experiences and thoughts on being punctual and clean.
  • Correct any misconceptions and provide additional explanations as needed.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present definitions of punctuality and cleanliness.
  • Facilitate discussions on the importance of punctuality and cleanliness.
  • Use examples and visuals to reinforce key concepts.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanations.
  • Participate in discussions by sharing their understanding and experiences.
  • Engage in activities to reinforce learning, such as group discussions and role-playing.


  • Monitor students’ participation and engagement during discussions.
  • Assess students’ understanding through responses to questions and activities.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does punctuality mean?
  2. Where is punctuality needed?
  3. Explain why punctuality is important.
  4. Define cleanliness.
  5. Name a place where cleanliness is essential.
  6. Why should we keep our surroundings clean?
  7. How does being punctual show respect for others?
  8. Name a place where you need to be on time every day.
  9. How does cleanliness contribute to good health?
  10. Why is it important to be clean at school?


  • Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.
  • Encourage students to practice punctuality and cleanliness in their daily lives.
  • Provide feedback and corrections as necessary.
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